Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1547: Arrogant

Hearing this voice, Zhang Feng became very angry. He has been here for so long and only now called.

Forget it, the tone is still so dragging.

Zhang Feng said coldly: "It's me, let me fart!"

"You, what do you mean?" The man over there was surprised: "Dare to talk to me like this!"

"I dare not, who are you!?" Zhang Feng said angrily.

"You, arrogant, I am Lu Gundam, you will go, you don't need you here!" said the man over there.

Now Zhang Feng knows, this person is the person in charge of this mission, he is so small, can he handle this mission well? Although Zhang Feng did not know what the task was.

"Huh!" Zhang Feng hung up the phone with a cold snort, and said angrily: "Who is this!"

Speaking of Zhang Feng lost the phone, the phone flew 100 meters away.

And the people over there were even more angry, and he jumped angrily: "Who is this, why would the above send me such a person!"

The subordinates said: "This person is called Zhang Feng. He was a member of Huangquan Team before. It is said that he has made great contributions, but he is unruly and has done a lot of violations of discipline!"

"From Huangquan Team?"

The captain is Lu Gundam, a mighty man in his thirties. His face is quite big, but his eyes are very small. What's more strange is that his eyebrows are slender, and his nickname is corns in private.

It can also be called Captain Corn.

This time, I took a team of 15 people into this war-torn place to perform secret missions.

Its mission was to buy a batch of weapons from our military industry after Aracah established diplomatic relations with me. Now there are problems with the weapons, and the weapons have been robbed by criminals. The second problem is that the weapons themselves are also problematic, and Arak’s technology is limited. , Even if the weapon was taken back, the weapon could not be repaired, so at the invitation of Araka, we sent personnel.

Because this involves the issue of weapons, and it is still in a war-torn place, in order not to give others a word, it is done secretly. This is also the after-sales service of the products sold.

Araka is naturally the Kochman government.

After the Lugoda squad arrived in Araka, Koshiman would send personnel to cooperate with them.

Therefore, among the 15 of them, except for the leader Lu Gundam, all of them are technicians.


But now they pretend to be combatants, they are actually combat effective, but they are not that powerful.

"Yes, captain, Huangquan team. Huangquan team was disbanded because of his mistakes. One said it was Long Ao Yan, but now Huangquan team is back. Zhang Feng is not in the rebuilt Huangquan team. I think it was because he made a mistake, and it has nothing to do with Long Ao," the subordinate said.

Lu Gundam nodded, and his words corresponded to the conversation with Zhang Feng just now. Zhang Feng's attitude can explain the problem. This person is really rebellious and cannot be used.

And this time the mission is very sensitive, maybe something big will happen, so there can be no mistakes.

Therefore, this person cannot participate.

Originally, there was nothing about Zhang Feng in this mission. It was Mr. Gu Su who asked Zhang Feng to go too.

In this way, this Zhang Feng just walked through the back door, and wanted to pass this mission to take credit!

How can such a person enter the Huangquan team? Dragged down the Huangquan team.

It can be said that a toad broke the whole pot of soup.

"Well, forget it, don't care about this person, I have told him to go!" Lu Gundam said.

The subordinate said: "Captain, how do we explain to them?"

Lu Gao said angrily: "What do you want to explain? It was they who wanted to explain to me, and he was almost done by him."

"Yes, Captain!"

"Don't pay attention to him, have you contacted Kirchman?" Luda was talking about business.

"They have sent someone to pick us up!"

"Okay, remember, we only do our own things, we can't take care of their affairs, don't care about anything, remember?"


"and many more!"

"Captain, what else?"

"If you report Zhang Feng's affairs, you just say that he has been retired for disobeying orders, and now I don't know where he is!"



At this time, Zhang Feng had already gone to pick up the phone and came back. When he threw the phone out just now, he hit a rock and bounced off and fell aside, covered in sand.

Zhang Feng searched for a while to find it. He only found it after stepping on his foot.

The phone is fine, just scratched a bit.

Then Zhang Feng called Chen Wanru.

Chen Wanru said: "What are you calling me for? Didn't you go to perform the task?"

"Shit mission, who is that person, just called me and said I don't want me to go, what do you mean?" Zhang Feng was annoyed.

Ha ha!

Chen Wanru smiled.

"What's so funny, is it easy for me to come to this place where birds don't shit? I ended up saying that I don't need me. What am I? A tool that I want to use or lose if I don't want to use it?"

Zhang Feng's anger came up.

"Okay, okay, take the gunpowder, you, I forgot to tell you, the leader of the team is called Lu Gundam, the level is still very high, and the political awareness is very high. If he leads the team, no major problems "Chen Wanru said: "But he is not very gregarious, and there should be no sand in his eyes. Maybe he is scolding you? Or you provoke him, but anyway, if you can't do it this time, you won't have this. Credit, I have to reconsider your return to the team."

"Just like the love, I'm not taking care of it anymore. This place is not that simple. Just this guy can do the task? Oh, yes, what is the task?"

Zhang Feng asked about this task.

Chen Wanru said: "Presumably Lu Gundam doesn't need you to go now, and you don't need to know."

"Forget it, I don't even bother to know!" Zhang Feng looked like a ruffian, giving full play to his street fighter temperament.

Chen Wanru said: "I'm still playing a child's temper. Hey, I see you this time, it's hard to do! I will tell Master in a while and see what arrangements he has! You are right, the situation there is not that simple, they It’s very difficult to go this time. I think you are still needed. You are on standby at any time."

He said this seriously, and Zhang Feng knew that he could not play his temper, so he said, "Let's talk about it!"

"Then extend your vacation. Don't worry, you are the best soldier in our army. The country and people will not give up on you, and you should not give up either!"

Speaking more seriously, Chen Wanru put big hats on Zhang Feng's head.

And Zhang Feng didn't look at him, but Chen Wanru was right. The party, the country and the people will not give up on him, nor will he give up.

Zhang Feng is firm in this belief, and his blood is flowing with the faith of Zhang Dashan's loyalty, which cannot be changed.

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