Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1425: Big problem

Her current identity is still Guoan, and the Golden Wolf belongs to the country. It is not difficult to understand that she was sent here.

"Oh..." Hu Xinting had just walked a few steps, and she tripped her feet and almost fell.

Zhang Feng strode up to support her: "What's wrong with you?"


Hu Xinting Yang patted Zhang Feng's hand and said coldly: "I have no conscience, I am tired and hungry, and I have been tossing you all night, how can I get better?"

Speaking in a serious tone, only Hu Xinting can do it.

Hearing this, Zhang Feng gathered blood under his dantian, but he still held back.

"Go, what do you look at?"

"Oh, oh!"

Zhang Feng at the moment is like a first brother, very nervous.

The two slowly climbed the hill over the hill to reach there.

They are still resting and eating.

Seeing Zhang Feng and two of them came, they felt embarrassed one by one, especially Yan Wang and the monkey.

Hu Xinting's face was cold, as if it was a thousand miles away.

"Then what, I'm going to get a whole hare or two!"

Seeing that the situation is not good, the monkey quickly slipped away.

"I'll help you!" the student said.

"I know where there is fruit!" said the jackal.

"There is no firewood, I'll go get some!"


They had a reason to leave one by one, so obviously, the scene was very strange.

"Come back!" Zhang Feng shouted loudly.

He knows what happened to everyone. Since he has been seen, he doesn't need to cover it up, otherwise he wants to cover up, and it will be troublesome.

Besides, Hu Xinting doesn't mention it.

After being yelled at by Zhang Feng, they came back.

"Crazy man, I didn't see anything just now!" Yan Wang said.

Zhang Feng said: "Since I haven't seen what you are ridiculous, monkey, you go get some good meat, jackal, you get fruit!"


"I'm going now!"

The two of them hurriedly fled here like a pardon, how embarrassing to stay here.

When Yan Wang and others sat down, he first said solemnly: "Xin Ting, where is Hua Yao?"

This is what everyone is most concerned about at the moment. If Huayao is what happened, this task is also incomplete. When Yan Wang saw Hu Xinting just now, he was relieved a lot, because there was no sadness on Hu Xinting’s face. In the mood to talk about life with Zhang Feng, it is sure that Hua Yao is okay. As for why he is not with her, this is what Yan Wang is most concerned about now.

"He is still alive, in a tribe two hundred kilometers away!"

Hu Xinting's words made everyone completely relieved.

"That's good, that's good, haha!" Yan Wang laughed heartily.

The big stone in his heart finally landed, and the task was basically completed. It was only a matter of time.

"He was hit by a Japanese poison dart. If it weren't for being rescued by a tribe, the two of us would have died!" Hu Xinting looked at Zhang Feng's nervousness and knew he was worried about herself, and said warmly, "I am not poisoned!"

"It's Japanese again, I won't let them go this time!"

Li Jian scolded angrily: "This land like a little bug!"

"Don't worry, we will settle this account with them!" Zhang Feng said solemnly.

If Hua Yao didn't have the poison dart, there would not be so many things behind, and it was delayed for more than ten days. This was still secondary, the main Hu Xinting and Hua Yao were hanging by a thread.

"How is Hua Yao's injury now?" Yan Wang asked.

"Can barely stand up and walk a few steps!" Hu Xinting said.

The heart of everyone was very cold, and it seemed that they were hurt very badly. Fortunately, they could get their lives back.

At the same time, the king of Hades was also very curious. It was amazing that an ancient tribe could detoxify the Japanese people.

After a while, the two monkeys came back. The monkey got a fat hare back, peeled the skin and hollowed out the internal organs, and set it on the fire and roasted it. The jackal picked some wild fruits.

These are what Hu Xinting needs most. She needs to replenish energy. After coming out of the tribe, she has hardly stopped.

The road the tribe captain pointed to was wrong, because after Hu Xinting had walked tens of kilometers, there was no way, nothing.

She just walks with the sense of direction.

But after more than a hundred miles, she found that she was lost and arrived here without knowing it.

If she hadn't met Zhang Feng, she wouldn't know what to do.

It's alright now. I met Zhang Feng in a desperate situation. This is God's arrangement.

After half an hour, Hu Xinting was full and drunk, her complexion improved a lot, and she began to talk about major issues.

"I remember the approximate location, if I can get there soon, I can arrive in one day!" Hu Xinting said: "I don't know what the tribe is called, and may not have a name. No one has ever discovered such a tribe because I haven't seen anything there. There are modern things."

The student took out a map, pointed to a point on the map and said: "We are here now, here is north, below is south, left, west, right east!"

"Go all the way north for a hundred kilometers, and a little bit further west. There is a small road there and cars pass by."

"Very good, then it will be easy to find, but we have to find a way to send the news now!" Hell Wang said.

Hua Yao couldn't travel long distances, so he had to send a message to ask someone to drive or helicopter.

"It's too late, we can't use our current equipment, no solar charging!" said the student.

It takes a long time to relocate soldiers from here, and we can’t delay, we must think of other ways.

"and many more!"

Everyone looked at Zhang Feng, did he have any ideas?

"Electricity, yes, just have electricity, Jackal, aren't there a lot of fruits around here?" Zhang Feng said.

"I picked such a bit within five or six kilometers!" The wealthy wolf seemed to have thought of something, and smiled: "I know, I will look for it now!"

"What?" The student failed to react at once.


The jackal knocked the student's brain and said mockingly: "Hehe, I don't understand this, but you are still a high-achieving student! Is it all back to the teacher?"

"Don't talk about pulling it down!" The students also paid attention to him.

Hades knew it, and he said, "Everyone is looking for it, and the range is expanded to ten kilometers, fifteen kilometers! Try to have as many as possible, and be as big as possible."

"What are you looking for!?" the student asked again.


"Why do you want so much? I can't eat so much, I can't take it away."


Zhang Feng only said this, and took Hu Xinting away.

The other people also left, and the student realized it only then. He patted his forehead and said, "It's really a donkey's brain, why can't it turn around!"

He reacted and caught up: "Hey, wait for me!"


After a few hours, everyone returned home. The dried vegetable mat was full of fruits, estimated to be 70 or 80 kilograms. All the fruits within a radius of 20 kilometers were collected by them. Fortunately, there are many trees here and the trees are taller.

"Okay, let's start!" Zhang Feng said: "Student, your chance to perform is here."

"Hey, I'm coming!" The students looked at the fruits on the ground and the communication equipment that everyone had taken down, excited.

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