Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1462: caught

Others also came over and glared at France, except for Zhang Feng who was still sitting there calmly, Alice looked a little embarrassed, and she said: "France, you go out, don't be here."

France ignored her words. He didn't understand these people the most, and he was very annoying. They came to Roman City to earn Roman City's money, and the unemployment rate in Roman City fell.

He repeated what he said just now, and when he had just finished speaking, he was punched by Feng Jian in the eye of France.

"Ah..." France screamed and covered his eyes.

The two bodyguards outside came in, guarding in front of the boss, and attacked Feng Jian under the boss' anger.

"Kill them, kill them!"

The two bodyguards went up and beat Feng Jian to the ground with one punch. Several compatriots were also beaten. The whole process took only a few seconds.

In fact, Zhang Feng doesn't want to cause trouble. Once he causes trouble, his identity will be exposed. At the same time, it will also increase the workload of domestic helpers.

But if he doesn't make a move now, he won't even let it go.

So after they were beaten, Zhang Feng went up and beat the two bodyguards to the ground with bare hands. With a little pressure, they wanted to take out the pistols from their waists. Alice stepped forward to stop them, but it was useless.

At the same time, Francis at the back also took out his pistol and wanted to put a cold gun. Zhang Feng was really angry and flashed around, punching one by one, and then Francis, with his fist hitting the arm of Francis holding the gun. Dislocated.

"Ah..." France screamed again, and the gun fell to the ground.

Alice could not help much during the whole process.

The boss did not call the police, but the people passing by the door called the police. The police arrived in less than ten minutes and arrested all the suspects, including Alice.

It was the interrogation in the police station, and the on-site monitoring was called. Zhang Feng was very dissatisfied with the results, because Feng Jian was the first to hit someone, and France would also sue him, and others beat his bodyguard.

Regardless of how Alice fought hard, or what Feng Jian said, the case is a foregone conclusion. Feng Jian and the others will face huge fines and prohibit business in Roman City.

This is simply a disaster for them.

In the middle of the night, the embassy responded by supporting Feng Jian and the others, and also accused France of insulting China.

Early in the morning every day, netizens on major news newspapers and websites spoke about the incident.

Divided into three camps: One is the Italian natives who support France;

The second is neutral;

The third is Chinese.

Alice was so busy that she used all her energy, but it was still to no avail. In this matter, France did not give in at all, because he knew that the man named Li was Alice’s boyfriend, and someone shot it. A photo of them hugging each other was taken on the street, more than an hour before the incident.

The case is getting bigger and bigger, and it has been on the global media window, and almost the whole world knows it.

Fortunately, the Roman City police did not announce the persons involved in the case.

So Zhang Feng is still safe in the police station.

Alice has been working hard in the police station, but her strength is limited. Just an hour ago, France went to talk to her and said that if he wanted to save Zhang Feng, he would agree to be his girlfriend, Alice Did not agree.

Alice finally got the chance to see Zhang Feng. She said to Zhang Feng: "François said not to hold you accountable!"

"Are there any conditions?" Zhang Feng would not believe that Francis would be such a good person: "Are you to be his woman?"

Alice looked at Zhang Feng in surprise, and didn't know how he knew it. Alice nodded and said: "I didn't promise him, I will not leave you, I will definitely save you. "

"Why bother, maybe you will live well with her!" Zhang Feng said.

"I don't want it!" Alice whispered: "How about you escape from prison, I know you have this ability!"

Zhang Feng sneered, this is the most stupid way, if you do that, give them a reason, and the case will be settled like this.

"I think it's great here!" Zhang Feng said, "There is no need to escape from prison!"


Zhang Feng's words left her speechless, he was not nervous at all when it was time.

"Or I promise France!" Alice said.

"That's useless!" Zhang Feng was moved in his heart, this girl really has no hesitation, sold herself to save herself? Zhang Feng comforted: "Don't worry, it's okay!"

Seeing Zhang Feng's appearance, Alice seemed to understand something. She thought about it, and suddenly she figured it out. Yeah, he is so powerful, how could he wait for death in it.

Thinking of this, Alice smiled and gave Zhang Feng a word and left: "I'll wait for you to come out!"

Zhang Feng smiled.

After three days in this way, the Chinese and overseas Chinese held grand protests, strikes on the market, and all goods shipped from the country were prohibited from coming.

Moreover, the embassy issued a statement to defend the compatriots and issue condemnation.

At this time, the entire Roman City was in chaos. Without Huaxia products, the city was almost paralyzed.

The Roman City officials decided to release them under pressure and no longer hold them accountable.

They were released in the afternoon of the third day.

This matter is not over yet, they want France to apologize publicly, which makes France unable to accept.

However, under pressure, he publicly apologized.

The matter ends here, but France is not reconciled, he wants revenge.

So, he sent someone to kill Feng Jian and others. On the sixth night, the night was black and wind was high, and a dozen people in black broke into the building where Feng Jian and others lived.

At that time, they were not in the building, but were outside drinking with Zhang Feng. They could not find anyone, so they waited outside.

Was it in a Chinese restaurant on another street a few hundred meters away from the residential ground, or the one that ate there that day.

They played happily here. I wish you victory, and Alice was also with you. She didn't think there was any problem. She regarded herself as Zhang Feng's woman and was happy for them.

"Brother, I toast you a cup. I didn't expect you to be so fierce. Have you practiced before?" Feng Jian held the cup to Zhang Feng's.

Zhang Feng also raised his cup and said, "I learned a little from that martial arts teacher when I was in school, and I have been connected for many years, and I have not fallen!"

Lies come when you open your mouth.

Most of his abilities were learned in the process of fighting on the street, coupled with the strong physical fitness, against those two people, Zhang Feng could solve them with his eyes closed.

"No wonder, no wonder, haha!"

A few people drank, and Alice drank too. She was very happy and drank a lot.

Everyone knows that the two of them are going to talk about life together tonight.

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