Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1448: Steel

Chapter 1448

Zhang Feng went up a few steps, and Kimura immediately said: "Am I that stupid? You killed so many of us in the mountainous area of ​​the East Island, and I know your strength!"

"Then what do you want?" Zhang Feng asked.

As far as Zhang Feng's state of mind was, even if Kimura made an excessive request, Zhang Feng would still agree, as long as he would not hurt Haohao.

"I know you are very strong. Twenty people can't beat you, and I can't beat you, but if you abandon your arm, I can consider letting Haohao!" Kimura said.

At this moment, Hao Hao had pulled Kimura to the bottom of a tree. He couldn't understand what the adults were talking about. He thought it was a small chat, and the two did not quarrel. They looked normal.

"Uncle, look, there is a bird's nest on it. Dad said that there is a bird in it!" Hao Hao raised his head and pointed at the big tree. He has excellent eyesight and can see a nest there, that is, the bird's nest.

Kimura squatted down and laughed: "Yes, that's the bird's nest, please don't disturb the bird, uncle has already seen it! You did a good job!"

Seeing Kimura like this, Zhang Feng said: "Okay, I promise you!"

Kimura smiled and said: "Very good! Xiao Haohao, look at your father and see what he is going to do. Don't remove your eyes, there will be surprises!"

"Kimura, don't hurt the children!" Zhang Feng said.

"I didn't hurt him. He is your son. This is his fate. He will never be like an ordinary person in his life!" Kimura's words were very realistic and right.

Zhang Feng didn't hesitate, even Kimura didn't know when he had an extra gleaming knife in his hand, and he immediately pierced his left shoulder.

He didn't change his face until the blood came out, and he didn't know the pain. Kimura was suppressed. This is too cruel, I don't hesitate at all!

"Woo, wow..."

Haohao burst into tears. He was frightened. He knew in his natural consciousness that his father was injured. He would be very painful because of bleeding. He had had many experiences like this.

"Haohao, remember this moment, remember that people like them, this is the enemy of our nation, never let your guard down, and destroy them when possible!"

Zhang Feng's solemn tone made Haohao, who was crying, stop crying, but his tears were dripping underground, and his hands kept wiping away tears.

At this moment, the guards at the door came and pointed their guns at Kimura as if they were facing an enemy.

"Nothing about you, take Haohao home!" Zhang Feng said to the guard behind.

The guard quickly reacted and ran up and hugged Haohao. Kimura didn't do anything, which made Zhang Feng relieved. It was just a small matter.

"Okay, you count it!" Kimura said, "Take me to see General Wan!"

In his solid wood village, he can ask Zhang Feng to replace General Wan, but what he wants is not General Wan’s life, but something in General Wan’s hand or in his head. This matter needs to be discussed, so I can only Go with Zhang Feng.

It's crazy to say that Kimura did this, it's really crazy!

The strange thing is that there are no people around to watch the excitement, because they have already dealt with it beforehand, and Chen Wanru's movements are quick.

Zhang Feng didn't move, but said coldly: "You don't need to trust people like you!"

"You..." Kimura Qiyu, didn't the information say that this person is a true gentleman? He is a trustworthy person, why is this now? Kimura was very angry: "You mean!"


Zhang Feng laughed wildly. This was the most ridiculous thing he had heard recently.

"Haha, you said I'm mean and untrustworthy? Why don't you ask yourself first, what have you done? I won't care about those things your fathers did with you first, just say you just used one and two The year-old kid is threatening me. This is your Bushido spirit? Are you worthy?"

Zhang Feng scolded, in front of Zhang Feng, this person was already dead.

"You, fine, then you will die!" Kimura was also very tough. Since Zhang Feng was not keeping his promises, he could only fight. He was already injured, so he didn't believe that he could not beat him.

Scared him, surrendered, and his plan can continue.

So he walked to the green belt next to it, reached inside and took out a piece of black cloth wrapped in a length of more than one meter. It looked very textured. Zhang Feng knew what it was.

When he drew out the long knife, Zhang Feng had already moved, and his figure was extremely quick, and he immediately reached Kimura's side. This shocked Kimura, too fast!

There was an ominous premonition in his heart, and he wanted to pull back, but Zhang Feng took a step forward, took the saber that had fallen into his shoulder, then pulled it out, and quickly pierced Kimura's shoulder.

Kimura tried to avoid but he couldn't move, too fast, and it only took a second from when he drew the knife to when he stabbed up, all in one go.


Kimura screamed.

Because the saber was all submerged in his shoulder, the tip of the knife came out from behind, and the bone that linked his arm was broken.

The bone is broken, and my heart hurts! Completely scrapped!

But Kimura is not simple. He still has an arm. He took a long knife and fought back. He stabbed Zhang Feng’s chest. It occurred to Kimura that if he avoided which way, the long knife would go there, and he could not run. He must be injured.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Feng grasped the blade with his hands and held it tightly, blood seeping from his fingers.

Kimura wanted to twitch the long knife, but the long knife didn't move at all.

"You..." Kimura was suppressed again.

Now Zhang Feng looks like a desperate posture, and the most feared person is this kind of desperate person.

Even if he doesn't need his life, what else can he be afraid of?

Not afraid of anything, the combat effectiveness has increased several times.

Zhang Feng's hand tightened again, and then he twisted his long knife. Kimura was shocked. If you know that the hand holding the knife body will endure the danger and pain of being cut off, can he twist the knife body?

With softness, a soft little snail can crawl over the broken blade.

And Zhang Feng is now just making steel, it depends on who is better.

Zhang Feng's ‘just’ is the grip strength, holding the blade tightly so that the blade does not move, otherwise his hand will be cut off like tofu.

Holding the knife is very methodical. Try to hollow out the blade in the palm of your hand and try not to touch the blade.

But in order to hold the blade more tightly, Zhang Feng had to touch a little bit, which is why it bleeds.


Zhang Feng yelled, the veins on his arm burst, and the blood between his fingers also increased.


With a crisp sound, Kimura’s long knife broke. Hearing this sound, Kimura was stunned, because it was his glory. This knife has a brilliant record. It has defeated countless masters and stained a lot of blood. Made with the best steel in the world and the best technology in the world, it is the pinnacle of cold weapons!

But now it was broken with bare hands!

It is difficult for him to accept this fact.


In the next moment, Kimura hadn't reacted yet, his other arm was pierced by the broken knife in Zhang Feng's hand.


Kimura screamed again.

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