Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1413: Old K's ambition

After laughing, he started to call, K turned off the computer and took out the phone to call.

After a while, the phone was connected, and old K said: "Mr. Vasi, it's been a long time since we saw you, how are you?

There was silence on the phone and said, "K, didn't I say not to call me?"

"Mr. Vathy, this time, I have a good thing to share with you, and a good thing to share with old friends, how about it?" Old K smiled.

"No, K, I'm not interested in those things about you, I'm old, I want to live my last time!"

"Haha, Mr. Vasi, don’t tell me this kind of thing. What is our relationship? Haha, don’t I know what you think? We don’t want to say anything else. I do have one here. Good thing, I think you must be interested. I know you still have a lot of things to do and complete. You don’t want to bring your wireless regret into the coffin, Mr. Vassy, ​​the development of your mafia has reached a bottleneck. Those politicians have been spying on you for a long time, and you have influenced them. Do you want to happen again for more than a hundred years? Mr. Vasi, if you can do something in your lifetime that will allow your organization to last forever, future generations Are you all admired and worshipped? Don't you want to do this? Now there is a chance."

"What's the matter?" Vasi said in an old voice.

"Haha!" Old K laughed, and smiled as if he had succeeded in trickery: "Things in Area 52!"

After another seven or eight seconds of silence on the phone, he said: "Impossible, you can't get the things in Area 52. It has been secretly rebuilt there. Only one person can bring out the things that were missed before. You can't know!"

"He is Tyrone, right?"

"how do you know?"

"Tyrone is in my hands!"


"Haha, Mr. Vasi, don't you know you are interested?"

"Wait until you get something from him!"

"Haha, I'll get it soon, now I'm going to tell you first, oh yes, he has another name!"

"what is it call?"

"Zhang Feng, his real name is Zhang Feng, maybe he has other names, such as Zhang Lao Er, actor, and Su Chuan."

"It's him!!"

"I think he is Mr. Vathy's old acquaintance!"

"Yes, I won't let him go!"

Old K laughed, and finally pulled him in!

"Don't worry, haha, when I ask him to tell me everything about Area 52, he is yours!" Old K smiled.

Vasi hung up the phone first. Old K didn't feel any upset. They were old acquaintances, and the talks were over.

Next, Old K planned to meet this person who made it possible to stand on top of the world.

He didn't expect that Zhang Feng would be able to catch Zhang Feng so easily. In the intelligence, Zhang Feng is very powerful, and his team. Old K deeply knows that no team in this world can be without suspense. Catch them alive.

Johnson was sought to kill them, not to live.

Old K is old K. He can't do things that he is not sure about. Even if he can't kill Zhang Feng and others, it's okay. It's just an attempt.

With the things in Area 52, with his strong financial and manpower, it is certainly not worse than Area 52. He had heard that Area 52 was studying terrible things many years ago, until he got information about Area 52 being broken into. After the incident, he obtained information about this person, and he believed it, believing that the things in Area 52 were true, and they were already very accomplished.

He wanted these things very much, and now he can do so soon.

Who is his hero? Naturally, it was the little hacker. His energy was too great. Even the knowledgeable old K felt scared, because if the hacker wanted to know something about him, it was simply too simple.

So, he wants a hacker, a top hacker in the world.

Of course, this matter did not go so smoothly. It could only be lured by coercion and profit.

Old K personally came to his great hero.

In a heavily surrounded room, Old K saw the little hacker. The lights were a little dark and the furnishings inside were simple.

The most conspicuous thing is that there are five or six 32-inch display screens on a three-meter-long table by the window. The display screens are all densely coded. In front of the display screen sits a thin, blond teenager.

The boy's eyes were fixed on the screen, his hands tapping on the keyboard, the speed was dazzling.

He didn't even know someone came in.

There was a person standing behind the teenager, who was staring at the code on the screen, who was the supervisor.

"Mike!" Old K went in and shouted happily.

He was very satisfied with such a talent, and it took a very small price to get this genius.

The boy's name was Mike, and everyone called him Mike. In fact, he still has another name, Flying Max.

This is where people in the industry know his name.

At the same time, he had many fake names for convenience.

Mike didn't answer him, and Old K was not angry. He nodded in satisfaction and said, "Okay, haha, after finishing this matter, I will let your mother talk to you on the phone!"

"You do what you say, if my mother gets hurt, I won't let you go unless you kill me!"

Mike finally spoke, and while speaking, his hands were still tapping the keyboard.

"Haha, don't worry, as long as you do my affairs well, not only will your mother be safe, but also the best medical resources in the world will be allowed for her to receive!"

Old K made a bad check, but Mike could only choose to believe it, because he had no choice.

"Watch him well!"

Old K said to the people behind Mike.

"Yes, boss!"

Old K went out, he wanted to see Zhang Feng alone.

Zhang Feng was locked at the bottom of the cruise ship, with only one passage in and out. Johnson's men stood at the door. They made a table and played cards around there.

Seeing the old K coming over, he just got up to show that they were Johnson's subordinates, and the old K was Johnson's patrons. Since they were Johnson's subordinates, I should show them to the old K.

But a few of his men didn't say anything.

"I want to see Zhang Feng!" Old K said.

Hades nodded and opened the door to let him in.

Did not stop the two men behind Old K from following up.

After they entered, the King of Hades glanced at each other, and the action started, unexpectedly coming so quickly.

Several villains tasked.

Tyrannosaurus Li Jian and Monkey went to control the weapon arsenal; Yama and his students followed Old K, and the jackal and the judge continued to guard here.

A few hours ago, Johnson's hands pressed Zhang Feng into the closed space at the bottom of the cruise ship. He was really locked up. The old K sent someone to see him.

Johnson was indeed arranged in the medical room, but Johnson was trying to escape. He knew that there would be a big battle here soon, and he wanted to escape Zhang Feng's clutches.

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