Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1497: Or ask Alice for help

If Mike was so good and used hacking techniques to steal money, he would immediately attract the attention of the police and follow the vine.

This is illegal and Zhang Feng will not do it.

After hanging up, Zhang Feng reluctantly went to Alice again, because the money still needs to go through the bank!

And Zhang Feng could not show up.

Alice is still very happy to receive Zhang Feng's call, although she still has anger in her heart.

"What's the matter?" Alice asked.

Zhang Feng said: "There is something for you to help! Do you have any friends in the bank?"

"Yes!" Allie said without hesitation: "Where are you?"

Alice hasn't seen him for a few days, so she missed it very much.

"I'll find you!" Zhang Feng said.

"Okay, I'm..."

The conversation between the two is a bit strange and abnormal, as if they are both very sensible conversations.

In fact, Zhang Feng feels that he is a bit too much, and always troubles her, but in this city, if you don’t find her, you really don’t know who you are going to look for, and she is the most suitable one. There will be so many going to the bank. The funds from Zhai Qiang are transferred to Zhai Qiang’s account, and she has the identity of a policeman.

After a while, Zhang Feng arrived at Alice’s house downstairs. Alice was wearing a cautious denim, a white T-shirt with a leaky belly button, and her long brown hair fell down. With her figure, she was very youthful and beautiful. With a wildness.

Zhang Feng was surprised to find that Alice had abdominal muscles in her abdomen. Although I could not see all of them, after Zhang Feng's eyesight, I could see that they were six-pack abdominal muscles.

Men with abdominal muscles are very sexy, and they are simply female killers.

And women with abdominal muscles are not killers of men.

Now Alice has killed a lot of Zhang Feng's cells, lifted the hormones in his body, and then killed them.

"What are you looking at?"

Faced with Zhang Feng's fiery gaze, Alice's face was a bit flushed, and her heart became warm. She knew that Zhang Feng liked this one!

Youthful, beautiful and sexy, with unlimited sunshine.

"Oh, you are very beautiful today!" Zhang Feng has never been stingy with words that can make the other party happy.

Sure enough, Alice smiled happily: "Thank you!"

"Get in the car!" Zhang Feng pointed to one of his ordinary cars.

Alice knew that it was not genuine when she looked at the license plate, but she didn't say that she had gone up with Zhang Feng.

For the car, Zhang Feng has already figured out some of the routines of the Roman City traffic police. Even if it is a deck, it will be fine as long as you are careful.

Inside the car!

"Come to me, how can I help?" Alice asked.

Zhang Feng took out the box with the bank card and said, "There are thirty-nine cards here. Each card has a lot of money. I want to transfer the money from these cards to an overseas account."

In fact, Zhang Feng can go to the underground bank, but the amount is huge, and Zhang Feng does not believe them.

Let's do it in a formal way.

"Oh, this, let's go to the bank!" Alice said, this is not a big deal, but she doesn't understand why she is called, Zhang Feng can do it herself.

Despite thinking so, Alice will still go with Zhang Feng.

No matter what Zhang Feng came to see her, she would agree.

"No, Alice, these cards are huge, and they are all anonymous!" Zhang Feng said.

Alice thought for a while, and she seemed to be going through the back door. She said, "It's okay, I'm going to find a friend of mine! It's very reliable, don't worry."

"That's naturally good!" Zhang Feng said.

The two were silent for a while, and Zhang Fengyu looked at her. She looked forward quietly, putting her hands between her legs naturally, holding her fingers tightly, she seemed to be thinking about something.

"Alice, I..." Zhang Feng didn't know what to say.

Alice said, "Don't say...we are friends, aren't we?"

Alice has understood what Zhang Feng meant to her these days, and she didn't mean that, she was sad.

It's just that she didn't show it in front of Zhang Feng.

She was worried that Zhang Feng would say something more outside, so she stopped him.

‘Are we friends? ’

Faced with a problem like Alice, Zhang Feng's heart pierced a bit. This girl is not simple.

Zhang Feng did not answer her words, the car speeded up and drove to the place Alice said.

In the meantime, Alice called a man named Blaus, who was a man.

When Zhang Feng saw the man looking at Alice with fiery eyes, he didn't even feel jealous at all. Maybe he really didn't like her, he was just a simple friend.

In other words, it is better than friends.

This Blaus liked Alice, and he was still a fanatical kind, he was so excited that Alice could come to him.

Zhang Feng did not follow, but gave her Zhai Qiang's account and all the bank cards. Zhang Feng waited for her in the car.

This is a branch of a bank, and Blaus is the manager and should be able to do this.

For more than half an hour, Alice did not come out. Zhang Feng was a little anxious and called her, but the phone turned off.

Alice never turns off the phone, and the phone can't be dead, because when Alice called just now, Zhang Feng glanced at the phone screen, the phone still had a lot of power.

There must be a problem, Zhang Feng stopped thinking about it, got out of the car and went in.

Entering the lobby of the bank, a female customer service came to greet him, with a smiley face speaking English: "I'm glad to serve you!"

"I'm looking for you Manager Bross!" Zhang Feng said.

The female customer service said: "Sorry sir, our manager is receiving guests, please wait a moment!"

"No, I'll see him now, where is he?" Zhang Feng looked at the hall and saw a door in the corner with the manager's office written on it.

Zhang Feng walked up quickly, but was stopped by the female customer service: "Sir, sir, you can't go there!"

Where did Zhang Feng pay attention to her, he got rid of her in one turn, and the female customer service turned around only to see that this person had gone to the manager's room, and he kicked the door to the ground.

"Ah..." the female customer service called.

There were many people in the hall, already attracted by the movement here, and the bank security ran over with guns.

When the two security guards were about to enter the manager's room, they flew out and hit the wall and passed out.

At this moment, Zhang Feng came out holding Alice, quickly out of the hall, and then got in the car and left.

Alice was lying on the back seat shivering, her clothes were messy and her hair was still there.

He was only wearing a short T-shirt and the clothes on one shoulder were torn.

Zhang Feng's face was solemn and the car was fast.

After Zhang Feng left, a lot of police came here. When the police arrived at the manager’s office, they saw Manager Blaus lying in a pool of blood. After forensic identification, he was beaten on the back and directly beat the cervical spine. Broken, the cervical spine pierced the heart from the back to the front and penetrated into the front chest.

This is a non-human impact, extremely scary.

When they were about to check the bank's surveillance, they found that the surveillance had been turned off almost an hour ago, and only saw Blaus go out to welcome a girl in.

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