Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1406: Green channel

Chapter 1406: Green Channel

Seeing Zhang Feng smiling but not smiling, Kumanton smiled in his heart because he knew that this person had come to give himself money.

Among the entire Wanda government positions, the position here is the fattest job, but he does not want to lose his job because of this.

This person has since claimed that he knows his immediate boss, and it seems that he needs to confirm it.

"Mr. Zhang, you said you know our mayor, do you have his phone number?" Mr. Coomanton asked.

Zhang Feng knew he didn't believe it and wanted to confirm it. Zhang Feng smiled and said, "Of course there is. I will call him now."

Kumanton nodded. He really didn't believe that this Chinese businessman could know Alfonso aloft, and even if he had a phone number, it was just the phone number of the secretary in the government office, right?

In Kumanton's doubts, Zhang Feng was already on the phone, and he was connected at once, and Zhang Feng deliberately pressed the hands-free button.

Alfonso spoke first: "Mr. Zhang, have you done everything right?"

"Mr. Alfonso, my matter is being processed. Thank you very much for your help and your subordinates. They are very friendly. Please express my gratitude to them on my behalf!"

Zhang Feng looked at Kumanton who had stood up in surprise and smiled. This was the smile of the winner.

"Mr. Zhang is polite. It is my honor to be able to help you. If you have anything I can help, please don't hesitate to say it!" Alfonso said.

"Haha, yes, if I need to, I will definitely go to Mr. Alfonso, then do this first, after I finish my business, I must go to Mr. Alfonso for a drink when I get to Wanda City!"

"Well, I look forward to Mr. Zhang's arrival!"

Zhang Feng hung up the phone first.

Mr. Comanton was stunned. He could naturally hear the voice of his superior. This can't be wrong, Mr. Comanton is very clear about this.

This person really knows Alfonso, and Alfonso is very kind to him, and he has a lot of energy to come to him.

Zhang Feng put away his mobile phone. Although he is short of time now, he still can't be impatient. He smiled and said, "Mr. Comanton, I have kept you waiting!"

"It's okay, it's okay, what business Mr. Zhang wants to handle, please don't hesitate to tell me, I will do it for you myself!" Mr. Coomanton's attitude towards Zhang Feng took a big turn.

Zhang Feng laughed. Someone on the above felt that it was really good. Zhang Feng took out the documents that had been prepared with several papers, and the documents were swollen, handed them over, and then said: "I want to check a list to the U.S. American ships!"

Comanton had seen the two large stacks of money in the file. He smiled on his face. He was able to work for the boss's friends and had income. It can be said that he was very happy to do it.

"It's so difficult. I will take Mr. Zhang to the office personally!" Mr. Comanton said he wanted to put the files in the drawer and take Zhang Feng out.

"Please!" Zhang Feng smiled.


Things were done quickly, and Zhang Feng got what he wanted, which was supposed to be illegal, but that hand was aimed at ordinary people.

Zhang Feng took a piece of paper printed by Mr. Comanton and walked out of the office building. Someone was waiting at the door. Zhang Feng handed the paper to Yan Wang and said, "Comanton has all said hello. We need to check this. Ten ships, it’s a bit difficult!"

"Don't worry, as long as there is official support here, we can lock the target in the fastest time, but I am worried about two problems!" He said he stopped.

Zhang Feng said: "No more on the list, or not going to sea!"

"Yes!" said Yan Wang, "but we can only do this!"

"Go!" Zhang Feng said solemnly.

The tasks were assigned, and they went to investigate. Because of Comanton’s support, they proceeded very smoothly, and Comanton would even send someone to assist, although he didn’t know what this group of Chinese people were looking for. This has nothing to do with him. relationship.

What you need to know is that you only need to serve your superiors.

From last night to now, all freighters leaving Hong Kong for the United States have been tracked down, warehouses and accounts are checked.

But after a few hours, they found nothing, this method may not work.

Zhang Feng has contacted the Blood Slaughter Brigade several times. From the early morning to now, they have called many tribes. They still haven't found Hu Xinting. Zhang Feng asked them to continue searching.

At the same time, Zhang Feng got news about Mike from Chen Wanru. He was not at home, and the house was in a mess, as if he had been robbed, and the hospital where his mother was hospitalized was also missing his mother.

As a result, Mike's situation is confusing, and the police are also looking for them, so far there is no whereabouts.

Chen Wanru said, "I suspect Mike did it!"

"How do you say?" Zhang Feng did not understand.

"Our intelligence network system has the top security level in the world. If you want to break it, even the most powerful hacker can't do it in a few hours, and it's still silent. There is only one possibility. Only those who understand this network system can do it!"

Chen Wanru continued: "Mike is missing, and her mother who is still in hospital is also missing. That's the only possibility!"

"He was threatened!" Zhang Feng said.


If this is the case, then the problem is big, because Zhang Feng and the group have been targeted again, and they also know that Mike used Mike's hacking methods to steal gold.

Maybe they had been preparing before Zhang Feng arrived in Wanda, or they had been watching since the establishment of Golden Wolf.

It seems that the other party has a lot of energy, not only knowing Zhang Feng and the others, but also staring at the head of Golden Wolf.

Who are they?

Chen Wanru said: "Your information was leaked at the time, and we have always been passive here!"

Speaking of this, it is now inevitable.

"I'll get these people out!" Zhang Feng said viciously.

"You continue to check at the port, and I will also step up time here, and I will contact you as soon as I have news!"

"it is good!"

After hanging up the phone, Comanton's secretary found Zhang Feng, so Mr. Comanton invited Zhang Feng to dinner.

Zhang Feng looked at the watch on his wrist. It turned out that it was almost late. Time flies!

But now, where does Zhang Feng have extra time to eat with him?

But when Zhang Feng looked at Yan Wang, Yan Wang nodded, and Zhang Feng had to accept Comanton's invitation.

The secretary said he also invited Yan Wang, and Yan Wang readily responded.

The two followed the secretary to Comanton's private house, which was not very luxurious, but a two-story building, several hundred meters away from the port.

Others continued to search, not daring to relax. According to Chen Wanru's intelligence, it is extremely possible that the gold went to sea through here.

But when the intelligence is wrong, they have no choice now.

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