Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1542: Aracato

"No, my parents were killed. I still don't know who killed it. I didn't want to leave here, so I stayed!"

Zhang Feng did not speak, this is a tragedy.

After a long silence, Lacy said, "Sir, one hundred meters further ahead, we are in the area controlled by Kirchman."

"What about here now?"

"It's the wire!"

That's why it was so ruined.

"Sir, we need to take a detour, or we will be treated as enemies!" Assi said, "Can I drive?"


Zhang Feng believed him, he was more familiar with this place than Zhang Feng.

It seems that his home is in the control zone.

Lacy drove the car through the narrow alley, and finally stopped in front of a little broken three-story building.

"This is my home!" Lacy said when he got out of the car.

Zhang Feng nodded.

When they got out of the car and entered the house, a brain appeared at the end of the alley, and then even retracted.

He took out his cell phone and made a quiet call.

At this time, Zhang Feng has arrived at Lassi’s home. These three-storey buildings belong to his home. The first floor is a shop. Now it is completely different. It has been bombed. This is the place where his parents were buried. .

When they got to the upper floor, they were quite clean and carpeted. Although dirty, it can be seen that their family was still rich before because of the war.

"Sir, drink water!" Lacy poured a glass of water for Zhang Feng.

Water is very precious in this place. The city’s pipes are in disrepair, and it’s good to have water to drink. It seems that Lassi’s life is not bad, and this should be his work.

It is very profitable to be a guide, but it is also in exchange for life.

"Thank you!" Zhang Feng said thank you, and Lacy let out a sigh of relief. This person doesn't look so scary.

Just when Zhang Feng was about to drink water, he was stopped by Lacy. He said, "Sir, are you not afraid that I will poison you to death?"

"You want to kill me?" Zhang Feng was not angry.

Lacy jumped in shock, took two steps back, and was relieved when he saw that Zhang Feng's face was not murderous: "I mean if."

"Haha, if you wanted to kill me, you would have sent me to the rebel army, saying that I killed so many of them!" Zhang Feng said nonchalantly and drank the water.

Lacy smiled awkwardly, it was true.

"Tell me about the things here!" Zhang Feng said.

Zhang Feng really wants to know everything here, and it is estimated that he will have to deal with them in the future.

"The building is four blocks away from here. It is the only well-preserved building and the largest building in Aracatu. Her owner is Koshiman!" Lacy said, taking out his mobile phone to find a photo.

I saw a sturdy black man wearing an old presidential uniform sitting in the car. On both sides of the car were queue soldiers. The military uniform was a uniform camouflage uniform, very formal.

This should be the deity of Kirchman.

"He is Kochman. This was when he reviewed his army half a year ago. He showed his strength to the media, saying that he has the strength to control the situation and allow the people to live a peaceful life. In fact, he levied aggressively in the area under his control. He is extremely extravagant and the people dislike him very much, but under the power, he can only do so. If he hadn't had foreign aid, he would have died."

It turned out to be tyranny. No wonder someone resisted.


Suddenly there was a roar from the sky, and there was the sound of cars at the end of the alley. Any sound in the alley could be heard very far, echoed, and heard very clearly.

Zhang Feng jumped up, and Lacy said anxiously with a pale face: "I forgot, the car we drove was a rebel car. It is the people of Cochman who are here. Run!"

Lacy ran downstairs first, but Zhang Feng grabbed him.

Zhang Feng said: "Go up!"

It's more dangerous to go up. It's a helicopter. Can you escape?

Zhang Feng is living after death, how does Lacy understand.

When he went upstairs, Zhang Feng pulled Lacy from the window to the top of another one-story building. Lacy was frightened. If Zhang Feng hadn't pulled him, his feet would be dead.

When he arrived at another building, Zhang Feng broke into the window. Going up, it was a five-story building. When he reached the top of the building, Zhang Feng saw a helicopter parked on the upper floor of Lassi’s house, not Apa. Odd, relatively old, from the 1960s and 1970s, with a lot of weapons on board, Zhang Feng actually saw the Tomahawk missile, which is more expensive than a helicopter.

Seven or eight soldiers in camouflage uniforms quickly got off the plane and entered Lacy's home.

The two sides of the alley had been sealed off, and a dozen soldiers ran over from both sides.

"Go!" Zhang Feng shouted.

He grabbed the pipe from the building and wanted to go down. Lacy didn't dare. Zhang Feng cursed: "Get down if you don't want to die."

Lacy left as he said. He closed his eyes. Zhang Feng didn't care about him. He went to grab the helicopter and said, otherwise he couldn't leave.

Zhang Feng admitted that he was not so good at solving so many people at once. As long as there is a little delay, their reinforcements will arrive within a few minutes, and they will continue to flow.

So this helicopter is the only way to escape.

Zhang Feng dropped Lassi, showing the cool devil's moves on the roof, and soon reached the roof of Lassi's house.

A pilot of the helicopter stayed behind. Zhang Feng jumped up from the other side and smashed the glass with a punch and hit the pilot in the face. He fainted.

Zhang Feng opened the door and threw him down, went up to drive the helicopter.

The helicopter flew up, headed towards Lassi, and stopped in front of Lassi. Lassi was terrified, Zhang Feng stretched out his face and shouted, "Come on!"

Lacy saw Zhang Feng and quickly climbed up.

I was found at this moment, and the bullet swished over. Zhang Feng pulled the rod to climb the helicopter, but Lassi was hit in the thigh, fortunately, there was no risk of life.

Da da……

When the bullet hit the bottom of the cabin, Zhang Feng was annoyed. When he aimed it down, he shot it down. The soldiers in the alley below fell down. You must know that the power of this airborne machine gun is terrifying. The bullet is like a three-year-old child's arms. The rate of fire is 2,000 rounds per minute.

"Can I still get a machine gun?" Zhang Feng shouted.

Lacy crawled over and said, "Yes!"

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