Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1633: Fate

Zhang Feng listened respectfully and waited for Pukan to speak.

"Zhang, my daughter has never had a mother since she was a child. She is very lonely!" Pukan said earnestly: "She never looked down on any man, even me. She is better than many men. What they can do , She can do it too!"

"When she was still three or four years old, in order to prevent her from being bullied and bullied by men, I taught her how to survive and not be bullied. After so many years, she sat down and no man could bully him, except you!"

Speaking of which, Pukan looked at Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng said: "I'm very sorry, Mr. Pukan, I didn't mean it, I don't think I will see her again in the future, you can rest assured!"

"No, Zhang, she willingly let you bully, do you know why?" Pukan said.

Zhang Feng shook his head.

This is pretending to be stupid, it's all about it, he is still pretending!

Pukan said: "She likes you, didn't you find out?"

"Well, Mr. Pukan, you know, I have a wife, and I have more than one girlfriend, I also have a girlfriend in Roman City!" Zhang Feng explained directly.

Pukan was annoyed, and if everyone else was talking about it, Pukan would have punched him.

But I dare not do this to Zhang Feng.

"She knows you have other women, but even so, she still likes you, why do you know?" Pukan asked.

Zhang Feng shook his head again.

Pukan was annoyed again, but was crushed hard.

"She doesn't care how many women you have, as long as you have her in your heart, or stay by your side, alas, you are so lucky. There are really few girls like her in the world!" Pukan said with a feeling.

It is indeed rare.

"Mr. Pukan, thank you and Miss Sharapova for your great love, which made me terrified. Sharapova is a very good girl, a very good girl. My affairs with her still depend on fate. We Chinese people are all very particular about fate. Fate, can Mr. Pukan understand?"

Zhang Feng issued a good person card and said fate, very tactfully.

But Pukan is a rough person. How can he understand the meaning of Zhang Feng's words? He thought that Zhang Feng had some scruples, and he was very confident in his daughter, who was so beautiful.

"Haha, understand, understand! Zhang, Sharapova has liked you as a man since she was a child, and she will die with you, and won't like others anymore!" Pukan said, "Your age It's almost there, you want a child with her!"


Cough cough cough...

Zhang Feng was choked by the smoke, Pukan is really direct.

"Mr. Pukan, what you said, Miss Sharapova and I have not reached that point!" Zhang Feng said.

Pukan is really amazing.

"Zhang, am I wrong?" Pukan asked back.

Zhang Feng really didn't know how to answer the call.

After holding back for a while, Zhang Feng said: "Mr. Pukan, things with Sharapova and I need to take time, not in a hurry!"

In fact, Zhang Feng didn't directly refuse, he still had concerns, all because his soldiers could come here for training.

If she refused directly, she couldn't think of anything Sharapova or Pukan could do.

"Haha, what I want is your words, Zhang, you are a reliable man, you are very cautious about this matter, and I am relieved to give my daughter to you!" Pukan smiled happily.

Zhang Feng was stunned, as if things had already been done. Is there such a thing?

"Zhang, I am old. I can work for ten years at most, or even less. Who should I give to the training camp? I have a tradition of passing on the family business. I have only one daughter. It was given to her, but she is not suitable, but what about it? So, in the future this training camp will still be yours, Zhang, do you understand what I mean?"

When Pukan said this, Zhang Feng suddenly felt that he was several years old.

He said this from the bottom of his heart, Zhang Feng could feel it, he was right, Sharapova was not suitable for inheriting the training camp, she would only lose out.

If the training camp were left in her hands like this, the training camp would be gone in a few years.

Zhang Feng doesn't want this situation, but should Zhang Feng sacrifice hue?

Or is the training camp a dowry?

"Mr. Pukan, thank you very much for your kindness. We will settle the relationship between Sharapova and I. I believe in fate, Mr. Pukan, do you believe it?"

Zhang Feng's attitude seems to have changed.

"Haha, I believe, believe!" Pukan laughed loudly.

Pukan is an old fried dough stick, how can you not hear what Zhang Feng said.

He knows the attraction of the training camp to Zhang Feng, and he also knows that Zhang Feng likes the training camp very much. He simply took the training camp out. Anyway, he will do the same in the future, and Pukan wants to hand the training camp to Zhang Feng. rest assured.

"I will go back to China as soon as I understand, Mr. Pukan, thank you very much for taking in these months, and for your great love with Sharapova, I am very happy!" Zhang Feng said sincerely.

Pukan said: "Zhang, I look forward to your coming back again, the training camp is yours!"

This sentence is very clear, very heartfelt, and it is testing Zhang Feng.

"Thank you Mr. Pukan for your love!" Zhang Feng could only say this, and did not express any other attitude.

In fact, there is a lot of room for maneuver.

Because Zhang Feng felt that this was not his own business.

After coming out of Pukan's office, Zhang Feng called the old beggar, and the old beggar still decides the matter.

"Boy, you still know to call me!"

As soon as I answered the phone, the old beggar came and said something like this. There was a lot of grievance. To be honest, Zhang Feng hasn't called the old beggar for a long time. phone.

"Uh, uh, old guy, didn't I call you, your health is still so good, so you don't need to call so often!" Zhang Feng laughed, speaking with the old beggar in this tone.

The old beggar said angrily: "You are cursing my health, right?"

"How can it be! Your health, hello, me, hello everyone, right!"

"So you don't want to call me? Humph, I shouldn't have given you food back then, I shouldn't teach you boxing skills! Let you starve to death on the street!"

"Old guy, what are you talking about? I'll give you a pension in the future!"

"Boy, curse me to death, right?"

"If you say that, I can't help it!"

"Okay, what's the matter with me? Did it cause me trouble again? I can tell you that I won't wipe your **** again this time, do you know that your hands are smelly?"

"Old guy, Pukan wants to give me the training camp!"

Zhang Feng said in a deep voice, not wanting to grind too much.

The old beggar was silent.

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