Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1499: collected

Alice was asleep, and she didn't feel the strangeness of Zhang Feng, because she was just a girl and hadn't become a woman yet.

She had never felt so peaceful, that this was a world, a world that only belonged to them.

Zhang Feng didn't move and just let her hold it until she woke up.

By the time she woke up, it was already the next day, and this would make Alice already sleep in Zhang Feng's arms, and Zhang Feng was leaning on the head of the bed, half lying down.

Alice opened her eyes and saw Zhang Feng's chin, which had a beard.

Realizing that she was in Zhang Feng's arms, Alice's face suddenly reddened, she supported her body and said, "Uh, uh, sorry, I fell asleep!"

Zhang Feng smiled slightly: "Good morning!"

"What? In the morning?" Alice suddenly realized something and quickly got out of Zhang Feng's arms, but Zhang Feng hugged her and prevented her from moving.

Zhang Feng nodded and smiled: "You have been sleeping since yesterday afternoon until now!"

"Wow..." Alice did not struggle: "I slept for so long."

"Yes, sows can't sleep for that long, so sows will get up and eat!" Zhang Feng smiled.

"I, I'm not a sow!"

Alice's face was flushed, very beautiful, she was completely red, Zhang Feng looked down and couldn't help but lowered her head. Alice looked at the situation, her face became more red, she was in a mess, closed her eyes to greet .

The mouth came down, and Zhang Feng's hand was no longer waiting...

Zhang Feng thought to himself, it really felt different, Yanmar.


After Xiao Zhangfeng and Da Zhangfeng were full, it was already in the afternoon. During this time, Zhang Feng was out looking for food. Alice had a good appetite, maybe because of too much exercise, but also because she was almost a day and night. Nothing to eat.

The two were leaving the small house.

Zhang Feng found that Alice's feet could walk normally, but she didn't find anything unusual. There should be something wrong with her walking, and she didn't see her endure.

"Feng, what are you looking at?" Alice found it strange to see Zhang Feng always staring at herself.

Zhang Feng said: "Does your leg hurt?"

"Why does my leg hurt?" Alice asked him back.

Zhang Feng said, "Isn't it your first time? So what..." Zhang Feng didn't know how to go on.

Alice understood what Zhang Feng said, she said: "There is no such thing, I have been exercising since I was young, so..."

"Oh, no wonder, at that time..." Zhang Feng said.

Seeing what Zhang Feng said, Alice quickly said: "I, I have nothing to do with other people, I swear!"

Alice knew that Dongfang had this concept, so she told Zhang Feng clearly.

"I didn't mean that, I was just worried that it hurts or not!" Zhang Feng said.

"Hey, it doesn't hurt right now, it hurts a bit at the beginning, later..."

"Alice, our car is there!"

Zhang Feng couldn't let her talk anymore, otherwise she might tell what she would say.

"Oh, I still remember!" Alice said.

It was a broken car, barely able to start. According to the regulations of Alice as a traffic police, it was a scrapped car.

But I still care about this now.

She doesn't care if Zhang Feng has money or not. No, he is very rich, a lot of money. When he was at the bank yesterday, Blaus checked every one of them. They were huge sums of money.

I don't know where Zhang Feng got so much money, and this card is so special that she has never seen it.

No matter how Zhang Feng got the money, Alice believed that the money was clean, and at least it was just money, which was enough.

Even if there are illegal elements in it, it is a thief.

As the saying goes, there are ways to steal, Alice firmly believes in Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng drove away and drove out of the city. Alice did not ask Zhang Feng where she was going. Zhang Feng said she would take her away. As for where to go, Alice didn’t care, as long as she was with Zhang Feng. .

When the car drove out of the city, Zhang Feng didn't want to stay in Roman City anymore. Zhang Feng left too many prints in this city, and he took away the most beautiful girl in Roman City.

As for where to go, Zhang Feng hasn't thought about it until now, so he can go wherever he goes.

With beauty as a companion, Zhang Feng will not be lonely anymore, just waiting for his own troubles in the country to stabilize, and then become smaller, and then become nothing.

Then Zhang Feng can go back with a new attitude.

At this moment, Alice turned on her cell phone, which contained more than a hundred missed calls and hundreds of text messages.

They were all from family, friends, and colleagues. Just when Alice was about to shut down the phone cruelly, the phone rang: "Linling..."

Alice was taken aback, and the phone almost fell off her hand.

"It's a mess!" Alice looked at the caller ID.

Irregular numbers.

Alice hung up, but it rang again, this time with another garbled code.

"Take it!" Zhang Feng said.


"It's okay, take it, there's me!"

Alice answered, and the other party immediately said: "Brother Feng, Brother Feng..."

Alice heard a word, she didn't know what was going on, this was her mobile phone, was it a wrong call?

"If you are looking for me, press the speakerphone!" Zhang Feng said.

"Oh!" Alice reacted now, she blamed herself for being so slow.

After pressing the speakerphone, Mike's voice came: "Brother Feng, sister Wanru asked me to contact you!"

"Talk about it!" Zhang Feng said in a deep voice.

That must be a big deal, otherwise Chen Wanru would not contact him like this.

Mike said: "Cheng Xiaojing was detained by the police, and has not been able to contact you for these two days, so..."

"What does it have to do with us?" Zhang Feng asked.

Mike said: "I said this is the original words of Sister Wanru. It didn't have much to do. But Cheng Xiaojing's father is not simple. There is also a large technology company in their family, which is competing with the world's major giants. It can be said that it is our national enterprise. They are suppressed and subjected to various conspiracies, you know..."

"Why are you looking for me?" Zhang Feng asked again.

Mike said, "Uh...Brother Feng, I don't know about that. Sister Wanru didn't say so, so she told me to tell you that!"

"Okay, I get it!" Zhang Feng said in a deep voice.

The meaning is already obvious. Chen Wanru is very clever and doesn't talk much. You can stop until you click, and let Zhang Feng choose the rest.

But there are already hints that if this is done, it will add a lot of points.

Now that Zhang Feng's black dragon mercenary group's **** has not been wiped clean, there will be a little more paper on it to wipe it off when this is done, and the cleaning speed will be faster.

It's that simple.

As for Li Jingxin, Zhang Feng thought of this person who made him worry.

No matter what, Zhang Feng still had to go back, and he stopped the car.

Alice could not understand Chinese, but she also knew that something major had happened, so she sat there silently.

"Alice, I'm sorry, I originally wanted to take you to play, but it's impossible now. We have to go back to Roman City!"

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