Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1460: Meet

Oh oh oh...

A traffic police motorcycle came up behind Zhang Feng. The left and right warning lights on the back of the car looked dazzling. Zhang Feng wanted to walk, but there were cars on the front and rear left, and the right was a ditch. .

If you go into the ditch, you can't even run.

And Zhang Feng would not get out of the car and run away like this, it was too shameless.

So, I can only recognize it, and see what the traffic police is doing.

The traffic police motorcycle drove up from the distance between cars and let Zhang Feng get off.

Zhang Feng reluctantly opened the door and came down. When Zhang Feng was standing outside, the traffic policeman wearing a police cap froze for a long time.

After a while, the traffic police spoke: "Take off your hat!"

They spoke English. As the traffic policeman was wearing a police cap and his voice echoed in the cap, Zhang Feng could only tell that he was a woman.

There were a lot of people around, and Zhang Feng felt that it was not only domestic people who like to be a melon eater, but also people here.

On other people's sites, Zhang Feng still has to be honest, and he has documents. Although those documents are fake, it is difficult to find out. This female traffic police may just be a routine check. Cooperate, otherwise it will be more troublesome.

Zhang Feng took off his hat and showed an Asian face. Zhang Feng paid attention to it. Someone around him took out his mobile phone to take pictures. These are good people.

The female traffic police suddenly lost her voice and shouted: "Feng..."

Then he rushed towards Zhang Feng, Zhang Feng heard clearly, this is Alice.

He was a little dazed, and he met this time, but it happened under such circumstances, and it was the first time.

The people around are also confused, what's the situation? I thought it was caught by the traffic police, but I didn't expect it to be the case. Are they lovers?

Ten seconds later, Alice reacted and shouted to the crowd: "Whoever took the video and photos will be deleted immediately, or they will be arrested for damaging the portrait rights of others."

Everyone was silent, and quickly deleted the photos.

Alice said again: "If I see any photos about this online, all of you will be held accountable. I remember you!"

At this moment, someone heard the female traffic policeman's voice and shouted: "So it's Police Officer Alice!"

Everyone was even more scared, and they all said that they would no longer keep photos. It seems that Alice has a very good reputation in Roman City, and so many people are afraid of her.

"You do your things, don't block the traffic here!" Alice shouted.

Everyone left in angrily. At this time, Alice was still holding Zhang Feng, which looked a bit strange because she was still wearing a helmet.

"Can you let me go first!?" Zhang Feng asked softly.

Alice let go of Zhang Feng, and Zhang Feng said, "Who are you?"

Zhang Feng was talking nonsense with his eyes open. Someone had called Alice's name just now.

Seeing what Zhang Feng said, Alice didn't get angry. She took off her hat, her beautiful long brown hair fell down, and her big delicate blue eyes were extremely beautiful with some cuteness.

No, she was wearing a traffic police uniform and her figure was superb. Don't have that amorous feeling, Zhang Feng was a little stunned.

It's just that Alice didn't know what he was thinking, and thought Zhang Feng didn't recognize him, so she said: "Feng, what's wrong with you, don't you know me? I am Alice!"

Speaking, Alice changed her long hair.

"Yes, it's just that I didn't expect that there would be such a beautiful female traffic police holding me, it is the **** of love who cares for me!"

Zhang Feng's words are very high-level. The "God of Eros" spread from this city to all over the world, and the people in Roman City are very romantic, and the life season is slow. Zhang Feng inspired the love of Alice.

Full of joy, unable to take care of so much anymore, he threw himself into Zhang Feng's arms again, and kissed him slightly on his toes.

In fact, Alice is about the same height as Zhang Feng, nearly 1.8 meters tall, while Zhang Feng is 1.5 meters tall.

This is enough to see how explosive Alice's figure is.

Zhang Feng didn't refuse. To tell the truth, he had a curious impulse in his heart. The exotic Alice brought him up. Zhang Feng was not a so-called saint. After so many days, he relaxed and felt a little restless.

When people travel, the hormones in the body will increase. This is why couples like to travel, or for those who have not caught up with their sweethearts, you can try the itinerary of two people traveling alone. The success rate is very high.

Zhang Feng is now in a similar situation, and Alice seems to be successful.

It was not that Zhang Feng succeeded, because Alice took the initiative.

"Hey!" Alice was overjoyed.

"Well, Alice, can you let me go, everyone is watching!"

"I don't care!"

After holding it for a few minutes, Alice released Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng said, "Police officer, I did not violate the traffic regulations!"

"If I said you violated it, it would be a violation. I detained your car. Come with me!" Alice said aggressively.

Thinking about what she felt was wrong again, she changed her words and said, "I will park my car in one place with you and come back!"

"Why are you going?" Zhang Feng asked.

Alice ignored him, parked her motorcycle on the side of the road, then took Zhang Feng's hand into the car and said, "Your car is not safe, don't come on the road!"

It turned out to be discovered, Zhang Feng was a little embarrassed.

She had no choice but to drive to a hidden place to stop at what she wanted, and then went back to the side of the road to ride the traffic police motorcycle.

Alice gave the helmet to Zhang Feng and said, "You come to ride!"

"It's up to you, it's hard to handle when I overtake in a while!" Zhang Feng did not pick up the helmet.

"Don't be afraid, isn't there me, don't you drive too fast!" Alice said.

Zhang Feng could only pick it up. This Great Yangma became domineering, very aggressive. If Zhang Feng shouldn't, he might be beaten.

On the motorcycle, Alice also came up from behind and hugged Zhang Feng's waist tightly, her face pressed against Zhang Feng's back.

Zhang Feng couldn't feel anything because of too many clothes.

"Where to go?" Zhang Feng grasped the front of the car with both hands. The car was still very textured.

Alice said, "You can go anywhere!"

"Then I will sell you!" Zhang Feng said.

"Are you willing to?"

"If you are not willing, you can definitely buy a good price!"

"Then it's up to you, anyway, I am yours, whatever you do!"

Zhang Feng was defeated, this little girl was not easy to deal with, but it caused a lot of luck.

What should I do next? How to deal with her? Zhang Feng didn't think much, anyway, let's go with the flow.

Zhang Feng started the car, turned off the siren, and quickly shuttled through the streets of Roman City. It didn't take long before Zhang Feng stopped.

Alice raised her eyes and saw that it was a Chinese restaurant. She said, "Are you hungry?"

"What do you think?" Zhang Feng asked her back, getting off the car and walking into the restaurant.

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