Super Special Forces King

Chapter 608: Hades' depression (two more)


Zhang Feng has not found the King of Yama, but the Tyrannosaurus Li Jian has found him first.

Although Li Jian was codenamed Tyrannosaurus, he was actually the most reticent person in the Huangquan Special Operations Team.

The so-called reticent person must be careful! Because when others talk loudly, such people are silently observing, and they can always find details that others have overlooked.

Tyrannosaurus Li Jian is just such a person.

"Crazy man, how's the injury?" asked Tyrannosaurus Li Jian.

"It should be nothing big. Don't worry."

Zhang Feng said with a smile. To be honest, he really didn't pay much attention to his thigh injury these days.

One is to know that the injury did not hurt the bones, and the other is that there are too many things, so there is no time to pay attention.

Always be on guard with trepidation, for fear that the mercenaries who have surrendered will turn back again.

Still wondering what happened to Hades.

I was still thinking about the gold mine and the actions of the US consulate abroad.

Although the Huangquan mercenary map now includes the Death Scythe mercenary group, there are close to one hundred and five hundred mercenaries, and the strength has greatly increased.

But Zhang Feng did not dare to have the slightest optimism, because how long it would take these mercenaries to truly integrate in and exert their combat effectiveness is really not a guarantee!

He took out two cigarettes from his pocket, threw one to Tyrannosaurus Li Jian, held one in his mouth, lit it and smoked it slowly.

He sneered and said with a sneer: "Brother Li Jian, don't you come here to ask me specifically because of my lap? Come on, what's the matter?"

Tyrannosaurus Li Jian gave Zhang Feng a blank look, and said with a smile: "I really don't worry about your affairs, because you are the only one who makes others suffer. Also, if you have your head, everything will make sense."

"The brain is alive?" Zhang Feng nodded. He already knew what Tyrannosaurus Li Jian was going to say, so he smiled and said, "Brother Li Jian, it seems that the two of us thought about going together. We all thought of the person with the head axis. "

The more determined people are, the more persistent they are, which is the so-called axis.

And the person with the head axis in their mouth is naturally Hades.

Tyrannosaurus Li Jian was not surprised. He just sighed, nodded, and said: "It can be said that all the energy of the king is on the Huangquan special warfare team. Now he has been removed from the designation. You can imagine how much he has been affected. Shock. Alas. Don't talk about him, it's you and me. Thinking of the serial number being revoked, I feel heartbroken."

What about Zhang Feng?

From the selection of Hell Road to joining the Huangquan Special Combat Team, all the way, there are too many memories.

However, he didn't feel that it was not that Huangquan's special operations team's designation was revoked that really hit Hades.

To be more precise, it should be that the pain of the Huangquan Special Operations Squad's designation being revoked is still within the scope of Hell, but there are other reasons that hit Hell to such an extent.

Zhang Feng didn’t think of it, so he didn’t say to Li Jian, he just said, “Don’t worry. If you don’t come to me, I will also talk to Hades! What’s more, I’m hurt because of him. If I don’t give it to me. A reasonable explanation depends on how I bury him, hahaha."


When I found the King of Yama in the resident, I saw him sitting in front of the house, looking into the distance with hollow eyes.

There is no point of sight, and the body is even more slack. It doesn't look like a model of the best soldier in China, but like a reform-through-labor prisoner who just walked out of the prison gate, at a loss, not knowing where the road is, and not knowing his existence. Meaning, trance and decadence!


Saying hello, walking over, Zhang Feng sat down beside him.

There was no circumstance, because there was no need at all, and he said straightforwardly: "Hell, let's talk about it, what's the matter? Brother, don't you hide me?"

Yan Wang nodded sullenly, and said, "If Li Jian or someone else came to ask me, I wouldn't tell them. You ask me, but I want to tell you."

Zhang Feng raised his eyebrows and only told himself, could it be because he saved him?

Such idiotic questions can't be asked, and don't interrupt, just wait for Hades to speak.

"Crazy man, are you fair? My father died in the name of a heroic martyr for more than ten years. He suddenly came alive one day, but he was a traitor, a spurned traitor! And me? A soldier. , Demanding his own soldiers with the strictest rules! But because of this time, I completely lost everything I care about! Do you think this is fair?"

"He is my father, and even the idol in my heart. He is a great hero! Faced with the enemy's muzzle, he can still roar to the sky with bruises and bruises. What a hero, what a hero! But in the end. What kind of vocabulary should you use to describe him as a villain, traitor, spy, and traitor?"

Hearing this, Zhang Feng finally understood what the greatest pain in Hades's heart was.

Just as I thought, the designation of Huangquan Special Operations Squad was revoked. Although it hurts, Hades can bear it.

What is simply unbearable is the father who worshipped since childhood, the hero's image collapsed! Even the faith in Hades's heart collapsed!

But this has something to do with yourself? Why not tell others, only tell yourself?

Still waiting for Hades to speak by himself, but he only needs to hear the end quietly.

"Crazy man, you said that your father has never appeared in your life in the ten years since he was missing! But he is a real hero! I still remember when we saw him in the water prison of the Golden Triangle, you still remember Is he skinny? You took him out of the quagmire yourself!"

"My father is just the opposite! From hero to traitor! I would rather such a father really died! Then he will always be the hero in my heart!" Hell's voice is already a little hoarse, and his eyes are full of blood red , The suppressed complex feelings made his body tremble constantly!

After a moment of silence, Zhang Feng said in a deep voice: "Wang Yan, do you really believe that your father is a traitor? It's like you said facing the enemy's muzzle, you can still roar up to the sky, so proud and so proud. Heroes are traitors? Do you believe it?"

"I believe it, I don't believe it, what's the difference? Does it matter? The country has deemed him a traitor, otherwise my grandfather will not retreat early and will almost be put under house arrest. The name of Huangquan Special Operations Team will not be revoked... "Hell's voice is full of depression.

Zhang Feng shook his head, interrupted Yan Wang, and said in a deep voice: "Yan Wang, you believe it is very different from what you don't believe, and it is very important! Isn't the definition of a country wrong? Isn't your father free from difficulties? ? You don't know this!"

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