Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1628: frank!

"It's a pity that I didn't bring my backpack, otherwise it would be more delicious." Sharapova said regretfully.

"That's great!" These days I have been eating raw and cold things, and the taste has changed.

Need to eat some hot cooked.

The meat of the hare is very good, with strong muscles, and no smell, because it is a rabbit in a snowy field.

Sharapova has been observing Zhang Feng to see if he is peeking at herself.

Sharapova was happy when she found Zhang Feng peeping from time to time. She was still attractive.

But Sharapova observed Zhang Feng's crotch, but there was still no improvement.

Sharapova said quietly, "Feng, I will definitely help you heal it!"

"Oh!" Zhang Feng responded softly, his tone very frustrated and he didn't want to discuss this anymore.

Sharapova did not say any more.

Soon the rabbit meat was fragrant, exuding the scent of pine leaves, with the meaty fragrance, it was simply delicious on earth.

"Why is it so fragrant!" Sharapova moved her index finger.

Although he knew that Zhang Feng was very capable of surviving in the wild, he didn't expect to be able to make such fragrant meat without anything.

It may also be because Sharapova is so hungry.

"It's a pity that there is no salt!" Zhang Feng said regretfully.

Sharapova did not speak, and Zhang Feng did not blame her for not letting her bring so many things.

Half an hour later, the two ate a roast rabbit.

"It's still delicious, Feng, you are amazing!" Sharapova was very happy.


Zhang Feng didn't look happy at all, he was dull.

After eating, Sharapova washed her hands with snow, and then took off her only clothes.

Now she is all glorious, and Sharapova's figure is more graceful and pleasant under the firelight, and it is more concave and convex.

There can be such a scene in the wild, showing all the original scenes.

Zhang Feng swallowed his mouth sharply. She deliberately lured Zhang Feng to commit a crime!

How to deal with these women? Now Zhang Feng's mind paused a bit, but he couldn't figure out what to do anyway.

But who is Zhang Feng, how could he be tempted so easily? That would be too small for him.

So he didn't get up.

Sharapova also noticed. Although she had expected it, she was still disappointed, and Sharapova's body was also very hot.

Need to cool down, Sharapova's body needs to cool down.

So, she went into the snow, bathed in the snow, and washed for a long time, until her body was frustrated and turned red, she came to the fire and let the fire roast the water on her body.

After drying the clothes, she didn't put them on immediately, so she sat like this.

This peak is uncomfortable. He wants to go away now, don't suffer here, but he can't go. If he goes away, doesn't it mean a guilty conscience? Sharapova will see it.

Training, this is training! Zhang Feng thought so.

"You will catch a cold if you don't wear clothes!" Zhang Feng said in a low voice.

It seems to be lack of confidence.

"No, I've been like this since I was a kid. I never catch a cold. I rarely catch a cold!" Sharapova said.

Zhang Feng's heart was exclaimed, and he had to sigh that the fighting nation is so powerful, even women are so powerful, Zhang Feng feels that he can't match it.

It's just that Zhang Feng is curious, her skin is still so delicate, not rough at all.

After coming here for so long, Zhang Feng has never seen Sharapova use any cosmetics or skin care products. Her skin is very good, white and tender.

Extremely flexible, the best!

"Can I ask you a question?" Sharapova asked.

"Well, you say!"

Sharapova still has a question: "Is my figure good?"

Zhang Feng nodded and said nothing.

It needs to be said, not at all.

"Then why don't you like it? Don't men like women with good bodies?"

Sharapova raised two questions.

"Not every man likes this, the key is to be suitable!"

Zhang Feng's answer was too abstract, as if it was a good person card.

"Then you don't like me like this?"

"I don't like it!" Zhang Feng said against his will.

Zhang Feng is not that stupid. If she likes it, then she will ask if we are inappropriate? Zhang Feng really didn't know how to answer.

Sharapova's face changed, her heart was tingling, very uncomfortable, but she still endured her tears.

"Do you like to be like Miss Chen?" Sharapova asked.

Although Chen Wanrulai is not here these days, she is still Zhang Feng about Chen Wanru and Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng nodded.

Looking at Zhang Feng, Sharapova's tears couldn't help falling.

But the women of the fighting nation are different. At this time, she still has to ask: "Feng, do you like me?"

This question made Zhang Feng embarrassed. Just now she was talking about her figure, but now she is talking about her.

Saying that you don't like it is hurting people's hearts.

If he said he liked it, Zhang Feng was going to be sorry for himself. He told himself before that he could not provoke her.

And now she is working in her father's training camp, and there will be a lot of exchanges in the future. If she angers her, things will be difficult to handle in the future.

So Zhang Feng can only say this: "I don't know either!"

"You, why don't you know?" Sharapova was curious and surprised Zhang Feng's answer.

She said she couldn't understand, what did she not know? Don’t you know if you like it or not?

"I don't know, because you hate you anyway, it's fun to be with you, you are very beautiful, and it is naturally very happy to be with such a beautiful girl!" Zhang Feng said.

Zhang Feng originally wanted the long-term pain to be better than the short-term pain, but it didn't work. In the future, there will be so many students who will come to the War God's Halberd training camp.

Because Sharapova's words are very useful in Pukan.

So Zhang Feng can only sacrifice a little, alas, Zhang Feng sighed in his heart, you guys and grandchildren, I even sold Hue for you.

"Really?" Sharapova was happy, her face changed at once, the tears on her face hadn't dried yet, her face changed faster than a baby.

Zhang Feng nodded.

"Then you have no illusions about me?" Sharapova asked.

Zhang Feng shook his head, and couldn't help sighing again. Only girls from the fighting nation could ask.

"I knew it was so, and I would heal you!" Sharapova didn't feel discouraged or unhappy at all.

After talking about a few questions, Sharapova's heart knot has been completely solved, and she is very happy.

But Zhang Feng feels uncomfortable. The key is that Sharapova hasn't put on her clothes yet, so she just sat there, on a sleeper, still sitting with her clothes covered, otherwise...

Suddenly Zhang Feng stood up anxiously and listened quietly.

"what happened?"

"Do not talk!"

Zhang Feng continued to listen, and then said: "They are here!"

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