Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1565: Winner and loser

Not only is it general, but there is nothing that Zhang Feng can't accomplish.

At this moment, they came down from the floor, mixed into the crowd and left here quietly.

There are mountains around the city of Maya. There are no trees and the hills are bare. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that there are many large and deep caves in the mountains. As long as it is during the war, it has become a refuge for people and easy to guard. Hard to attack.

Now Li Jian, the Tyrannosaurus, has driven a helicopter to go there. Cheng Xu and others have studied the terrain there, and found a place to hide and wait for the meeting of Hades and them.

"Tyrannosaurus, what's going on with you?" Hades said to the headset.

"I'm in the mountains, it's safe, I'll send you the coordinates in a while!" Li Jian said.

"it is good!"

After a while, the king of Yan received the coordinates sent by Li Jian, and they proceeded to the coordinates.

The bad thing is that Philemon’s people also go in the direction of the helicopter. A target the size of a helicopter is flying in the sky, and you can see it with your eyes. There is no need for a night vision device, or a high-powered night vision function. mirror.

The most important thing in this city is these military equipment.

"What? People have been taken away, and many brothers have died. Are you rubbish? People came to us and broke the weapons in your hands. You don’t know if they came to stab you. , A bunch of waste!"

In a luxurious room upstairs in the red light district, Philipmon yelled at several of his men in anger.

Philip Meng was in his fifties, his figure was a little thin, his head was wrapped in a white turban, and his eyes were half as hungry as a wolf, making his men tremble in fear.

"Boss, they are out of sight. We don't know when they came in and robbed our helicopter. Now they have gone to the east mountain, ah, boss..."


Before this man could finish speaking, Filimon picked up the desert eagle on the table and killed him.

Several started to kneel on the ground in fright, and one of them repeatedly said: "Boss, boss, let's get them back!"

"Yes, boss, they can't run!"

Philemon seemed to have not heard what they said, thinking about it, and then said, "The mountain to the east, they are looking for missiles, hum, they want missiles, huh, very good, after you fix them, I will ask come back!"

The subordinates below seemed to understand and felt relieved a lot.

"Don't pay attention to them for the time being, the people who gather them, stand by at any time!" Philipmon said.


"Check all the weapons, if there are no more weapons, then don't use your heads!" Philipmon said fiercely.

"Yes Yes!"

"get out!"

Several subordinates received an amnesty, and two people came in after one to lift the body from the room and wipe the blood from the eyes.

Filimon sat on the leather office chair and thought for a while, he made a call.

"Koshiman, haha, long time no see!"

"You dare to call me, you steal my weapon and send it back immediately. I will use them to do great things. After the thing is done, I will be a general for you!"

"Haha, do you treat me as a three-year-old child? Why don't I become president by myself? The Chinese have already come, and he thanks you for calling them for me. They will be able to fix my weapon soon, and the goal is Will aim at Aracatu, you and Hurd will die, haha!"

"You, don't think about it!"

"You know, I can do it. If it weren't for you, Araka wouldn't be like this. This president was originally mine. Is it wrong for me to get it back?"

"I won't let you succeed!"


Philemon sneered and hung up the phone, he was threatening Kochman.

A few years ago, Kochman took this position by launching a big move, but due to a series of his stupid actions, the people didn't live up to their lives, and the people started to rise, resulting in the current situation.

Philemon now wants to put an end to all this by force and let Araka regain his life.

He is ambitious.

So who is the sinner?

Easterners have a good saying that the light on their heads will cover up the darkness behind them, making the king loser!

History is written by victors.

At this time, Koshman in Alacati became nervous. If the Chinese people repaired the weapon, he would really dare to do it. What would he do to stop him then?

I shouldn't have called the Huaxia people to come, and I was caught in his trap. Is it too late to change back now?

Yes, contact Huaxia people.


Yan Wang and the others have arrived somewhere in the mountains east of Maya City, where they met with Li Jian, where he was dealing with the wounded. The wounded were already very haggard and only half their lives were left.

Three of them had their ears cut off, and two had their legs broken. They must be treated as soon as possible.

After Hades arrived here, he immediately made a decision to send his injured brother to the hospital. Of course, he couldn't send him to Maya City. The hospital there was only a clinic at best, and he couldn't go.

If you go abroad, you will be abroad in a few dozen kilometers.

"Long Ao, no, we have to complete the task, and Captain Lu is still in the hands of the culprit, we must rescue him!" Cheng Xu said firmly.

He said: "Brother, rest assured, we will complete the task, Lu Gundam will be rescued, and you will also go for treatment. Now the most important thing is you. You are cultivated by the country with a lot of resources. The weapons are more precious. As for Lu Gundam, I don’t know his life or death, but he has to see people and corpses in his life."

Cheng Xu stopped talking. After arriving here just now, he knew that the person who rescued them was Huangquan Squad, the strongest presence in the army, and the man named Zhang Feng, with terrifying skills, Cheng Xu would never forget him. How did you kill four gangsters with four playing cards at the same time.

The country dispatched the Huangquan team, enough to show that they valued them, so he must cherish himself.

"Just do it, I'm going to do the task now!" Yan Wang said: "Me, lunatic and students, go to rescue Lu Gundam, and then repair weapons, Tyrannosaurus, you send them to treat!"


The Huangquan team responded. It is intentional for the students to stay. There are not many weapons students in this world who can't, even the highest level weapons he has participated in.

"Where is Luda? Do you know?" Yan Wang asked Chen Xu and them.

Cheng Xu said: "Captain Lu is a technician. He can repair weapons, but it would be difficult without us."

"I'm asking, where is he!" Yan Wang said calmly.

"We don't know. In fact, we had already found the location of the weapon at that time, but it was discovered by Philemon!" Cheng Xu said: "Now the weapon has been transferred by Philemon."

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