Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1409: Solve the battle

"Who are you?" Zhang Feng looked at him coldly, as if looking at a dead person.

Yes, he was already dead in Zhang Feng's eyes at this moment.

Just because of Zhang Feng's skill, he believed that he could kill him before he fell, and he could kill two at the same time. He made a profit.

So I'm not afraid at all.

"Me? Yeah, you are going to die, your first one is going to die in my hands, haha, tell you, you can be called Johnson, but I prefer others to call me the python of the desert, haha... "Johnson laughed wildly. He didn't care about the two who ran away, because Zhang Feng is such a scumbag, and even more so with his men. I don't know where he has fled now.

They were shocked by their own firepower and ran away. Johnson wanted the result.

He seemed to have forgotten that Zhang Feng's weapon had not been confiscated yet, so he angered Zhang Feng.

Yes, now his sniper is aiming at Zhang Feng's head.

"Crazy man, the sniper has changed positions. I haven't found him yet. If possible, let him shoot!"

The judge's voice came from Zhang Feng's headset. The missions of the judge and Fan Yongxi had been exchanged. Fan Yongxi killed Gatling, and he found the sniper.

"Really?" Zhang Feng sneered.

Johnson looked at Zhang Feng's evil smiling face, his mind turned rapidly, he had a foreboding that danger was coming, and he wanted to pull his feet back.

But just when his foot was about to withdraw, Zhang Feng moved, grabbing his foot with one hand, and the hand with the saber hidden toward Johnson's lifeline, and at the same time his body moved while violent.


Johnson was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect Zhang Feng to suddenly rise up. Before he could react, a burst of pain that made him almost dizzy came from the root of his life. Then he screamed: "Ah..."

Covering the crotch with both hands, there is nothing I can do. The black-faced people from the other side were all attracted by this sound. That's how the King and the others got the chance. They also violently shot, and they hadn’t fallen yet. At that time, Hades and the others lay on the ground with their bodies, and then rolled to the side.

When the automatic intelligent Gatling wanted to shoot, Fan Yongxi shot the machine gun in the wrong direction, but he shot it. Then Fan Yongxi made a shot, and the machine gun stopped moving.

Johnson's sniper did not shoot because Zhang Feng had been behind Johnson.

In order to allow him to shoot, Zhang Feng pulled his saber from under Johnson's crotch, and opened a big hole there. With Johnson's scream again, Zhang Feng's body flashed out.


At this moment, the sniper fired, and the bullet hit Zhang Feng's chest, knocking him out of two meters and falling to the ground.


The sniper had no chance to fire a second shot. The large sniper bullet in the judge's hand penetrated his scope, then entered his eyes, and then most of his brain exploded.

It was quiet, the battle was almost over, oh yes, and Johnson's screams, he collapsed on the ground, his body covered in blood.

There is only the person who remotely controls the Gatling gun, and he must not dare to appear now, because such a person knows that if he does, he will undoubtedly die.

"Crazy man, how are you?"

The King Hades has arrived in front of Zhang Feng. Just now everyone saw that Zhang Feng took a sniper bullet. It was an armor-piercing bullet. Fortunately, it was not an armor-piercing incendiary.

Everyone looked at Zhang Feng nervously. Everyone saw the scene and felt a little weird. Zhang Feng was hit by a bullet and flew out strangely. Now there is no blood on his body.

But now Zhang Feng's eyes are still open, but a little blood comes out from the corners of his mouth.

"Tmd, it's dangerous!" Zhang Feng violently said.

This foul language became everyone's gospel, a lunatic is a lunatic, and it blocked the bullet of the gathering hand.

Zhang Feng went on to say: "Go and find that person!" Johnson, who was dying of blood on the ground, said: "Don't let him die!"

Xu Wenhao has already gone up. He knows a little bit of medical skills and can act as a field doctor, where he treats the wounds for Johnson. The conditions are limited and simple treatment is required, as long as he does not die.

In addition, Caldera, Silgarva and others went to search.

The person who kicked Caldera just now died miserably. Caldera’s handling methods were simple and rude. After Zhang Feng started his hand, he reacted immediately, turning around, holding the person’s head with both hands, and twisting vigorously At the same time, because the speed was fast enough and the force was too strong, the head was screwed off.

The blood sprayed to Caldera's face, he didn't care, he drew his gun and shot at the fastest speed, killing both of them instantly.

He wiped his face and walked over to Zhang Feng's side, his face full of anxiety.

"Judge, you two stay still, pay close attention to your surroundings!" Yan Wang said to the judge and Fan Yongxi.

"The judge received!"

"Yongxi received!"

Fan Yongxi felt a little airy, because he could participate in the battle in a real sense and completed the task perfectly.

But he quickly settled, because there was a sniper who was even more powerful than him. Fan Yongxi couldn't do it with the shot the judge just now.

Giving him another seven or eight years and talents may reach the height of a judge.

He also feels honored to be able to fight with the judge.


In a sturdy reinforced concrete room, Johnson was lying on a dilapidated bed. He was sweating coldly. Xu Wenhao spent five minutes getting some good things in a small drugstore in the village, and then it took another two minutes to prepare them. A little thing, and then injected Johnson, he didn't feel pain now, he was excited, but his mind was clear.

Caldera and the others waited outside, Zhang Feng, Yan Wang, the dancer, and Xu Wenhao in the room.

"Mr. Johnson, go ahead!" Zhang Feng said to him softly, in a very soft tone without giving him any pressure.

Johnson looked very embarrassed, his speech trembling, a pair of dead fish eyes staring at Zhang Feng, his feet were also shaking, and there was a lot of blood stains at the root of his life, and he didn't know how Xu Wenhao got it.

After Xu Wenhao took the task just now, he took a sigh of relief, because the scene was so spectacular, he hadn't seen anything like this before, and Brother Feng really got it off!

"I, I don't know you, you, what do you say!" Johnson said hard.

Zhang Feng said, "You know what I want to know. Let's talk. Be refreshed. I have very little time and you can suffer less."

"If I guessed right, you got information about me, so you know my methods!"

"just kill me!"

"No, no, you know I didn't go home and killed you like this. You still say that, are you a man?"

Zhang Feng didn't feel ashamed when he said this. Not only did he cut and stabbed him, he also scratched a big hole. What kind of man could Johnson be!

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