Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1572: Family Fun

Zhang Feng turned on the phone and called Chen Wanru, and it took a long time for Chen Wanru to answer.

"Well, can I return to China? The task is complete!" Zhang Feng asked.

Chen Wanru said: "Yes, come back!"

"Hey, okay, I will go to the clubhouse to find you!" Zhang Feng smiled.

"I'm not in China!" Chen Wanru's tone was wrong: "They are back, what did you do?"

"I didn't do anything, let's see if Philemon gave the weapon to Kochman or not. He didn't give it. He tried to explode one in the desert!" Zhang Feng said.

"This has nothing to do with us. Your mission has been completed. Now Philipmon still holds the title of Defense Minister of Arak. He took the weapon. Even if our mission is completed, you can't interfere with their affairs!"

Chen Wanru repeatedly asked, she was really worried that Zhang Feng would do something uncontrollable, and it would be difficult to keep him.

These days, she and Mr. Gusu have been dealing with Zhang Feng's affairs with the Black Dragon Mercenary Corps, and now they are all right. The above is just to beat Zhang Feng to make him atone for the crime.

"Don't worry, what else can I do!" Zhang Feng said righteously, with a clear heart.

"That's good, come back, Yun Qian is waiting for you at home!"

"Yeah!" Zhang Feng nodded and hung up the phone, thinking of Yun Qian.


Four days later, Kyoto.

There were bursts of laughter in the compound where Yun Qian lived.

"Dad, daddy, come on, you can't catch me, yeah, I'm here..."

A childish voice is full of joy in the world, and the whole compound is full of life.

"Don't run, see Dad won't catch you..."

Mellow man's voice.

Then there was a woman's scolding voice: "Don't lie on the ground, Haohao, you see that your clothes are all dirty, this is just changed, Zhang Feng, wash your clothes yourself, don't ask me to do it! "

"Daddy, come..."

"I'm coming……"

Both father and son ignored Yun Qian's voice and took her words as wind in their ears. Yun Qian shook his head helplessly and said angrily: "You know how to play, so you can eat or not?"

But the father and son still ignored him, Yun Qian murmured and left: "You are starving to death..."

But she went back and put the food in the pot to keep it warm. Yun Qian wondered if she wanted someone to pave all the mud in the yard into cement, so that it wouldn’t be so dirty, but it’s better to think about it. Let him play.

Zhang Feng came home last night. From the moment he went home, the house was not peaceful.

Zhang Feng changed his way to play with his son. How could the little guy be able to withstand it, but he made it so hard that he made the yard jumped. Of course, there are no chickens. There are dogs, and dogs are scared. In the doghouse, she was trembling with fright, because Hao Hao had a toy gun in his hand and there were plastic bullets in the gun.

This kid is arrogant. Erha is beaten every day. When he sees him, he takes a detour, but with this yard, where can Erha go? Still being chased and beaten by Haohao.

Except for eating and sleeping, he can never stop.

The toy gun in his hand was not aimed at his family, because Zhang Feng had taught him before that the gun could only be aimed at the enemy, not at family, friends and compatriots.

The little guy is very obedient, only his family can reach him, no enemies.

What if there is no enemy? The Erha at home became his imaginary enemy, and the kid next door was a friend and couldn't do it.

So, Erha gets injured every day.

Now that Zhang Feng is back, Erha can rest. Otherwise, if Zhang Feng is not at home in normal times, he will be driven out even if he hides in the doghouse.

"Caught it, caught it, haha..." Zhang Feng took Hutouhunao's son in his arms, rolling on the ground and laughing.

"Baba, you are amazing!"


"I want to be as good as Baba!"

"Then you have to eat and eat meat and grow up quickly, and Dad will take you to fly!"

"Okay, can you really fly?"

"of course can!"

"Well, okay, I want to eat! I want to grow up, and Dad will fly me!"

"Let's go, let's have dinner! When mom talks, don't talk back. Men can't care about women, remember?"

"it is good!"

The father and son went back, there was dust all over their bodies. When they were about to step in, a voice from upstairs sounded: "Stop, who let you in, I just finished dragging the floor!"

Saying that a beautiful woman trot down, a beautiful woman appeared in front of the father and son, but this beautiful woman was stern, she knelt down and took Haohao's hand and said, "Oh my god, is this my son?"

"Yes, I'm mom's son, mom, look at it..." Hao Hao stretched out his face.

Yun Qian coldly snorted: "Don't wash your body, don't eat! Go, give me a bath!" He took Haohao's hand and walked away.

Hao Hao withdrew his hand and said, "I wash it myself, I wash it myself!"

Now he can take a bath by himself, and he can take care of some basic things in life. There is a big bathtub in the bathroom, so there is no need to worry that he will drown, because he has learned to swim, and the diving time is longer than that of shallow clouds.

He ran to the bathroom, leaving cute footprints on the floor where he could look into the mirror...

"That...then..." Zhang Feng wanted to speak but couldn't say it.

"Then what, go take a bath!"

Yun Qian took Zhang Feng to the bathroom upstairs...


During this period of time, Zhang Feng was enjoying family happiness at home. He was no longer the master who was restless wherever he went, but a father who knew how to play.

It has been a few days since I returned home, and it was very peaceful. No one came to look for him. Hell and the others continued to train.

However, Zhang Feng has not yet received the message of returning to the team, and he is not in a hurry. Yan Wang and the others are training all day and they have no time to see Zhang Feng.

The training tasks given to them above are heavy.

On this day, there was a visitor, Hua Yao, who came to see Zhang Feng. He said goodbye by the way and said that he would continue to the God of War training camp for further training.

The period in Africa had a great influence on him, which made him truly grow up and become a fighter.

"Go, learn more if you can, these are all life-saving skills!" Zhang Feng is very supportive, but he doesn't understand, isn't there just one training in the God of War training camp? Why is there a second time?

Hua Yao said: "Your myth is still circulating there. I go there and live under your shadow. They will always use you to arouse me!"

This is a bit complicated, as if Hua Yao had an opinion on Zhang Feng.

"No, Hua Yao, don't care about anyone's words, and don't care about anyone's influence on you, remember, you are you, others are others, and you live your own life!"

Zhang Feng understood what he meant, not that he had opinions or dissatisfaction.

"Thank you!" Hua Yao understood.

Especially the words behind Zhang Feng, I live my own life!

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