Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1643: education

"Did you see it clearly?" Zhang Feng asked.

Hao Hao nodded.

"Okay, you go grab the snake's tail now, be quick!" Zhang Feng said.


Haohao went, Yun Qian behind instinctively wanted to stop, but still held back.

Seeing Haohao went up, he easily grabbed the snake's tail, then shook it, and smashed it to the ground.

Then throw it away.

Learn fast!

"Very good, very good, I will see snakes like this in the future!" Zhang Feng affirmed.

I got my father's affirmation that the little guy has drifted away, so excited that he can't wait to catch a live snake now.

"However, Dad tells you that many snakes are poisonous. If you can't mess with them, don't mess with them. They are creatures and have lives just like us. They will attack you and poison you to death in order to protect themselves. Then you will never see mom and dad, grandpa, grandpa beggar, grandpa Wan, mom Sharapova, and you can't play the tank that Sharapova's mother gave you. Up!"

"But we are not afraid of snakes. As long as the method is correct, we will not be injured or bitten by snakes. If you are bitten by a snake, you must deal with it in time. Your mother is a doctor. Let her tell you how to deal with it, you know?"

Haohao is not so excited anymore, he has realized that this is a serious problem.

He nodded, and said to Yun Qian behind: "Mom, can you teach me? I don't want to be bitten by a poisonous snake!"

Yun Qian smiled and shed tears. He walked over and wiped the dirty son's face clean and said, "Okay, mom teaches you that you can deal with it yourself when you get hurt in the future. My son is very easy to learn! Mom is very happy!"

"Mom, why are you crying?" Haohao wiped Yun Qian's tears with his dirty hands.

"You are hurt, mother will be sad!" Yun Qian said.

"Mom is not afraid, I don't hurt!" Hao Hao said.

Yun Qian said in his heart, this unscrupulous person, I don't know how many girls will be harmed in the future.

Better than his father.

"Go wash the children!" Zhang Dashan came over.

But Zhang Feng said, "Dad, wait!"

Zhang Feng pulled Haohao over and said, "Son, you haven't told Dad why you want to catch a snake?"

"I think it's fun!" Hao Hao said.

Zhang Feng said: "Well, now my dad tells you that most animals can be our food. If we live in the wild, this snake will be the best food. Now, we don’t need it much at home, but we Don't waste it, dad teaches you how to deal with this snake and frogs, let them be our food!"

"Zhang Feng, you..."

Yun Qian wanted to stop it, because it was a very serious and principled matter.

"No, Yun Qian, this is Haohao's trophy!" Zhang Feng said.

"Dad, teach me!" Hao Hao couldn't expect it. He didn't expect this thing to be eaten.

"Okay, come!" Zhang Feng said.

Then Zhang Feng asked Haohao to take the dead snake and frog to the kitchen to teach him how to deal with it.

Where can I not want this snake? Where can I want it, such as the tongue, and there are frogs, and he said: "Snakes and frogs have a lot of parasites. They must be fully cooked before they can be eaten. If there is no pot in the wild Gu, then bake it, remember how to bake it?"

Hao Hao nodded.

"The next step is to start cooking, you are optimistic, you will do this step later, just remember it now!" Zhang Feng said.

After more than ten minutes, the matching snake meat was ready, and the first piece was given to Haohao. This is his trophy: "There will be some bones, bite slowly."

Hao Hao ate it suspiciously, and then said: "It's delicious! I'll catch it next time!"

"It's okay to catch, but remember what I told you, otherwise you will die and it will hurt." Zhang Feng reminded again.

Haohao nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Also, God has a good life. When we are not hungry, don't kill or play with them! We must be in awe!" Zhang Feng said.

Hao Hao nodded as if understanding.

"Now share your trophies with mom, and mom Sharapova. You can't eat it alone!"

"Yes, Dad!"

Haohao took a small bowl and gave them piece by piece, and they were also very generous and full of praise.

This greatly increased Haohao's sense of accomplishment, and he was very happy.

"We have started to eat. If you don't eat, you won't have the strength to catch it!" Zhang Feng said and sat down in the living room to eat.

Haohao followed. He was small and had a high chair for him. Yun Qian had already washed his body just now and went to the car to get a change of clothes.

"Come, eat!" Zhang Dashan called.

There are two fish caught by General Wan, and the rest are green vegetables. Generally speaking, there are a little less vegetables.

But life has to be this way.

Uncle Luo can be described as nodding his head constantly there. He agrees with Zhang Feng's education very much, and Hao Hao will be even more remarkable when he grows up.

Because of the good education and the rich resources of his parents, he grew up on the shoulders of his parents.

How high the height of the parents is, where is the starting point of the child.

This is the difference.

If the level of the parents is very low and there are no resources, how can their children outperform others? How much effort will it take?

Uncle Luo has an idea of ​​looking forward to the growth of Haohao, and wants to see what he will look like when he grows up.

At the dinner table, Haohao is unconventional, not noisy, eating quietly, and when he can't find anything to eat, he will ask his mother for help.

After eating, I will say hello, and then I will wash the dishes by myself before I can play.

When he grows up one or two years old, he will have to work.

As for Sharapova, Haohao's education also agrees with her, so that the children who are educated can truly grow up instead of getting crooked.

It's right to let the birds fly at a high altitude, but don't fly wrong, or it will be a disaster.


After eating, Zhang Feng returned to Kyoto with his family. According to the old beggar, Zhang Feng was going to work in Southwest City. Yes, he was going to work, not taking office.

Zhang Feng didn't understand. Since someone is optimistic about himself, why should he give him a co-op? Can't let go of it all.

But just as the old beggar said to go to the scene, it is to give others face.

Zhang Feng received a call from a stranger: "Who?"

"Would you like to have a drink?" This person said, his voice thick.

Zhang Feng trembled and said, "Location?"

"Red Star!"

Then Zhang Feng said to Sharapova, "Let’s go, let’s have a drink, and I will introduce some friends to you, oh, maybe you already know it!"

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