Super Special Forces King

Chapter 621: Alfonso wants to change his thigh (two more)


After saying what to say, Zhang Feng turned his eyes to the dancer, and said: "Starting today, the reserve corps will be trained and numbered according to their strength. Three months later, the top 100 soldiers will officially become the blood massacre of the Huangquan Mercenary Corps. Members of the brigade are rewarded with a monthly reward of 50,000 U.S. dollars and provide a guarantee contract for the death’s pension!"

The big stick and sweet jujube, only in this way can the mercenaries of the Reserve Corps join the Huangquan Mercenary Corps with all their heart, and they won't be distracted again!

The dancer nodded, indicating that he understood Zhang Feng's order.

Zhang Feng left, and the mercenaries of the Reserve Corps were in deep shock.

For some reason, Zhang Feng's words kept echoing in their minds.

Who doesn't want success? Is it that everyone just wants to be a notorious warmonger who can be sniffed when people mention it?

The answer is obviously no! What Zhang Feng said would make them one of the best among the mercenaries, and make them proud and proud of joining the Huangquan Mercenary Corps. Will it really be like this? Is it really possible?

Don't know why, they believe it! Believe the "big talk" Zhang Feng said!

Not only the distant goal, Zhang Feng also put the immediate interests in front of them.

After three months of training, as long as you can be in the top 100, you can get a bonus of $50,000, and you can also get a death pension contract!

Now there are only about 1,000 people left in the reserve corps, which means that everyone has a one-tenth chance of getting these!

Don't fight for your life, don't worry about it. As long as you train frantically, you have a great chance of getting fifty thousand dollars. Where else can you find such a good thing? I dare not say anything else, absolutely not in other mercenary groups!

The dancer looked around at all the mercenaries of the reserve corps and said in a deep voice: "You should have heard clearly what the commander Zhang Feng said just now! Three months ago, one hundred of them became official members of the Blood Slaughter Brigade of the Huangquan Mercenary Corps. , There is a reward of fifty thousand dollars plus a guarantee contract for the death’s pension!"

"In addition, I have one more request! That is, if something like last night reappears, everyone else in a room will be disqualified from the competition. As for what to do, think about it yourself!"

Hearing that, all mercenaries secretly remember the words of the dancer. Sitting in a row, one person absconds, and all others in the same room are disqualified from the competition!

"Start training today! The first item in the morning, shooting! The ranking will be temporarily based on the shooting results! The ranking can be adjusted at any time according to your training results!"

"Any other questions?" The dancer asked roaringly.

"No!" the mercenary shouted in unison.


The matter of the Reserve Corps was resolved, and Zhang Feng was standing in the room at the moment.

Beside him were the people of the Huangquan Special Operations Squad and the hunting dogs.

In front of them, there was a neat stack of more than 20 million U.S. dollars in cash, which was captured by the hunting dog from the dead mercenary.

"Head, what should I do with the money?" Hound asked.

Zhang Feng is also hesitating what to do with the money? Take out 15 million US dollars and return it to Zhai Qiang and Zhao Qiang?

After thinking about it, they gave up this plan. They are not short of money now. When Zhai Qiang said that to himself, he was just crying poor.

After a moment of silence, he said: "Brother Li Jian, Monkey, Chai Chong, students, each of you four will get one hundred thousand dollars! You take out two hundred thousand dollars for the dog, you one hundred thousand, and the goshawk one hundred thousand! Then give us Huangquan. The old men of the mercenary group give out bonuses, and the rest is reserved as a reserve fund, whenever there is a need."

Hearing this, Li Jian frowned slightly and said, "Crazy man, isn't it good for us to take money?"

His mind has not yet changed from the mind of a soldier. Fighting is a bounden duty, taking money? Somewhat incredible.

Zhang Feng smiled bitterly and said: "Brother Li Jian, you have to take the money. I know you don't lack money, but you deserve it! And even if you don't lack money, there are others who need money."

Hearing what he said, the monkey nodded like garlic.

He is different from Li Jian, Chai Chong, and Wen Kaiqi, all of whom are the children of high-ranking cadres. The monkey's parents are the most common and lowest-level vendors in society. Maybe I have never seen so much money in my life.

One hundred thousand U.S. dollars, exchanged for Chinese coins, is a full six to seven hundred thousand. It was enough to change the lives of his parents so that they could buy a small storehouse with the money instead of setting up a stall on the side of the road and enduring the wind and sun.

Tyrannosaurus Li Jian nodded and said, "Okay, I'll take the money!"

As he said, he reached out and picked up one hundred thousand dollars from the pile of money.

The monkey couldn't wait to hold the money in his hands, with an uncontrollable smile on his face. After being a soldier with so many soldiers, the subsidy I received was only able to support myself, and now I finally have money to honor my parents.


Everyone in the Huangquan Special Operations Team participated in the training of the mercenaries of the Reserve Corps, reducing the pressure on the dancers a lot.

Zhang Feng was sitting in the room alone, lighting a cigarette and smoking, he was still thinking about how to solve the resident matters.

Tomorrow, people in the country will arrive in Rwanda on a connecting flight. After a short break, they will come to the blood wolf mercenary group station. Where should their mercenary group go?

Do you really want to live in the primitive jungle?

There was a flash of inspiration in Zhang Feng's head, and wandering in the primitive jungle is not a bad idea! It happens that the mercenaries of the Reserve Corps are going to undergo three-month training, which happens to be training in the field.

There is a three-month buffer period, and if you want to find a suitable location, there is no time!

Having figured out this urgent need, Zhang Feng's mood suddenly improved.

He popped the cigarette **** far away, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and dialed Zhai Qiang's number.

Tomorrow, the people in China will arrive. I don’t know how he is preparing?

After the call was connected, Zhang Feng said, "Zhai Qiang, how are you preparing?"

"Don't worry, Brother Feng. I'm not good at fighting. There is absolutely no problem with entertaining guests. By the way, Brother Feng, if you don't call me, I will contact you too. I have something to ask you. "Zhai Qiang said.

"What's the matter? Come and listen." Zhang Feng said.

"It's Alfonso. He can't hold the thighs of the U.S. government right now, so he wants to hold the thighs of our Chinese nation! He wants me to help, contact him, what do you say? Brother Feng." Zhai Qiang said .

Zhang Feng frowned slightly, and did not immediately answer, but said, "Zhai Qiang, what do you think of this matter? Let's listen."

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