Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1487: For survival

France was paralyzed there again, he knew he was going to die, and he would spend his whole life here, and he also betrayed his father.

For what? Survival, is this also called survival?

Counted here, at least still alive, right?

As for the betrayal of his father, it was also for survival. His father taught him that this is the law of the jungle. In order to survive, you can do whatever it takes, or you will become the flesh of others.

Zhang Feng looked at Sarkoli, and the latter nodded, meaning that France had already said all the things he had done, and Sarkoli knew a little about these things.

"Very well, Sakori, our Mr. France should be hungry, you should prepare some food!" Zhang Feng said.

"it is good!"

Zhang Feng didn't mean to release France right away, and France didn't struggle, just like that.

After eating, Zhang Feng called Sacori outside to talk about the matter.

"Sakori, do you understand? This recording is all the lives of you and your father, your innocence, and your future. Do you know what to do?" Zhang Feng asked him.

Sarkoli was very nervous and excited. He never thought that he would have such a day. This is simply turning his hands into the clouds and covering his hands into the rain.

"I know, I will give this recording to the police!" Sakoli said.

Hearing what he said, Zhang Feng was really speechless. Fortunately, he used to be a young man. No wonder he would be yawned.

"Oh, forget it, let me go, you back up this recording, and then send the recording to a mailbox, he will do it! Understand?" Zhang Feng said.

Sarkoli was very skeptical: "This? Is it feasible?"

After all, it matters a lot.

"Don't worry, you just need to trust me, don't think about anything else!" Zhang Feng said, giving him a mailbox, which is a very strange mailbox and needs a special method to send it.

Sarkoli still complied. At this point, there is no reason for Sarkoli not to believe in Zhang Feng. Even if Zhang Feng proposes something very outrageous, Sarkoli thinks it is reasonable to complete it.

For Nicolas, Zhang Feng's personality charm has deeply convinced him.

Zhang Feng is Sarkoli's savior, even he was thinking that Zhang Feng came here to save him.

He is full of hope for life now, and he knows he will be out soon.

Sending a message out in the prison was simply too easy for him. It took less than half an hour to get it done. After the job, Zhang Feng asked him how the message was sent.

Sarkoli said he went to the warden’s office. He had a good relationship with the warden. He often went to the warden to play on the computer, and the warden wanted him. He was a computer programmer during college. , Proficient in computers, the warden likes to look at those computers, and Sakori can always help the warden to find good things, the warden cannot do without him.

If he wants to go to the warden's office, there is no need to inform the warden, and the guard at the door will let him in.

After listening to what he said, Zhang Feng patted him on the shoulder and said, "Well, yes, a skill can save your life!"

Sarkory believed that something would always be useful, and it could save lives at critical moments.

"Lee, what are we going to do now? Do we want to escape? How to get out?" Sakori said, "I heard that last year, there was a burrowing and escape. He was killed before he ran a hundred meters. Has been sealed!"

"No, now the situation has changed. There is no need to escape from prison. Someone will invite us out!" Zhang Feng said.

Sarkory was excited, and seemed to understand something.

In Roman City tens of kilometers away from the prison, a hot spot of public opinion landed in Roman City at this time. It is related to France a week ago. It is a follow-up, and there are more fierce anises. This time it is Franco. Si himself.

The earthquake-like news a week ago shocked people's eyes, and this time it came again. It was the recording of Francis who was locked up.

A voice discrimination expert has confirmed that it is France's voice.

This was confirmed.

The next day, Sakoli was summoned, saying that his lawyer came to look for it.

"Li, as you said, they are here, haha!" Sa Keli told Zhang Feng the news in surprise.

Zhang Feng smiled and said, "Okay, let France go first, and then you will see your lawyer again!"

"Won't France come out to deny this matter?" Sakoli asked worriedly.

Zhang Feng said: "It is possible for him to do this, but it's useless. Go ahead and do it!"


Sarkoli puts the languid Francis and the two drunk attendants, and Sarkoli filled them with alcohol.

This allows people outside to see that they have been drinking here for the past few days. As for the prison guards, Sakoli has already taken care of them, so they won’t care about it, as long as they are alive and don’t escape. Don't cause any major issues.

peace brings money.

Then Sarkoli went to see his own lawyer, who was sent by his father, and his father, Agni, was also the one who came.

Agni told him that France's father had been controlled by the police and was on trial, and that Sacori's case was being retrial.

Sakori cried on the spot. He wanted to tell his father that all of this was done by the Oriental, but he couldn't say.

He knows how terrifying this person is!

After meeting with his lawyer, Sakoli came to his cell. Zhang Feng was no longer here. When Sakoli walked to the square, he saw Zhang Feng chatting with the inmates happily, but did not see the Buddha. The three Lances later learned that they had gone to the infirmary.

Those two don't even know what happened, why they were tied up, eating and drinking Lazarus was being served!

And France seemed to be a different person, becoming languid, his eyes blank, as if he might fall down at any time.

The people in the unidentified people thought that he was drinking too much. A young man finally drank in the prison. He tried so hard to drink, and he must be unable to hold his body. He went to the infirmary.

At this moment Sarkoli walked to Zhang Feng's side and whispered: "Li, I don't know how to thank you!"

"Want to thank me?" Zhang Feng asked him.

Nicolas Sarkoli shook his heart, and a bad thought appeared in his heart. He wouldn't help him in vain. He must have asked for something. What would he want?

People like him will definitely ask for a lot, even scary.

"Yes, Lee, you helped me a lot!" Sakori said carefully.

Zhang Feng said: "Well, I want everything about Francis and his son, all their wealth!"

Sure enough, sure enough...

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