Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1419: Hua Yao wakes up

Mike has long since followed Zhang Feng with all his heart, and he is constantly improving his hacking skills. He wants to be able to use it every time Zhang Feng needs his help in the future.

This is the only thing he can do, except that he is useless.

But what he cares most is his mother. He can give everything for her, even if he betrays Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng expressed his understanding and supported him. Not only was he not angry, he was also very happy.

A few hours later, there was news from Silgarva that Comanton had been killed, but there was an accident before that.

The Black Dragon Mercenary Corps intervened again and sent five people to the port, trying to intercept the gold. When Siljava arrived, she saw five people drinking tea in Comandon’s office. Siljava took them Serve it in one pot.

In Kumanton's office, the careful Silgava found the recorded audio resources, which are all evidence of conversations in his office.

Zhang Feng smiled, this was an unexpected gain, but Zhang Feng now has no intention of caring about this, and then sells Alfonso a big favor.

"Silgarva, you send this thing to Mike, let him deal with it a little bit before sending it to Alfonso!" Zhang Feng smiled.

This account will still be counted on the Black Dragon Mercenary Corps. There is no time to deal with them now. We will talk about them when we find Hu Xinting, and let them jump for a while.

After a while, Alfonso called Zhang Feng and said that he would like to thank Zhang Feng, thank Zhang Feng for removing such a thing for him, and said that if Zhang Feng needs help in the future, he must Will help.

What Zhang Feng wants is this effect, and Zhang Feng also said that this is just a matter of effort.

Alfonso also asked Zhang Feng what help he needed. After thinking about it, Zhang Feng asked him to help look at Golden Wolf Company.

"Small things, I immediately bring a division to station nearby, what do you think of Mr. Zhang?"

Zhang Feng was shocked, what is this going to do? A teacher!

"Haha, Mr. Alfonso, you are really joking, don't have to fight so hard!"

"Then send a regiment, there is a vacancy, to prevent those rebels!"

"Alright, there is the boundary of Wanda, Mr. Alfonso can just go!" Zhang Feng said.

"Don't worry, I won't interfere with your Golden Wolf company, your nationality is inserted there!"

Alfonso said a very crucial question.

Yes, there is a star flag floating on the gate of Golden Wolf Company.

Fifteen minutes after hanging up Alfonso's call, Zhang Feng received a message from the escorts of the Golden Wolf Company that the freighter had already been obtained, and Alfonso was helping him, and he was loading the ship.

this is a good news.

Zhang Feng immediately called Chen Wanru to inform him of the incident, and then they continued toward the valley to find Hu Xinting.

Hundreds of people have already looked for it, and a few days have passed, and there is still no clue. Zhang Feng and others are also going to find it, otherwise they are not relieved.

It has been a few days and no bodies have been found. This is good news, and it is likely that they are still alive.


In the primitive jungle of northern Wanda, there is a primitive tribe with a population of several hundred.

It’s isolated from the world for many years, and there is no modern thing in the tribe. The climate is hot, and no one wears clothes except for women wearing animal skins.

However, the front belly of the big man is covered with a pointed bamboo of about 20 centimeters, which allows them to shuttle quickly when hunting in the jungle without being injured in key parts.

But two people came a few days ago, breaking the calm that may have been here for hundreds of years.

These two people are Hu Xinting and Hua Yao.

On the morning of the fifth day, Hu Xinting got up early. To be precise, she was awakened. As soon as the sky broke, the people of the tribe got up and danced. Hu Xinting discovered that they spent the rest of the day except hunting, eating and sleeping. It's dancing, how satisfied and happy it is.

There are five or six people in the tribe who are over a hundred years old, and one of them is nearly one hundred and one, which surprised Hu Xinting.

Probably because everything here is primitive, air food.

Anyway, Hu Xinting likes the food here. Although it doesn't look so clean, it doesn't contain any chemicals.

And they all came from the hunting day, as long as there is enough food.

Hua Yao had already woke up, but his injuries were serious. Hu Xinting didn't know what method the old man used to detoxify Hua Yao. After several days of treatment, the wound on his back had gradually improved. It was so miraculous.

Because that was the poison of the Japanese people, it must be extremely poisonous, otherwise Hua Yao wouldn't be unconscious so quickly with Hua Yao's body.

Entering a cone thatched cottage, the door is a curtain made of some kind of animal skin.

Hua Yao was lying on the wooden shelf, the bed was covered with hay, and there was a small fire inside.

He hadn't woken up yet and was still very weak. Hu Xinting sat on the wooden pier and waited.

Someone came in right now. It was the chief of the tribe, a one-hundred-year-old man with wrinkles on his dark face, white hair, and a kind smile on his face.

He held a wooden cup in his hand with a white object, and Hu Xinting knew that it was the milk of a female bison that had just been squeezed out.

This is the milk for Hua Yao. It tastes strong, but it is very nutritious.

"Patriarch, you are here!" Hu Xinting said her own words while making gestures, very respectful.

The patriarch also said his own words, nodded and gave the wooden bowl to Hu Xinting, and then went out.

There are still a few children in the tribe who are waiting to be fed. There is not enough milk and they all need milk, but they have been given to Hua Yao for a few days. Hu Xinting feels overwhelmed, but she has nothing to do. In order to make Hua Yao come alive, she It can only be this way.

Put the milk on the stone and give him a drink when Hua Yao wakes up.

Within a few minutes, Hua Yao woke up. He tried to turn over, and Hu Xinting hurried up to support him: "Hua Yao, don't worry, slow down!"

"Xinting, thank you for your hard work!" Hua Yao said with difficulty.

Hu Xinting ignored his remarks and drank the milk to him after supporting him. Hua Yao did not hypocritically drank it.

"Drink slowly, I'll get you some water later!" Hu Xinting said.

As soon as he heard the water, Hua Yao's face became a little distorted, depending on what he was holding back.

Hu Xinting smiled and went out and brought a water-filled thing to the bed, and then walked out silently.

Although it is not the first time, Hua Yao is still embarrassed. He has a strong male chauvinism.

There is no alternative.

When Hu Xinting came out, it happened to catch up with the young men in the tribe when they were out hunting. They used spears with fingers or homemade bows and arrows, and their faces were covered with red mud, making them very solemn.

The women went nearby to gather some wild fruits or edible green leaves.

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