Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1422: Command from above

Now Zhang Feng is irritated, and everyone does not want to discuss this matter anymore.

However, the current situation requires careful discussion, otherwise it will not proceed.

Ten minutes later, after Zhang Feng was full, he was satisfied and his mood calmed down.

He said in a deep voice, "I won't find it tomorrow if I can't find it!"

Speaking of Zhang Feng standing up and walking into the darkness, he walked quietly by himself.

Everyone was astonished. He didn't expect how uncomfortable Zhang Summit should be when he said such words.

"Send a message to the country and say that we haven't found them until now! We will find them one day tomorrow, and if we can't find them, we will go back!" Yan Wang said, "Please explain, we will not give up searching. There are hundreds of people looking for them. !"

Yama refers to the blood slaughter brigade and others.

"Good!" the student responded.

"Everyone, rest!"

Yama leaned on a tree trunk behind him, folded his hands on his chest and closed his eyes.

Although he was very tired and sleepy, he couldn't sleep, thinking about the recent events in his mind, everything was so passive, being led by the nose by others, it felt uncomfortable.

He understands that one of the big reasons is his family affairs, and the matter is still unclear.

I thought that after finishing these two things in Africa, everything would be solved.

But now I am stuck here, how do I fix it?

Thinking of this, Yan Wang couldn't sit still, and walked to Zhang Feng's position. After a while, he saw Zhang Feng lying on a large rock looking at the night sky.

"If it doesn't work!" Yan Wang said, "I can't do things that my grandpa can't do!"

Zhang Feng sat up and yelled at him: "Fuck you shit, did you pass through your brain? Even if Hu Xinting and the others really have something, we will not give up when we return to China!"

"Unless you say,'Take a bath, Zhang Feng, what do you know, what do you want to do, where to stay cool...', you tell me this, I will immediately let the Blood Slaughter Brigade accept the team, and then you return home, I Right here in Wanda, you can do your things in the future, and you can drink together if you have wine!"

Opposite Zhang Feng’s scolding, Yan Wang felt his face was hot, and his heart was soft. If a woman had already cried and turned into tears, she threw herself into Zhang Feng’s arms, no matter what she promised you Responsible.

After a while, the king said: "Mad, I just said the wrong thing!"

"Fuck off, don't bother me!"

Zhang Feng cursed angrily and then lay down on his own, no longer paying attention to what Hades meant.

"Haha!" Yan Wang turned and walked away with a dry smile.

"Laugh a bird feather!"


A group of people continued on the road the next morning, and everyone did not take it to heart last night.

It's just that everyone suddenly felt that after Zhang Feng left the Huangquan team for the first time, all the things that everyone encountered were related to Zhang Feng.

And he has slowly become the backbone of everyone's hearts, and any of his emotions can affect everyone.

In the morning, a message came from the country, just one sentence: I want to see people when I live, and I want to see the dead when I die!

This is an order!

Zhang Feng did not dare to mention any more conditions, but the above still gently asked them if they would like any support.

Hades didn't say anything, they were enough.

In fact, the king of Hades was bitter, and the death order was given. It must have been the heads of the Hu family and the Hua family who have spoken. Now the people who can do this are Zhang Feng.

They are not asking for anything now. To solve the problems of the Long Family, the major issues are reduced to the small ones, and the small ones are reduced.

I just want to find Hu Xinting and Hua Yao.

Zhang Feng's words last night can only be invalidated and must be found.

"Mad, I don't think they will go that far, otherwise we have entered many tribes, and we won't be able to find them!" He said.

Although he was walking in the wasteland along the way, he could not see a person or a village for tens of kilometers, but he still found some villages far away.

Whenever they encounter a village, they will go in and see, and the indigenous people will not conflict with them.

"But we have all passed by, and we haven't seen any trace of them!" Zhang Feng said.

Hem Wang said: "The next morning after they disappeared from the valley 100 kilometers north of the valley, it rained heavily the next morning, which wiped out their whereabouts, and there were many animals!"

"And our route is only for some directions that may be traced!"

What Hades said is not unreasonable.

"Is that going back to find it?" Zhang Feng asked him.

"We are going to carry out a carpet search. I guess one of them was injured and then healed in a certain place! Otherwise, after so many days, they will find a way to contact us!"

"Yes, I think so too!" Li Jian said.

"Okay, I agree, let's go back and find!"

Zhang Feng nodded and said.

Everyone didn't mention if they died, were eaten by animals, or dragged into the cave by animals.

But there is a belief in everyone's heart that we must find them.


At this moment, a low-key guest was welcomed in the domestic red star club of Chen Wanru.

He was invited to the second floor, and Chen Wanru met him in person.

"Hu Minghan, it's been a long time! When did you return home? Don't say a word first!"

With red wine in her hand and two goblets in her hand, Chen Wanru walked over in small steps.

Sitting on the sofa is a handsome man in a slim suit, about 30 years old.

The whole person looked very elegant, wearing a relatively old-fashioned mechanical watch on his wrist, and Chen Wanru's eyes would not exceed 10,000 yuan.

The total value of the clothes he wears does not exceed five thousand.

Such a person seems to be just a white-collar worker. If they are in the city, most of them are white-collar workers who rent an apartment and squeeze the subway to get off work.

But if you think so, then pray that you don't provoke him, otherwise you don't know how to die, those are just his appearance.

And this person is not simple, much more powerful than Hua Yao.

He is the descendant of the Hu family, Hu Minghan.

In the eyes of others, he is a stranger, likes to go sideways and has strong ability. Now Chen Wanru thinks he should come for Hu Xinting's business, because Hu Xinting is his cousin.

"Hehe, I just came back, I came to you before I got home!" Hu Minghan smiled.

"When did you come back, didn't you come to me first? You almost think of me as your home!"

"Didn't you say it at the beginning? You're welcome, just treat this as your home, I just do what you want!"

Hu Minghan smiled, recalling scenes from that year in his mind.

He is one of Chen Wanru's many suitors.

"Okay, let's talk about it, did you come to me for Xinting's business?" Chen Wanru said directly without circumscribing him.

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