Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1415: regret but too late

Before old K died, the last consciousness in his mind was: regret!

What he regrets is to provoke such a person. Now he has no chance to regret it. He has the wealth of an invincible country and many women. These are what he has gained for most of his life, and now he has become someone else's.

Falling to the ground, he could still feel a lot of blood flowing out of the wound on his neck, and his body quickly became cold, he had no strength to scream, he didn't even have the strength to open his eyes, and completely lost consciousness.

Zhang Feng and the three of them ignored the old K's body and took his mobile phone from K's body.

"What happened to you?" Yan Wang took out his cell phone and called Li Jian and the others.

Li Jian said: "Already controlled!"

"There are 30 old K's bodyguards on the cruise ship, all of them have weapons, and they haven't found them yet." The student said.

"Okay, get rid of them and take control of this cruise ship!" Yan Wang said.

"Roger that!"

"Roger that!"

Then they got weapons from Old K's men and went out. They moved separately. It was simply too simple to deal with Old K's bodyguards.

The judge got a second-class sniper rifle in the weapon arsenal. He aimed at the tower and called the name.

Cruise ships like Old K have so many bodyguards and an arsenal. They have to maintain the stability of hundreds of people on the cruise ship, and beware of piracy. The guys in the arsenal are very wide.

In less than half an hour, all of K's men were solved, most of which were solved by the judge.

The first control is the cab, which shields all signals, destroys the nautical diary, and all monitoring.

The people on the entire cruise ship panicked. They thought they had encountered pirates, very powerful pirates.

They are calculating how much money they have to get out.

None of the people who can come on this cruise ship are poor.

The king of Hades went to the broadcast room to speak, in English, and he said: "This cruise ship has been controlled by us. All of you are squatting in an open place. If you are dishonest, throw it away and feed the fish!"

All the people ran to the middle of the cruise ship in a panic. There was an open area. Caldera and others had already boarded the ship. They all had black masks on their heads. They only showed a pair of eyes and wore auspicious clothes. They would not show any signs, such as Tattoos or something.

Their behavior is indeed a pirate.

The gigolo followed Caldera, walking among these rich men. They all squatted on the ground holding their heads in their hands, shaking with fear, especially the women, but they didn't see a child.

Yes, this is not a sightseeing cruise, but a fun cruise. Who will bring children?

Suddenly, two sturdy men violently violently, wanting to surprise the dancers, strode forward and jumped up, and three other men also rose.

Caldera stepped forward and punched a shirtless man who had jumped up. A big fist hit the man's chest, and the man's chest made a soft click, and then his body flew seven or eight meters away. , Fell to the ground, bleeding from his mouth, trying to support him, but fell down again and died.

Several other people had the same fate and were killed directly, with clean and cruel methods.

Moreover, the surrounding pirates with guns did not shoot. This was absolute force, which eliminated the impulse of some people to resist.

"Who else is coming?" Caldera roared, vomiting wildly. He spoke American English, which was very authentic.

This made everyone think that these people were real pirates, because when the king spoke, his English was a bit crappy, and Caldera was very authentic.

Most of the composition of pirates comes from all over the world, as everyone knows.

As for the local pirates that haunt the nearby seas, relatively speaking, they only want money and are easy to deal with. They can only be regarded as thieves, and they are the real pirates.

No one dared to respond to Caldera.

The Hades walked down and said loudly, "Everyone I walked by will show me your documents. If anyone doesn't have one, leave them to the sea!"

They took out the documents they carried with them, most of which were passports, and Hades had read them one by one.

Then Hades went into the cab and told Zhang Feng about the situation.

Zhang Feng was sitting there smoking the suffocating smoke. He just made a call. The Blood Slaughter Squad has not found Hu Xinting. It is already the third day, and Zhang Feng's heart is not calm.

He didn't know what he was thinking, and said: "Most of the people on the cruise ship are domestic, and more than 70% of these people are moths!"

"What do you plan to do?" Zhang Feng asked, he didn't care about these people.

"I want to beat them back and accept punishment!" Yan Wang said.

Ha ha!

Zhang Feng sneered: "Haha, it's useless!"

He naturally knew what Zhang Feng meant. How could he not know the tricks, he was a little helpless.

Finally, Zhang Feng said: "This is a shipwreck!"

Hades' heart shook, this is too cruel!

Zhang Feng asked, "Where are the others?"

"Most of them are rich people from all over the world!" Yan Wang said.

"You don't need to sympathize with them, the people who can come to this boat are either borers or poisonous insects. Fish in the sea like to eat!" Zhang Feng continued.

"it is good!"

"However, let's look at their ugly side first!" Zhang Feng said: "Look at how ugly they are!"

"This is acceptable!"

In fact, Yan Wang wanted to see whether they should die or not. Yan Wang and Zhang Feng both have a heart of justice, but Zhang Feng has some differences. He is also righteous and evil, and he never follows a routine. However, Yan Wang is orthodox, mostly It's a routine.

Regardless of good and evil, human life cannot be taken casually.

Zhang Feng is different, there is no room for sand in his eyes.

"Mad, there is a big discovery!"

At this moment, Li Jian's voice came from the headset in Zhang Feng's ear.

"What discovery?" Zhang Feng asked.

"I'll take him over to see you, I'm sure you will be happy!" There seemed to be something good in Li Jian's words.

"it is good!"

After a while, Li Jian came, but behind him was a thin young man with his head bowed and his body wearing glasses.

Zhang Feng recognized him at a glance and stepped forward and shouted, "Mike, is that you?"

Li Jian stepped aside and asked the boy to step forward. The boy raised his head with a sad face, afraid to look at people, and then lowered his head.

There is guilt in his heart, great guilt.

Zhang Feng stepped forward and hugged him and said excitedly: "Sure enough, it is you, haha, that's great!"

The Hell behind kept smiling and said, "Hehe, the flying Atlanta, that's right, the Atlanta is about to fly!"

"I, I'm sorry, it's my fault, I..." Mike said apologetically.

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