Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1485: It worked!

At this moment, Sarkoli admires Zhang Feng, but he still doesn't know how it works.

"No hurry, he is still struggling!" Zhang Feng said.

Sarkoli didn't understand how he knew, France was lying motionless here, how could he still struggle?

Zhang Feng said yes, so keep waiting.

In fact, Sarkoli was worried that the prison guards would come, and it would be troublesome if they came.

The music carnival lasted only two hours, and then it was quiet again. In the evening, Sakori went to get a lot of food, most of which was eaten by Zhang Feng. Sakori was surprised that Zhang Feng's appetite was really edible.

In the evening, the music continued for two hours. At the same time, Sacori went to get a lot of wine, and then took out the empty wine bottles to let people outside know that they ate them, not just Two people.

By the time of the third night, it looked like it was almost the same, Frans' eyes drifted away, and Zhang Feng asked Sarkoli to take away the bucket on Frans.

Then he helped Francis up again, he couldn't sit still, and he collapsed on the sofa, and Sacori had to help him so that he was leaning on the sofa.

"France?" Sacori approached him.

Francis didn't have any energy, his eyes opened in confusion, and there was no response to Sacori, Sacori's palm swayed in front of his eyes, and his eyes did not move.

"France? I'm Sarkoli!"

Sarkory yelled again and shook him, but he was demented.

"Stop screaming!" Zhang Feng said: "All he can hear now is the sound of water droplets. Wait an hour or two to block his mouth and don't let him scream."

Sarkoli did. He didn't understand, didn't there be water drops? How could there be a sound, and having to wait for so long, Sarkoli almost has no patience.

For Zhang Feng, one or two hours passed quickly.

After more than an hour of silence, Francis slowly woke up and saw everything in the house, as well as the two roots piled up in the corner. They were still alive.

"Mr. France!"

There was a voice, and France turned his head and saw that it was the Easterner who was talking. He thought of what happened to him. He must have planned it. He arrested himself and subjected himself to torture!

He struggled with a voice from his mouth: "Eh, ha ha..."

"Don't be nervous, don't worry, I won't kill you!"

Zhang Feng does not kill him.

"Uhhhhh..." France shouted again.

Sakori over there has already prepared the phone and put it on the table.

"Sakori, put him there again!" Zhang Feng pointed to the bucket.

Sarkoli said in surprise: "Are you coming?"

The latter nodded, and Sakori had to do so.

France was struggling, he never thought of going there anymore: Uhhhhh...

Seeing how Francis was doing, Sarkoli stopped and said, "Lee, I think Francis is already very obedient."

Zhang Feng didn’t want to answer him, so he remained silent. Sacori continued to do it. He put France under the bucket and tied it up. The water dripped on France’s forehead, and France struggled symbolically. Minutes, it was quiet again.

"Lee, how long will it take this time?" Sakori asked.

"Two hours!" Zhang Feng said.

This was also spoken to Francis, and Zhang Feng said again: "Anyway, we have a lot of time. If two children are not enough, we will make another day or two."


Sakori was finally a little clever, just to consume France, so that he had no hope.

These few words really worked, and France struggled a few times.

It will take two hours. These two hours are the hardest for him, because he can't see hope.

After Zhang Feng squinted and woke up, three hours have passed. Zhang Feng said, "Oh, you didn't wake me up just now."

"Lee, I think you slept so well, so I didn't call!" said Sacori.

"I want to call next time!"

"it is good!"

"Get him here!"

After a while, Francis sat on the sofa and let him rest for five minutes. Zhang Feng said: "Mr. Francis, you must be very puzzled, why I tied you, hehe, it's all because of Sakori, back then You and your father have done a lot of wicked things. I want to see what happened. You just need to get all this out, and then I will let you out!"

Francis looked at him with horror. It turned out that it was because of this that he only knew now.

He suddenly found that he had no resistance to his request.

Zhang Feng continued: "Anyway, we have a lot of time. If you don't say anything, or say something fake, I will continue to drip water for you until the water drips through your brain! If you die, I will take it with you Sakori go out and find your father, I think he will say, you know my abilities!"

Looking at Zhang Feng's eyes, Francis suddenly understood something. He was here by himself. At that time, he rescued Nader from the parking lot of his villa. Later, he was arrested.

Later the lawyer said that Nader had been killed, and then this man came in, and that was what he killed.

France thought about these points in time, figured it out, shocked and angry!

"Hehe, that's right!"

Zhang Feng looked at his angry eyes and smiled, and it seemed to be effective.

Sarkoli could not understand what Zhang Feng was talking about, but he could see that there was a grudge between them.

"Mr. France, you can speak now! First of all, let your mouth open, you'd better not shout, because shouting is useless!" Zhang Feng said, winking at Sa Keli.

Let him get what was in Francis's mouth.

"who are you?"

France asked such a sentence in his first sentence.

"Don't worry about me, you just know that I want to kill you and your father, it can be done in an hour, oh, one can also tell you, I visited Wolfe last year, at that time I He held the gun against his head and said that he would not provoke me again, but he didn't listen, he wanted to check me out with the Japanese, hehe, I killed the Japanese, and I will visit him again soon!"

Zhang Feng's words shocked Francis's heart, and Sarkoli was even more puzzled. He knew who Wolfe was. He said he pointed a gun at Wolf's brain? How can this be!

However, it is very likely that Sakori's understanding of Zhang Feng.

France was slumped on the sofa and did not speak. Seeing this, Sakoli was overjoyed and quickly turned on the phone to record, his hands trembling.

"Mr. France, I'm listening!"

Zhang Feng sat there, pressing hard every step, "Sakori, is there still water in the bucket?"

Sakori went up and looked at it and said, "There is half!"

"Fill it up, Mr. France will still need it later." Zhang Feng said lightly.

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