Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1609: So-called heaven

At night, the campfire continues to burn here, but few people come here. Most people go to rest. During the rare rest time, they must hide in the hole like a wounded hungry wolf and lick the wound. Let the wound heal faster, and wait for another attack.

One hit will kill again!

There were still two hundred people drinking at the bonfire by the lake, because the instructors were all there, and the seven students who had won in the cruel fighting competition were also there. Of course, there were seven girls who had been living here these days.

As the trophies of the victors, they warmed their bed.

Don’t know if they are tortured by the instructors during the day, do they have the energy to ride horses at night?

Zhang Feng doesn’t care about this. He knows that Hua Yao has never touched that woman. At this point, Zhang Feng admires Hua Yao. This kid is able to control himself in this respect. What was Hua Yao’s elder brother? Haven't seen the woman?

Except for his mother, has he not touched any woman's finger?

The seven girls danced at the campfire. They ate meat and drank. They still have to train tomorrow morning, but they don't care about that much.

Need to relax, the body needs to rest.

But they left before ten o'clock, leaving only two people, Zhang Feng and Chen Wanru.

Pukan would not be this light bulb. He would go back to rest. For so many years, he was used to it. He was not used to going to bed early, but used not to think about other women. He only had his wife who had been dead for many years.

His wife is the most beautiful woman in the world, Pukan thinks so.

Even if it is not in the eyes of others, it is close to the top ten most beautiful women in the world in terms of beauty.

Besides, the beauty of a woman is not only determined by her appearance, but also by her spiritual beauty.

Some women have more beautiful hearts than appearances!

For example, Zhang Feng cherishes these women.

"I have another mission here!" Chen Wanru leaned on Zhang Feng's shoulder.

To be precise, the upper body was in Zhang Feng's arms.

"What task?" Zhang Feng couldn't help but raised his spirit.

It must be a big deal for Chen Wanru to go out in person.

"Master said, I plan to have a training camp in the city to train the elites of the 01 organization!" Chen Wanru added, "It is a combatant."

"You can send them here!" Zhang Feng immediately connected.

"No, our people are secret!" Chen Wanru immediately shook her head and said, "The Halberd of God of War has a lot of experience in training fighters. I have learned a lot in the past two days. I will start training when the time is right!"

"This is a good thing, do I need to do something?" Zhang Feng said.

"I don't need it yet. I thought you could train them, but your training method is not suitable for my 01 people. I will work out a training plan based on the actual situation!"

"Actually, you can be the instructor of Huangquan Team!"

Chen Wanru said something for no reason.

This sentence contains a lot of information, which shows that Huangquan Team will return if nothing happens.

Zhang Feng smiled slightly, hard work always produces results, if the result is not ideal, it means that it is not hard enough, or the direction is wrong.

"I don't want it, just have Hades!" Zhang Feng said.

Ha ha!

Chen Wanru smiled and said: "Oh, I'm right, you won't be the instructor of Huangquan Team, it's just that you suppress the Hades, which makes people feel uncomfortable!"

"I'm still not sure if I can return to the team!"

Zhang Feng was a little frustrated when he said this, because the above hadn't officially ordered him to hang Zhang Feng in this way. In fact, Zhang Feng was still very uncomfortable in his heart. He wanted to have a good time.

"The above is to experience you, don't worry, the country will not abandon you, as long as you don't abandon your motherland!" Chen Wanru said in a deep voice.

This is a serious question, it's God's way!

In front of the Tao of Heaven, Chen Wanru made it very clear. If one day Zhang Feng violates the Tao of Heaven, Chen Wanru will take care of it himself and destroy his relatives righteously. Even if he can't beat Zhang Feng, let him be buried!

Of course, Zhang Feng would not do this, his father Zhang Dashan's loyal blood was flowing in his blood.

Even death would not do such a thing, otherwise it would be a sinner through the ages.

As far as Zhang Feng's energy is concerned, if it is done, it will be a major event and a sinner through the ages.

"I know, so I'm not in a hurry. It's good here too, with meat to eat and wine to drink! It would be better if you accompany me here, hehe!" Zhang Feng smiled and put down the glass, his hands were not honest Up.

Chen Wanru didn't knock off his hand and let him be presumptuous, or Chen Wanru's skin longed for Zhang Feng's hand.

"The above is affirmation of your contribution here, in fact, the above also wants a training camp like this, but it is too difficult, so come here, hope we can occupy a place here!" Chen Wanru said.

Chen Wanru has a big picture of the overall situation. She also knows what she is doing and what she can't do, and she will not be affected by her personal feelings.

"Then come here, where people can die, the Halberd of God of War will only get better and better, and the competitiveness will be more intense by then!" Zhang Feng said quietly.

Although Pukan listens to Zhang Feng now, this is just a transaction. Pukan cannot violate his most basic principles for Zhang Feng.

"As long as it is fair, we have a chance!" Chen Wanru said ideally.

Zhang Feng: "There is no fairness in this world!"

Chen Wanru stopped talking.

After a while, Zhang Feng let go of his overcoat and wrapped Chen Wanru's body in it, then pulled it up and zipped it up like a bag to enclose Chen Wanru.

Chen Wanru sat on Zhang Feng's lap, struggling symbolically: "Rogue, what are you doing, can't be here, um, can't..."

In this kind of thing, Chen Wan is so powerless, she wants to refuse and welcome!


Early the next morning, Zhang Feng arrived at the lake in the evening. At this time, the lake was very quiet, with more than 700 people in the lake.

It was the prospective students who were doing the assessment. They had been in it for half an hour, and within 20 minutes, dozens of people had been eliminated.

More people will be eliminated later, and most of them will be eliminated in the level of counting rice.

Zhang Feng stood there eating a large piece of bread and looked at the people inside.

Those veteran students are just a few people coming over to take a look. Most of them are resting. Yes, they are still resting, but they are not sleeping. They are using their own methods to make the body frostbite faster.

Herslov walked over to Zhang Feng and said, "Instructor, one person has already been frozen to death!"

"Oh!" Zhang Feng just responded.

"It's China!"

Zhang Feng paused, then replied: "I see!"

Herslov said nothing, and walked away.

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