Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1466: France's bodyguard

Zhang Feng didn't have any surprises when he got this news. A person as arrogant as France would not dare to be so arrogant without a solid background.

"Okay, I see, is your mother's health better?" Zhang Feng asked.

"It's better now, she likes life here very much, I don't plan to go back now!"

"The best, you stay with your mother!"

"Brother Feng, can I do anything for you?"

"You are already doing it!"

"But, Brother Feng..."

Zhang Feng understands what he wants to say: "I don't need you to charge, and you don't need to shoot. I only need you to be the top hacker in the world, which is the strongest support for me!"

"Brother Feng, I understand, I will become the top hacker in the world!" Mike said firmly.

Zhang Feng was desperate to hear what he said, but he couldn't be exhausted, and said: "First of all, you must keep your body. I won't say much, you want to do it yourself! Just do it!"

Talking about Zhang Feng, she hung up the phone. Somewhere in the capital of China, the Mike stood up in front of the computer while dragging the bloodshot Mike to his feet and walked out of the room. A middle-aged woman with golden and white hair said in surprise: "Mike, are you hungry?"

"No, Mom, I just get up and walk!" Mike said.

"Well, well, it's better to walk around, not to sit there all the time!" the woman said.

Mike is very thin, facing the computer for a long time, his **** seems to be glued to a chair, sitting for a whole day.

"Don't worry, Mom, I'm fine, I won't go far!" Mike said.

"Yes, Mr. Gusu said, you can't go too far!" the woman said.

Mike nodded and went out. Starting today, he wants to exercise.

At this time, Zhang Feng didn't know that his words changed Mike's lifestyle. Since then, his body has improved, his brain is more flexible, and he has more energy to overcome those problems.

He will become the world's top hacker. Now is the era of network explosion. There is such a top hacker almost doing whatever he wants.

After receiving the information from France, Zhang Feng went there again and squatted. Two hours later, he saw France's car come out.

There are three cars, the two front and rear are black muscle SUVs, and the middle is a supercar Ferrari. Don't think that the Ferrari must be France.

The level of security is very high. There are no less than ten bodyguards in the two cars before and after, and he is more careful than before, indicating that he has a guilty conscience.

Zhang Feng drove up to follow him, first to find out his whereabouts.

In this way, Zhang Feng followed for two days and almost figured out his whereabouts, but Zhang Feng soon discovered that the bodyguard who helped France commit the crime had disappeared.

What Zhang Feng was looking for was the bodyguard. He wouldn't kill someone and seal him up, right?

However, on the night of the third day, Zhang Feng denied his idea and saw the bodyguard in the parking lot of their villa.

"He is here to die!" Zhang Feng thought to himself.

He shaved his head and masked his face, and France met him in secret and gave him a lot of money, but when he turned to leave, if not, since France took the gun out, at this moment, Zhang Feng used his mobile phone to They took it.

At the same time, turn on the car lights and drove up. The bodyguard was already aware of the danger and immediately stepped behind the concrete pillar.

France had already fired, and Zhang Feng recorded all this scene.

Zhang Feng ignored France, and drove to the bodyguard and shouted, "Gogo..."

At the same time, when he opened the door, the bodyguard glanced at Zhang Feng, his face was full of doubts, but he knew Zhang Feng.

"Gogo..." Zhang Feng shouted again.

Bang bang...

France shot the gun. He had two guns in his hand, and two bodyguards came from the elevator entrance. They were rushing over with guns in his hands.

If he doesn't escape at this time, he will definitely die. He can't control that much anymore. He jumped and jumped into Zhang Feng's car. Before the door was closed, the car drove away, and the two wheels behind quickly turned rubber glue to hang cement. On the ground, the temperature increased sharply, and the sky was full of smoke.

The car flew out like an arrow.

Zhang Feng's car skills are not covered, so the bodyguards who have seen the world can quickly grab the handrail.

Just out of the garage, two cars caught up behind.

Four more cars were added in less than two minutes.

The two people in Zhang Feng's car didn't speak, and the bodyguard was so nervous. He didn't even think about why France would kill himself and help him with such a big thing.

Six vehicles ran wildly on the streets of Roman City at midnight, and they quickly attracted the attention of the traffic police. They quickly responded and sent several police vehicles to chase and intercept them.

The tripartite forces are chasing on the street, but the initiative is in Zhang Feng's hands. Wherever the steering wheel in his hand is turned, the nearly twenty cars behind will follow.

Zhang Feng drove a very old car, similar to a classic car, but this is a modified, don’t look down, but it is a night race super sports car, which is equipped with a liquid propulsion system, and other performance Nothing to say.

Of course, with Zhang Feng's car skills, those fancy functions are simply not needed.

The car was won by Zhang Feng in the night race last night, and he won with a car that was eliminated, and he won the doubtful life.

In the game last night, Zhang Feng did not show his true face, and no one knew him.

An hour later, Zhang Feng parked his car in a dark alley in the old town. Three minutes later, several police cars passed by the exit of the alley.

Two police cars will pass in every five minutes for the next half an hour.

After waiting for half an hour, Zhang Feng said, "Okay, they are going, you go!"

Zhang Feng speaks English, presumably this kid can understand.

During this period of time, the bodyguard didn't say a word. He was completely impressed by Zhang Feng's driving skills. He had never seen a person who drives so well.

The bodyguard was lingering, she didn't know that this person saved herself and released herself.

And the bodyguard knew very well that if he went out now, he would be caught in less than half an hour.

"Why are you saving me? You should have killed me!" said the bodyguard.

He can speak English.

Want to come too, can be Frances bodyguard, where can I go.

Zhang Feng didn't even look at him and said, "Why should I kill you? You are just a dog of France. It is France that I want to kill."

At this moment, the bodyguard understood that he saved himself to kill France, and he knew everything about France.

"I can help you!" said the bodyguard.

What Zhang Feng wanted was his words. This bodyguard still had some brains. He knew that either he died or France died. He understood this truth very well.

"My name is Li!" Zhang Feng said.

"Nader!" said the bodyguard.

The two people met in this way.

Before Frans took out his pistol more than an hour ago, he and Zhang Feng were enemies of life and death. After Frans shot, the two had a common enemy, and the two became an alliance.

"Do you know why Francis wants to kill you?" Zhang Feng asked.

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