Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1454: I don't need money!

Zhang Feng continued to harvest human lives and solved these people in less than ten minutes, and those who didn't have a little fighting power, Zhang Feng didn't bother to pay attention to them.

The lights were already on, and Zhang Feng walked to the British plane. There was blood on the ground, and those who hadn't died were left with one last breath.

At this moment, Yingji was lying on the ground, and he yelled without moving. He didn't know when the playing cards on his back were taken down by him, and the whole waist was dripping with blood.

Zhang Feng felt that his playing cards were too accurate just now, and he just didn't concentrate his back lumbar nerves, so if he moved it, it would be very painful.

It seems to be controlling his veins.

Zhang Feng raised his foot on the back of the British plane and said coldly: "You should step on you like this, and die!"

Speaking that Zhang Feng's feet were about to be hardened, he suddenly slammed his hand to the back, and the saber in his hand sank into the head of the man behind who was about to shoot with the pistol.

The saber was almost completely submerged, leaving only a little bit of the handle. How strong is this?

Then Zhang Feng continued to exert force under his feet and twisted his toes.

"Ah..." Yingji screamed: "Please, please don't kill me... what do you want, I will give you?"

Zhang Feng loosened his foot and said, "Oh? You will beg for mercy too? Okay, give you a chance, can you give me whatever I want?"

"Yes, yes, I have money, I have money, I will give you all the money!" Yingji said, this is his only chance to live.

Of course, he wouldn't let Zhang Feng get the money so well.

"I don't want money!" Zhang Feng said.

Yingji felt cold. The easiest way to solve the opponent was money, and the most difficult way to solve the opponent was that the opponent didn't want money. If it couldn't be solved, the money was not enough.

So Yingji said again: "I have a lot of money, hundreds of millions, hundreds of millions of dollars! Otherwise you will suffer endless revenge from us"

"I want your life!" Zhang Feng said coldly: "Huh, revenge on me? Ha ha, yes, I will calculate for you when it comes to revenge. The war you launched more than 100 years ago, how many more In the war ten years ago, how many people of our nation were killed, this account is not big, you come to me as revenge?"

"You, before you, it was your poor and weak, we..." Yingji said.

"Haha, poor and weak, yes, we are poor and weak, and we will be beaten if we fall behind. I recognize this. Now, it's me who is strong. I step on you. The younger generations of the ethnic group bend, and then the big bills will be calculated. Now, we will settle the previous bills of you and me!"

The British machine was desperate if oil and salt did not enter.

Zhang Feng stomped hard at his feet, crushing his chest and shattering his internal organs, so he couldn't die anymore.

After solving him, Zhang Feng looked around, the air was full of blood, the scene was extremely cruel, and the **** on earth was nothing but that.

However, Zhang Feng didn't have any pity for them or any guilt in his heart, and he didn't feel at all about the death of these people.

He walked out of this room, and the fire outside burned almost everything that could be burned. The footprints under Zhang Feng's feet were cherry red.

Many people came outside, including police and fire trucks.

Zhang Feng didn't think about going in and destroying the corpse. There were cameras everywhere, and they had caught him before him.

Zhang Feng disappeared in the chaotic crowd. Twenty minutes later, he drove back to the temporary residence on the hill on the outskirts.

Kimura is still there, and I don't know if he is dead.

The shock in the heart is much more uncomfortable than the physical, especially for people like Kimura.

Returned to the temporary residence in half an hour.

When he walked in, Kimura was still alive. He was sitting there with tears in his eyes and shaking body, and his eyes looked at the tablet on the table.

He didn't even notice Zhang Feng sitting before, his expression was dull, Zhang Feng didn't care about him, sat down and took out a cigarette to smoke.

When he finished smoking a cigarette, Zhang Feng took out the smelly socks from Kimura's mouth. Kimura did not yell. At this time, it was useless to yell again.

The tablet screen on the table freezes the horrible state of four people being hit by angular steel **** exploded by bombs at the same time, covering their faces with their hands.

Ten seconds later, Kimura said softly, "Can you give me a cigarette?"

"No!" Zhang Feng said.

Kimura raised his eyes and glanced at Zhang Feng, who was about to smoke, lowered his head and did not dare to look at people anymore. He looked like a man without any pressure in life, smoking a cigarette leisurely.

There are blood stains on Zhang Feng’s clothes. You don’t need to think about it. You can tell that Zhang Feng has already gone to their station. He is sitting there safe and sound. It shows that all the people in the station are dead, including President!

But Kimura felt that Zhang Feng gave him a very powerful aura, which scared him and made him breathless.

He felt this way for the first time, and he felt like this.

"Now you just killed me!" Kimura said weakly.

His body has long been on the verge of collapse, and coupled with a heavy blow to his mind, he is now begging for death, and he died in Zhang Feng's hands.

"All this is caused by your stupid actions. They died miserably because of you!" Zhang Feng's words cut his heart like a knife.

Plus, he thought it was indeed like this now. If he didn't provoke Zhang Feng, but went directly to General Wan or other people in the Huangquan team, he would not anger Zhang Feng.

In other words, don't use this kind of abuse, just find Zhang Feng.

But now it’s too late to regret. The entire Black Dragon Mercenary Corps has been destroyed. How terrifying this person is, he is alone!

"No, no, it's not me, it's not me..." Kimura said stupidly.

Zhang Feng smiled and said: "Hehe, it's you, but I know that you are just a dog. The British machine is dead. I won't let you feel so comfortable next time!"

"Come on, come on!" Kimura is begging to die, he has been waiting for this moment for a long time.

He closed his eyes and looked relieved.

"Hmph, you will slowly feel what the process of death is like!"

Zhang Feng said that he used a saber to cut off his clothes, but the rope was still tied and he put the smelly socks into his mouth.

Kimura didn't struggle, and waited quietly for death to be free.

Open the window and let the cool breeze in, blowing away the smell of smoke in the dark room.

In less than five minutes, a lot of mosquitoes flew in from outside the window. The mosquitoes went to Kimura. Because Kimura had stinky sweat, he hadn't bathed for half a month. Mosquitoes liked this smell the most.

Zhang Feng's body smelled of blood, and the mosquitoes liked it, but Zhang Feng's bag was so tight that the mosquitoes went to Kimura after a week around Zhang Feng.

Kimura's body moved, and more and more mosquitoes were caused by itching.

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