Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1417: Caused trouble?

Chapter 1417

"Yes, this is the nature of such people. They are not worthy of being human, not worthy of living, our world does not need them." Zhang Feng said.

The King of Hades was silent. He raised his eyes to look over there. Several people started fighting, and those who could not be beaten were thrown into the sea because the lifeboat would not be able to carry it if there were too many people.

Hades shook his head helplessly.

It didn't take a while until there was only one injured person on the lifeboat rowing desperately.

After a few minutes, he drew water outside with his hands alone, but this was useless sea water quickly filled the lifeboat, and he sank into the sea with a cry: Ah...

Several sharks ate him.

"Let's go!" Zhang Feng didn't bother to look.

Hades felt a little heavy in his heart. He had seen these high-class people, these rich people, in the face of life and death, they would be so ugly.

Now he doesn't sympathize with these people at all.

He slowly closed his eyes and took a short rest.

Soon the dancers drove the speedboat to pick them up, and they blew up the lifeboat.

On a hidden shore.

Zhang Feng is calling the old beggar.

"Old man, gold, I got it back for you! It took me half my life, do you want any reward? Hey..."

Zhang Feng is still the same, but the old beggar just eats it.

"When you find Hu Xinting and Hua Yao, they don't know if they are alive or dead. If they have any accidents, let alone I don't remind you, don't come back! That's it!"

The old beggar just hung up the phone, Zhang Feng looked dumbfounded. He could ask the old beggar for credit when he found the gold, but he didn't expect it to be so.

"Hehe, this old beggar is a bit abnormal!" Zhang Feng said quietly.

He has already called Golden Wolf Company and asked them to send a car to take the gold away and continue to transport it to the port.

In fact, they can faint the port directly, but this is not formal.

But the Golden Wolf Company said that they have a car at the port, so just come directly from there.

This is the best way. Yan Wang and others waited here. After waiting for a few hours, their car finally arrived and transported the gold to the port.

During this period, Zhang Feng made a call. It is particularly worth mentioning that it was made with K's phone.

Zhang Feng did not rush to speak, but the other party who had already answered the phone spoke.

"K, what's the matter with you, did Zhang Feng give you all the stuff from Area 52? I will tell you, but now there are many people staring at it..."

Vasi's a little worried voice came from the phone.

Zhang Feng still did not speak.

He went on to say: "K, why don't you talk, you were so happy too early, you brought Zhang Feng to me, how can we cooperate in a light manner again!"

The more Zhang Feng listened, the more angry he became, and this Vasi's face was too hateful.

Da Ka...

Zhang Feng crushed the phone, and the phone was scrapped. Everyone was surprised that the quality of this phone is still very good. It can be crushed by the power of the palm alone, which shows how powerful Zhang Feng is!

At the same time, seeing Zhang Feng’s anger, they are all curious, who is looking for death?

"It's Vasi, the Mafia!" Zhang Feng said the news.

Zhang Feng could hear what Old K said just now under the cruise ship, and what Vasi said on the phone, Zhang Feng's hearing is much better than them.

Hades knew this person, this person was a legend, and pushed the Mafia to the top, almost endangering the national level.

But even so, no one can shake him at the moment.

Now that Zhang Feng provoked such a person, it would not be a good thing, his energy was too great.

"I'll stop you, don't be so nervous. I'm just an old man. I visited him before! I also verbally agreed with him with a gentleman, but I didn't expect that he was not a gentleman at all. I am about to fall into the soil and believe him!"

Zhang Feng said this when everyone was silent.

"What?" Yan Wang was surprised: "Have you negotiated with him?"

This shows that Zhang Feng had already had a conflict with Vathy before, and now that the conflict has intensified, how could it be possible for a man like Vathy to let go of Zhang Feng, an African flat-headed animal.

And Zhang Feng believed him.

"I talked briefly, but I pointed a gun at his brain!" Zhang Feng said.


The King of Hades exhaled a big breath. He had already pointed his gun at him. What kind of gentleman's agreement did he say?

Li Jian and the others also took a breath.

"It's too risky!" Hades said.

Zhang Feng said: "Even if I didn't go to him, he would not come to me, because if he came to me, I would not let him go, but later he changed his mind. If so, then solve him. Up."

"Then we will go together!" Hell Wang said.

"Yes!" Li Jian and the others responded.

Zhang Feng smiled and said, "As for me, you still want to participate in this mess. I will do it myself."


Li Jian, who was driving, stopped in shock and looked back at Zhang Feng and said, "Crazy man, if you say this again, believe it or not, I will throw you down? TMD."

Li Jian exploded, but Zhang Feng listened with a smile on his face and was emotionally moved. This is the real comrade-in-arms, brother of life and death.

"Okay, I won't say, don't say!" Zhang Feng shut up.

There was silence in the carriage, and the current issue had not been resolved. Another issue had come, but they weren’t afraid of things either.

They have already died many times a long time ago, and they have seen a lot of duny things.

Naturally, they wouldn't pay attention to such a little thing, and they just rushed to it when the time came.

It's what it is like.

In fact, they are the ones who don't put their brains on their waistbands. They look cool, but they are actually very sad.

Just like those who have a little money, have a house and a car, or do a little business, they look good, and they are under the greatest pressure.

There is such a word that can be described as cruel: not as good as a dog!

But this boat can't get off after it has been up, and it will really become a dog, maybe it's a stray dog.

They are now going to the direction of the valley, no matter what, they will find Hu Xinting and Hua Yao, to see the dead and people.

Zhang Feng's mind was thinking of Hu Xinting's appearance, and what appeared in his mind was the Hu large school flower that he saw at Southwest University a few years ago. Her beautiful green smile fascinated the younger brother Zhang Feng. , There is a great thought in my heart that she will not marry.

But the ideal is full, but the reality is skinny, and he has now embarked on such a path of no return.

Zhang Feng was thinking, even if the two are together, what can I give her?

Hu family, he is unattainable. Hu Xinting said that he can wait until he stands at the same height as the Hu family. Is this really the case?

Especially now there are Yun Qian and the others.

Think about it, Zhang Feng has a headache!

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