Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1402: Cardinals in front!

The student asked: "Which point? I think our action this time is perfect!"

More than a dozen of them killed nearly 2,000 people, and the other side was still a vicious mercenary, who was simply a criminal.

What is not perfect.

"I'm not talking about this!" Yan Wang said, "It's humans. We killed too many people. We can't let the world know about this. Otherwise, we will have trouble with public opinion, and it will not help us in China. The spray..."

"Yes, Yan Wang, you are right. We didn't think of this. Fortunately, you thought of it!" Zhang Feng said, "But how do you do this?"

So many people disappeared, it is almost impossible to have no traces.

If someone who wants to investigate, they can find out the disappearance of these people at once.

The choreographer said: "The members of the Death Scythe Mercenary Corps almost have one thing in common. Most of them are vagrants. They have no family or men from primitive tribes. It would be very difficult to investigate these people!"

"There is a way to let someone live in the Reaper's Scythe resident and give them weapons. This will soon become a small force, and it will replace the Reaper's Scythe mercenary group!" The dancer continued, "And the new power is not There will be any hostility towards us!"

This is a very good strategy that will relieve the pressure of public opinion at once.

"I think this is feasible!" the student said.

"There is nothing better than this!" Li Jian said: "Oh, yes, maybe we can control this force!"

Hades nodded, and thought it was feasible. He said, "Tyrannosaurus, you can do this!"

"Okay!" Li Jian did not grind, and drove back.

Li Jian's temperament is easy to get angry and careful, thinking about things very thoughtfully, it is appropriate to leave this matter to him.

Zhang Feng and others set off toward the valley by helicopter, and others drove over, and according to the scheduled plan, they handed over the vehicles of the Death Scythe Mercenary Corps for sale. These vehicles would disappear in the huge second-hand car market.

Nine out of ten cars in Africa are second-hand cars, and one is a luxury car of those local tyrants.

The helicopter is refueling at the gas station on the border of Wanda. Refueling is free because the oil here is cheaper than water.

Let alone Alfonso’s helicopter, how dare they collect money.

Two hours later, they reached the valley when the sky was still dark.


As soon as he got off the helicopter, Zhang Feng found that something was wrong. Someone had come after they left!

Zhang Feng had an ominous premonition, and immediately ran over and saw that there was a big pit where the gold was originally buried, and the gold was gone.

Everyone was stunned on the spot, what is going on? At first I wanted to take away the gold after all the things were resolved, but after solving the Death Scythe mercenary group, I thought that leaving the gold there might be an accident. Now it seems that there is a real accident.

Zhang Feng looked not far away and immediately called Chen Wanru.

"Zhang Feng, how are you doing?" Chen Wanru asked.

Listening to her voice, Zhang Feng knew that there was nothing wrong with her.

But Zhang Feng still asked: "Everything else is fine, do you see any problems with the equipment that monitors gold?"

"All other questions are okay"? That means there are still problems.

Zhang Feng said he was not impatient or impatient, so he waited for Chen Wanru to report the news back.

"Wait! Don't hang up the phone!" Chen Wanru said as she started to operate the computer.

In less than two minutes, Chen Wanru said, "There is no problem, I can see you standing there."

Zhang Feng looked at the hidden surveillance over there and said, "Which side do I use to hold the phone?"

"Left hand, Hades stands behind you!" Chen Wanru said.

In this way, there is no problem with monitoring, but if the gold here is dug away, the monitoring can't see it?

"Did you see the pit behind me?" Zhang Feng asked.

"No!" Chen Wanru only discovered the problem: "Did you find the pit when you got there?"

"Yes, the gold is gone!" Zhang Feng also raised the problem.

Chen Wanru said in a deep voice, "Give me twenty minutes!"

"it is good!"

Chen Wanru hung up the phone, and Zhang Feng was waiting here.

At the same time, they were looking for the scene in a hurry, but no suspicious wheels were found five meters away from the gold, just near the gold.

"It's possible!"

The monkey who is good at tracking said: "The person who digged up our gold came in a helicopter. This helicopter was hoisting a small steam turbine stone excavator while hoisting the safe."

"The whole process will not take more than half an hour. Obviously, the other party has come here long ago!" The monkey analyzed, "It's for gold!"

Helicopter, premeditated!

These two words show that they have encountered another big problem. From the beginning to the present, Zhang Feng and the others have been in the calculation of each other. This is terrifying.

Zhang Feng was silent, sitting there smoking a cigarette, he was thinking about what went wrong. Could it be that Alfonso did this?

He doesn't have the guts yet.

Even if he had the guts, the gold was shipped back to Wanda, the city of Wanda and even the military, and his government buildings were full of eyeliners from his own intelligence network. Where could he hide?

Even if he does not transport the gold back to Wanda City, but directly transports it out of the country, there will be a lot of movement, and it is impossible for the intelligence network to find out!

So Alfonso was excluded.

Then there is only one, the other forces!

The power in this area is very clear, there are not many, Wanda government forces, resistance forces, terrorist organizations, and mercenary groups that exist in various names.

Except for the Black Dragon Mercenary Corps, Zhang Feng can control or infiltrate, only the Black Dragon Mercenary Corps cannot penetrate.

Who else is there then?

Zhang Feng couldn't think of it.

Twenty minutes soon arrived. Chen Wanru called as promised and said: "It was found out that our network system was hacked. The other party's purpose was very clear. It was to change the screen of monitoring gold. After completion, the black hand Disappear! We have not lost any secrets!"

"Who did it?" Zhang Feng asked.

This kind of taste is uncomfortable, so I did it so desperately, and finally achieved them, I have to breathe out this breath.

Chen Wanru said: "It's not very sure at the moment, but I found out that this black hand is from the United States!"


"Is it IBF?"

Zhang Feng thought, only they have this ability.

"No, from the folk!" Chen Wanru said: "This black hand is quick to stop, leaving no traces, it is difficult to find, the clue has been broken!"


Zhang Feng took a deep breath and said, "Can't you find your energy?"

"It's like a ball of cotton. What's the use of hitting it with more vigorous fists?" Chen Wanru asked him back, feeling bad.

Something unexpected happened, who can make it easier?

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