Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1585: Sharp change

The girl didn't feel very surprised, but was frightened, and Pukan's men had already made it clear to him before coming.

The scarred Zaren suddenly stopped, and turned back to Zhang Feng and said: "Instructor, I will remember this moment, this is my sharp change!"

Zhang Feng was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect him to say such words. It seemed that the effect was very good. Sharp eyes appeared in his eyes, which were those of wild beasts.

"Go to heal!"

Zhang Feng just said this.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Feng received the message from the first team after the battle. Fortunately, there were no casualties. Ninety people were seriously injured.

This was in Zhang Feng's expectation. If only 20 or 30 people were seriously injured, that effect would not be achieved.

"Tell Mr. Pukan that these seriously injured students cannot come back for training until they are cured, and their treatment time is not equal to their time in the training camp!" Zhang Feng said to Pukan's men.

"It's the instructor!"

"Let the second team begin!"


The second team quickly went up, they went up to fight immediately, still very tragic, stepping on the blood of the previous team's comrades, they killed their eyes.

Zhang Feng watched intently, watching everyone's strength and number of ways, and recording their data.

At the end of the second team, Zhang Feng was delayed to fifteen minutes. In these fifteen minutes, Zhang Feng did something.

Called two people, they had documents in their hands, Zhang Feng said quickly, they recorded.

"This is Cario, with insufficient upper limb strength and slow reaction ability!"

"Manconi, the site is unstable and the strength is insufficient!"


With more than two hundred people, Zhang Feng looked at the materials in his hand and pointed out their shortcomings, and they were only pointed out later.

In other words, he has all the abilities of more than two hundred people in his mind.

Even more terrifying is that he matched the looks and abilities of more than two hundred people!

Both recorders were dumbfounded and nervous.

Because Zhang Feng spoke very fast.

Fifteen minutes is just right!

The report of the second team came to Zhang Feng. One man was seriously injured and the doctor was trying his best to rescue him. But half an hour later, news of his death came. Zhang Feng was taken aback. This man was from At this point, the Japanese nation, Zhang Feng did not have any ethnic hatred.

It’s not surprising that dead people have often appeared in the past in the training camp.

The two recorders recorded beside Zhang Feng, and Zhang Feng pointed out the performance of the people on the ring right away and asked them to record it.

This shocked Pukan. He came over and looked at it and had to admire Zhang Feng when he saw the information in his hand.

Pukan didn't bother Zhang Feng, he went to the back to deal with the injured, and there was still a lot of aftermath work.

For example, the next training project will be delayed, and the time that the trainees stay in the training camp will also be extended.

The recruitment time for the next period will also be postponed.

These are still trivial matters. The big thing is how many people can continue to train after the wounded is healed.

It seems that more people will be recruited in the next issue.

But those who can stay are absolute elites. With these achievements, the status of the training camp in the world will soar.

The seven teams were completed in nearly two hours. Zhang Feng left a list of these seven people. Maybe Zhang Summit will ask Pukan for these seven people.

The ring was full of blood stains, and even the blood was falling off the ring. The cleaners were cleaning, and Zhang Feng was talking with Pukan in his office at this time.

"Mr. Pukan, one week later, these seven people can continue to train. The people behind who have healed from their injuries will join the training. As for those who lack arms or legs, let them go home!" Zhang Feng said to Pukan. Said.

Pukan said: "I have already arranged it, and in the future this competition will be included in the assessment program for student admission!"

Zhang Feng didn't say anything about this. He was just a passer-by here. During his tenure as an instructor, Zhang Feng did what he could do.

Maybe his idea is not suitable here, but after he did it, he knew whether it would work.

"Mr. Pukan, this week, I will play nearby, and I will come back in a week!" Zhang Feng said.

Without thinking about it, Pukan said, "Okay, just go and play, just speak up if you need anything!"

"I don't want anything!" Zhang Feng said.

Pukan wondered whether this kid was going to do something big.

"Also, from the moment you become an instructor, you are free here, you don't need to tell me!" Pukan said.

"Thank you Mr. Pukan!"


In fact, Zhang Feng didn't do any big things. This is the polar region, which is the best venue for training.

Zhang Feng went to training, he had to train himself.

He went out from the window with a saber on his body, and when he went outside, he found Sharapova in a corner, looking at Zhang Feng's door, thoughtfully, Zhang Feng shook his head helplessly, taking advantage of the northern lights Disappeared in the heavy snow.

Early the next morning, Sharapova asked her father without seeing Zhang Feng.

Pukan said: "He went to do a big thing and will be back in a week!"

"What's the big deal?" Sharapova asked.

"I don't know, he didn't say!"

Sharapova didn't ask any more questions and turned to leave, looking very lonely, Pukan sighed: Alas...

Then he left too, he still had a lot to do.

At this moment, Zhang Feng was running blatantly in the snow a hundred kilometers away, holding a saber in his hand and wearing no shoes. This is an extremely cold place and he wants to hone himself.

He wants to be a savage for a week!

Being a savage in such a harsh environment is not easy, and it is estimated that only he can do it in this world.

Even the most powerful fighting ethnic man cannot stay in such a cold place for five minutes without wearing anything.

And he has persisted for several hours.

Human cells are weird. They are bullying and fearing hardship. The more lazy they are, the weaker the cells will be. They must be constantly tempered, and the cells will resist again. Some will follow the tempering and endure all hardships.

Zhang Feng's breakfast was a fish he got from breaking the frozen river with a saber and diving into the ice water.

He returned to the ice nest he had poured ice water into, handling a dozen catties of fish on a flat piece of ice.

Zhang Feng admires the fish here. They can survive in such a harsh environment. Maybe they don't know what a good environment is like. They are a good environment here.

The meat of this kind of fish is very delicious. As for harmful bacteria or something, Zhang Feng can eat it with confidence.

The fish was sliced ​​raw with a saber and it was delicious!

This is probably the highest grade sashimi in the world.

Zhang Feng has obtained protein in fish, and he has the energy to survive and train here.

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