Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1452: Show off

Speaking, Zhang Feng took out his mobile phone and took a video for more than ten seconds, and then sent it to the tablet via Bluetooth. There was a software in the tablet that could automatically connect these videos because Zhang Feng had already set it up.

"You..." Kimura couldn't describe it in words.

Zhang Feng said: "Huh, are you guys playing these? When my ancestors played these, you weren't civilized yet."

Kimura stopped talking, and Zhang Feng didn't care about him. He checked the time. Before the time was up, he put the smelly socks into Kimura's mouth again and lay there to rest.

He must maintain good mental and physical strength.

It was dark a few hours later, and Zhang Feng drove away with all his belongings.

Without Kimura, let him live and die here, but will not let him run away, tie him tightly, and Zhang Feng also promised that no one will come here within three days.

Regarding Kimura's injury, Zhang Feng had already counted his willpower after entering without food for only three days.

Now Kimura is dying.

Zhang Feng drove to the top of a small hill in the suburbs, which happened to overlook the entire scene of the black dragon mercenary regiment, which was only 1,500 meters away.

As night fell, the night of Sola City was average, with sparse lights, but the buildings could be clearly seen.

Next, Zhang Feng will take several hours to disassemble the drone, put it on the ground and set it up for flight, and then tie the bomb.

After that, I connected the mobile phone and controlled it wirelessly. I tried all the drones on the top of the mountain, and none of them were malfunctioning.

Zhang Feng is overjoyed.

However, Zhang Feng thought that the people in the Black Dragon Mercenary Corps resident were only less than half of the entire mercenary regiment, and the others were scattered all over the city.

If you want to get rid of them all, you must gather them in the camp.

To get them to concentrate there is to create some movement.

In this way, fly one plane first, if not, two planes.

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng looked at the time. It was 11 o'clock in the evening. Generally speaking, they have less entertainment at night and go to bed early, but this is not the case. They also have a lot of programs at night, but this has nothing to do with lighting. Relationship, those men gathered in the street shouting loudly, singing and dancing.

Many people even shot into the sky.

Very lively.

That's what Zhang Feng wants.

A drone carried a four-pound high-explosive bomb into the air. Zhang Feng had turned off the lights on the drone in advance, so there was nothing except the sound of the rotating propeller.

And the people on the ground are noisy and the city lights are weak.

However, in order not to be hit by the drones by gunmen on the street, Zhang Feng walked along the edge of the city to reach there.

I flew there in less than two minutes. The drone flew to the gate. Zhang Feng pressed the remote control of the explosive device. Almost at the same time, the drone exploded. The explosion gave off a strong flame and an explosion that shocked the entire city. sound.

Those carnivals in the street calmed down, and then resumed their previous appearances.

It's not common to have explosions at night, but it's not that it never happened. It's no surprise, and it's not their business.

But the mercenary regiment’s resident was messed up. All the lights were on. Zhang Feng could see many people coming out of the room with the night-vision high-powered telescope. They gathered at the gate.

They all have guns in their hands.

In less than three minutes, Zhang Feng found that there were a lot of cars going there all over the city. It was estimated that there were a hundred cars.

"Haha, die!" Zhang Feng sneered.

After waiting for ten minutes, they all gathered there, Zhang Feng let a hundred drones fly one after another.

We got there in less than two minutes. Zhang Feng was sitting there while holding a telescope while controlling the drone. One hundred drones reached the sky above the station, and then Zhang Feng exploded.

Bang bang...

The station is still very large, thousands of square meters. Zhang Feng is not bombing buildings, but people. First kill the people outside and then bomb the buildings. There are a hundred units on standby here!

A hundred bombs exploded at the same time, and the whole city was shaken. Everyone was shocked. People on the street stopped again, questioning whether there was another terrorist attack.

But it's not like it. Terrorist attacks don't have such loud explosions.

The direction seems to be the place of the Oriental Company.

After the explosion, Zhang Feng waited for three minutes. During these three minutes, Zhang Feng observed their movements. Many people were killed by the bombing. Others were still in no trouble. Some people came outside to find the enemy, but found nothing and went back. Up.

Some people were holding machine guns on high ground.

Zhang Feng remotely controlled the remaining drones to go up again, but they had taken precautions. After the drones flew there, they were shot down a lot. Even so, they caused great harm to them.

Because when their bullets hit the drone, the bomb also exploded. There were steel **** in the bomb, and no one was spared.

Its lethality is also great.


The ghost cries and the wolf howls.

Zhang Feng also saw it. They were shot before the next drone was destroyed. They were hit by steel balls, their faces covered in blood or all over, screaming there.

In the end, Zhang Feng put up the remaining dozens of drones, but this time instead of rampaging, he attacked strategically, causing the greatest damage to them and preventing them from shooting them down.

The last dozens of units all exploded spontaneously according to Zhang Feng's expectation, and the entire station had become a sea of ​​fire.

At this moment, Zhang Feng knew that he was going to attack, there must be some fish that slipped through the net there, and they could not be let go.

Zhang Feng drove there at a very fast speed, then overturned the wall from the side and entered.

Many people on the ground fell to the ground and struggled, without knowing that someone had entered.

When I walked into a corridor, I saw a person coming out of it. I immediately understood when I saw a stranger. He yelled and drew a long knife and rushed over: "Baga..."

Zhang Feng entangled with her, and with a flick of his wrist, the person stopped with a blood mark on his neck. When Zhang Feng walked past, he fell to the ground.


The woman in their national costume ran out of the room in front, panicked, but not injured, presumably staying in the room without being injured.

When they saw a stranger wearing a peaked cap and a black mask, he knelt on the ground and trembling. They knew this was the enemy.

Zhang Feng didn't want to kill them. These people are innocent, but Zhang Feng did not relax his vigilance. Sure enough, when Zhang Feng walked over, the two women suddenly violent and pointed their guns at Zhang Feng's back. , But Zhang Feng had already moved before they fired. He didn't turn his head at all and waved his hand to the back.

Still the neck.

The two women fell down, but it was a pity that they looked good.

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