Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1482: Dinner

It is impossible to escape from prison, otherwise he would have nothing and his father would also be affected.

The gain is not worth the loss.

"Do you have a cell phone?" Zhang Feng asked.

Sakori said: "Yes, Li, what use do you want a mobile phone for? It's useless if there is, no signal, I use it to play stand-alone games!"

"It's enough to record sound then!" Zhang Feng said.

"That's okay!" Sakori said casually, his mobile phone is the latest mobile phone, except that there is no internet, he can do anything, but he seems to have thought of something and asked: "Li, what do you want to do?"

"I'll know tonight!" Zhang Feng sold it off.

Nicolas was surprised, could it be related to France?

Does he want to punish France? He asked himself what he wanted to do when he went out in the future, and he said that he would take himself out.

Sakori didn't even know what the Oriental wanted to do. The business was too big.

"Well, you don't have to think too much, it will be fine. Evil cannot defeat justice. You have to believe in the future, believe in yourself, and you can also believe in me!"

Seeing how he was thinking, Zhang Feng could probably guess what he was thinking.

It is possible for him to report Zhang Feng, but the possibility is extremely small. As long as he is not a fool, he will not do so.

Zhang Feng is very accurate in seeing people.

"I'll go out and have a look!" Sakoli said.

He looked very nervous in front of Zhang Feng, because he felt that he was calculated, that is, he was sold and helped others count the money.

What is even more terrifying is that it seems that everything he is thinking in his heart has been perceived by the other party. In front of this person, Sarkoli seems to be undressed.

So he was very nervous in front of Zhang Feng.

Although he had a lot of questions in his mind, he still acted according to Zhang Feng's intention. He had an instinct to follow him. No matter what happened, it would not be bad in the end.

Intuition, just follow your intuition.

In the evening, France came with two attendants.

Zhang Feng and Sa Keli have been sitting here for more than half an hour. Before that, Sa Keli had prepared all the meals, which were all top-notch ingredients.

These ingredients are already very expensive outside, and the price of putting them here will be ten times that of outside, causing Sacori to bleed heavily.

Francis saw the food on the table, he swallowed, and said, "Sacory, what do you mean?"

At this moment Zhang Feng had stood up and said, "Mr. France, please!"

"Oh, Li, you are here too!" Francis asked for nothing. Was Zhang Feng a transparent person when he came in just now?

Faced with his unreasonableness, Zhang Feng was not angry, but still a smiling face: "Uh, uh, I came to eat today."

France also thinks this is the case. With such good food, how could Zhang Feng, a prison tyrant, not come?

Oh, no, he lives here, he just eats and stays, his face is so thick.

So this meal was invited by Sa Keli, what can he do?

"Sakori, if you have anything, you can say it now. Everyone is here. There is nothing left to say. We were a bit unhappy before, but it has been so many years, and I have been following you before I came in. For the case, I hope you can reduce your sentence and go out early to work for our group. Alas, now I have also come in. Fortunately, I have handed over your case to my hand. I will tell you if there is news!" Talking these nonsense.

Zhang Feng felt uncomfortable when he heard it, and Zhang Feng thought, he has been paying attention to Sarkoli's case, but there is a problem with how he pays attention. Should he put firewood on Sarkoli's pile of fire or use water to extinguish it. .

Seeing him like this is to set the firewood to make the fire even more prosperous, he still wants Sakori to squat here for a lifetime, how could he be saved!

Saying this now was just a scene, and it made people very angry. Sarkory sat there with his head down and said nothing. He really wanted to go up and tear France to pieces.

But he still held back, and Zhang Feng smiled and said: "Hehe, come, Mr. France, in the future, I hope you will take care of you in this prison, otherwise life will be difficult!"

"Don't worry, this prison will be ours from now on, no one can bully us, haha..." France laughed and sat down, then greeted his two to sit down.

Zhang Feng poured wine for him with a smile, as well as those two roots, and Sakori's.

These two fundamentally feel very good about themselves, because Zhang Feng is the prison tyrant here. Since he came here, he has only not killed anyone today, and he can pour himself because of France's face.

It seems that the world in this prison is going to change again. From now on, the boss will become a prison tyrant, who can eat and drink spicy food. Now is a good start.

Zhang Feng held up his wine glass and said, "Come on, let's drink!"

France is also holding a cup. He was originally a hypocrite, and now it’s not impossible to be a smiley person, but Sakoli feels very uncomfortable. He spent a lot of money on this meal, but he was angry. How can it be better.

"Sakori, come, don't you drink?" Zhang Feng said to him.

This is the meaning of the order, and Sakori quickly took the glass and drank it by himself.

France laughed. He laughed that France was still too tender. He hasn't grown up at all for so many years. No wonder he is going to be locked up here. He has to sit in the prison and he will be able to get out soon, haha !

Then I started to eat. Everyone was very hungry. Even France did not eat. It has been a week since he was locked in. He has had enough of eating non-human meals all day long.

There are so many delicious foods now, no matter how many, they are here to eat, and if they don't want anything else, Francis is defensive in his heart. This Saccoli will not invite dinner for no reason, there must be something.

But Francis is not afraid, not at all, not to mention that this is a prison, even if he is outside, he is not afraid.

So when you get to him, you should eat and drink!

Zhang Feng also ate fiercely. These delicacies are a luxury in the prison.

The wine is enough. This is what Zhang Feng specially ordered Sakoli to. The key is to get them drunk.

"Come on, Mr. France, drink, don't you Chinese people can't drink? We Orientals all drink big bowls!"

Zhang Feng has applied our wine table culture here. One of them has been banned, that is, persuading wine. Zhang Feng’s persuading skills are as good as his skill.

"Who said that we Italians are also a drinker, not worse than you in the East!" Francis is already a little drunk, and the two of them have risen to the wine culture of the East and the West: "Lee, don't look at our usual We use goblet to drink, but we also have big bowls for drinking. Even in wartime, our soldiers must have wine to drink to be effective in wars."

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