Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1617: Arrogant new students

Zhang Feng hesitated. It's not too obvious that this can't be done. It's not that Zhang Feng is afraid of drinking.

"Feng, what is your attitude? Dai'er came to see you on a special trip. Although you can't cure your illness, shouldn't you tell me?" Sharapova was angry with Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng immediately took the wine glass and said, "Ms. Dai'er, thank you, Mr. Pukan, for coming for a drink!"


Zhang Feng's attitude towards Sharapova is very generous and will not care about anything with her, as long as it is not excessive.

Just like the shelling of the lake today, one student was injured, but fortunately, it was not very serious.

Zhang Feng tried to provoke Sharapova as little as possible.

This reminded Zhang Feng of Alice a few months ago. At that time, he said he would not provoke Alice. What happened? She still took it down, alas!

Zhang Feng couldn't help sighing every time he thought of this.

It is destined to be unable to escape the peach blossom robbery!


Early the next morning, the new trainees started training. Zhang Feng gave a one-minute speech on the stage, followed by training.

The training program is not like veteran trainees.

Let them adapt to the severe cold first, how to adapt?

It's very simple, strip off their clothes and let them run with a heavy load.

Of course, not all of them are stripped naked and wear small pants.

This is their first test. It is too cold here to urinate in the wild, otherwise the organs will be frozen, because the urine will freeze at an extremely fast speed as soon as it leaves the body.

Zhang Feng did not teach them how to survive in the severe cold environment, because this is the basic skill, as a basic skill for special forces.

Although they were able to survive under the ice water for an hour and a half in the test the day before yesterday, all of them suffered extensive frostbite. Some of them had red and swollen hands and feet, and they ran wildly in the snow. They came down in the morning, and their boots were full blood.

But as long as they can move, they won't shrink back, because this is just the beginning.

If they can't persist on the first day, they won't even forgive themselves, so it's better to die.

At noon, the dinner for the training camp began.

The so-called dinner is to eat raw venison. Of course, it is not only venison, but also fish, high-quality tuna, and polar deep-sea fish.

It is hundreds of kilometers away from the sea, and there is a fishing boat in Pukan that can bring hundreds of tons of fish back every time.

Then it is frozen with thousands of years of ice, and there is no need for a refrigerator at all.

In the past few days when new students came here, all they ate were cooked, but they were mentally prepared, and the old students were all eating raw meat there.

They will also chew in the near future.

But I didn't expect it to come so quickly.

They were sitting there, and when the back chef put the big chunks of raw meat in front of them, they were confused. How to eat this?

At this moment Zhang Feng came over and sat there grabbing a piece of meat without saying anything.

Biting a piece, he said while chewing, "You can eat whatever you want, you can eat it, but if you eat it, you must finish it. If you can't finish it, you know it, our chef There are rules! Forget it, tell you this group of wastes what to do, whether they like to eat or not!"

Zhang Feng ate there.

The new students picked it up and ate them one by one, but some people were still not used to it, because it was bloody, and the temperature of the deer, not the cooked temperature.


Someone vomited.

The person in charge of the back kitchen immediately came over and said coldly: "This is a gift from God. Our precious food is our life. Don't waste it, pick it up and eat it!"

Everyone looked over. This person had yellow skin and single eyelids, and arrogant. He put down the venison and stood up and said angrily at the person in charge: "What? You told me to pick it up and eat? What are you?"

"So you are wasting food?" The person in charge was not angry, but asked coldly.

"I was wasting food, what's wrong?"

"Very well, your name is Jin Shijun, right?"

"Yes, it's me!"

The person in charge turned around and left, and then explained that there will be no food for this person in the cafeteria.

The next day he was too hungry to go to the back kitchen to ask for food. The people in the back kitchen said he was wasting food and was not worthy of owning food. If he wanted food, he would eat the piece of meat from yesterday.

Because the piece of meat was still there, the cleaning staff deliberately left it.

Then he made a big fuss in the back kitchen, was beaten, and then fired.

This is the next day.

At this moment, facing this new student, Zhang Feng didn't even look at it, and he didn't care about anything outside of training.

Everyone knows this, so that guy would be so presumptuous.

Although there are still some people who have difficulty swallowing raw meat, they work hard to eat nothing left.

Because almost every meal in the future will be like this, except in the morning, they have to adapt even though.

For the new students and compatriots, Zhang Feng did not take care of him, and they did not seek Zhang Feng in private. This is their cleverness.

However, outside of training, such as before going to bed at night, Zhang Feng occasionally goes to their dormitory to stay for ten minutes.

In these ten minutes, most of them were small talks, and some important ones were some experience, which was very important to them.

If allowed, Zhang Feng will not retain it, and must have battlefield experience.


In addition to mixing with Sharapova for a few days here, Dai Er challenged her upper limit, which is to watch Zhang Feng not far away to see how Zhang Feng trains.

Since she was a child, Dale has never touched a gun, and Sharapova takes her to play with her.

In fact, she doesn't like these, and can't say a few words with Zhang Feng.

And Sharapova has been thinking about who can treat Zhang Feng, but Dai Er gave Sharapova a word, saying that this disease can only be treated by Zhang Feng.

Sharapova thought, it might be a psychological trauma.

Dai'er was leaving, and she saw Zhang Feng alone before leaving.

"Feng, I am very happy to see you. I am sorry I am leaving again. I don't know when I can see you next time. I really hope that the next time will come soon."

Dai'er's tone was a little sad, and she was reluctant to leave her love.

"You can come to China to find me, haha!"

Zhang Feng regretted it when he said this sentence, but when he said it, he set aside the water.

"Is it really okay?" Dai Er was pleasantly surprised, and her sadness disappeared.

Seeing her joyful look, Zhang Feng didn't want to destroy, people always have some hope in life.

"Of course it is true!" Zhang Feng had to say so.

"It's great! Hehe!" Dai'er came up with joy and hugged Zhang Feng.

This is the first close contact between the two in a real sense.

Zhang Feng was stunned and didn't know what to do, do you want to hold it?


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