Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1445: training?

"It's training!" Hades said.

Zhang Feng said angrily: "If you don't say it, get out!"


Several people looked at each other and smiled.

Li Jian couldn't bear it anymore, and said, "Well, lunatic, this matter has been resolved, and the Long Family's matter has been cleared!"

Hearing what Li Jian said, Zhang Feng looked at Yan Wang, and Yan Wang was still serious, and then he nodded.

Zhang Feng understands, dare to believe that they came to reduce him just now.

However, this is a good thing, Zhang Feng is not angry, he said: "Go, drink!"


Zhang Feng didn't know how the above meeting was conducted. He didn't want the process and only the result. He went to Africa and the East Island just to provide conditions for this meeting.

While going for a drink, Chen Wanru called and said that Hua Yao and Hu Xinting were returning by plane and would arrive in Kyoto tomorrow.

This was expected, Zhang Feng just responded and asked Chen Wanru to come out for a drink.

The latter readily agreed.

Yan Wang reported the location, and Chen Wanru said he would be there soon.

The location is in a barbecue restaurant outside the Fifth Ring Road. There are not many people during the day.

When they returned to Kyoto, they all put away their murderous aura, and a few ordinary-dressed men walked along, and no one paid attention to them. That is, the King of Yama was a little bigger, nearly 1.9 meters tall, and strong.

But it's nothing. Pedestrians just look at him at most, because this is the north, there are many men like Yama, some foreigners and some fitness experts.

They compare eating in this more commonplace place, because that’s easy, and those so-called western foods are not for eating, but for the environment, so-called high-powered.

It's not only expensive, but it's not enough to eat, so it's not good.

Not as good as street stalls.

After sitting down, Zhang Feng called: "Boss!"

A middle-aged man with a fat face came over with a smile: "Brother, what do you want?"

"If you have any good stuff, come up and fill up my table!" Zhang Feng shouted, "First, let's get a bucket of ice beer!"

"Eh?" The boss didn't react at once, he hadn't seen anyone ordering food like this.

"What? There is a problem?" Zhang Feng asked.

"No, no, wait a minute, everyone!"

The boss rushed to the back kitchen.

He sees the posture of this group of people, they are going to fight here. The boss likes this kind of guests the most, but there is also a certain risk, and he is most afraid of the other party eating the king's meal.

It is possible to call the police, but this will affect the reputation of the shop and is not worthwhile.

But they don’t look like that kind of people.

When the boss came with a handful of skewers, he saw a girl who was very beautiful. The girl’s appearance was not so pretty, but very tasteful, which made people unable to move their eyes and wanted more. Take a look, unlike those so-called beauties, awl faces out of those molds on the street.

They all look the same. I'm really worried that their men will see the wrong person. Oh, it's not wrong, they all look the same.

This is a bit messy.

"Boss, why don't you be surprised, bring it up!" Li Jian shouted there.

The boss reacted and quickly served it, not daring to look at the girl again.

There are too many talents in Kyoto, and the so-called celebrities who show up all day are not really powerful people.

"General Wan is living in a private house in the suburbs. I personally went to him in the morning. He said he would go there to enjoy his old age!"

"Hammer, your father and mother have returned to their hometown. They retired early. This is what they want most!"

Chen Wanru was talking about the key things, Yan Wang nodded and did not speak. Chen Wanru was right. This was what his parents wanted most, and there was only oneself in the Long Family Courtyard in Kyoto.

That is grandpa's legacy, and Hades will keep it.

"As for the Huangquan team, you still have to wait for the notice!" Chen Wanru said: "Zhang Feng, this is what the master said."

Zhang Feng looked at King Yan. He just said he was going to train. The Huangquan team has not been implemented yet. How to train?

"You go to the military area to train first. Master meant to let you stay in the army first, waiting for orders!"

This is the training that Hades said just now. Going to the army will definitely be training.

"When to go to the army?" Zhang Feng asked.

Chen Wanru said: "The day after tomorrow, if you have any comments, you can reflect it, the problem is not big!"

"No comments!" Zhang Feng said.

They still dare to have opinions and obey orders.

"Someone will contact you the day after tomorrow and take you to the army!" Chen Wanru said, "Oh, and General Luo. He will take you temporarily. You are accustomed to be directly responsible to him. The specifics depend on General Luo!"

Uncle Luo?

Zhang Feng's heart moved. It was a long time since I saw Uncle Luo. I don't know how he is now. Fortunately, I saw him soon.

Zhang Feng is grateful to Uncle Luo. He brought himself out of the school. It can be said that his current achievements are inseparable from him and he is a leader.

Otherwise, I am now an ordinary junior. Maybe at this moment, I am anxiously doing part-time jobs outside of school, instead of drinking with these brothers and sisters, and there is also a woman who is all over the country. Accompany.

It was Uncle Luo who changed his life trajectory.

"Uncle Luo has nothing to do with this matter, right?"

Chen Wanru said: "Of course it doesn't matter. If it's related, it's related to your father's affairs. Don't think too much about it. Your father's affairs have been searched. He is now a hero of the country, and he is considering reactivating you. Father, it depends on whether he wants to!"

The information Chen Wanru got was very rich, and she could know everything that others knew, and she was well informed.

At this point, Zhang Feng admired her, she was a genius.

"I don't know what my dad is doing now, but I think the country needs him, and he will come out!" Zhang Feng said.

In Zhang Feng's heart, he respects his father. He hasn't paid attention to him these days. As for what kind of life he will live, Zhang Feng doesn't know what he can do.

Failure to say it does not mean that Zhang Feng does not care.

Chen Wanru looked at the old people and almost saw what Zhang Feng was thinking. She said, "Uncle is very good. He reads at home and says he wants to write. He often comes to the courtyard to see Haohao. Now Haohao has It’s grandpa, I think it’s best for Haohao to call Zhang Haoran. Haoran is righteous. Uncle has great righteousness. And so are you. So will the little guy in the future, right?"

Regarding the name of his son, Zhang Feng had different opinions with him, but they did not quarrel, and both kept their own opinions. Zhang Hao and Zhang Haoran called together.

Now that Zhang Feng wants to come, he still makes sense.

"That's also called Zhang Haoran, nickname Haohao!" Zhang Feng said.

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