Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1645: Three unlucky ones

On the other hand, Zhang Feng's gaze was floating, searching for the figure of a beautiful woman in the hall, and he came with such a stunning beauty. The key is that he is still looking at other people, this kind of person is the downright brother and dude.

This kind of person is best dealt with. It is a soft-footed shrimp.

However, he is with that burly man, smart people will not easily provoke, but there are always some self-righteous people, and ignore the rules of the red star, thinking that just such a person without any background, the red star will not come forward. of.

When Sharapova left, they were ready to move, blocked Sharapova outside the bathroom, and gave Sharapova on the road.

At first Sharapova politely refused, but the three of them actually stopped Sharapova and tried to move her hands and feet, and Sharapova became angry.

"I'm sorry, please don't stop me, my boyfriend is over there!" Sharapova said coldly.

She was already very polite and held it back. If it were placed in the training camp, these three would already be on the ground.

Before coming to Red Star, she knew that Chen Wanru's site was here, and she had to call Chen Wanru her sister, and she couldn't make trouble here.

But these three are horrible.

"Oh, isn't it? That little black face? Haha, little girl, you follow me Bai Shao, you will be delicious and spicy, let you be a model, a female star, and be loved by thousands of fans." One named Bai Shao Someone yelled: "I have an entertainment company and a movie company, and I can make you popular within a year, how about?"

Sharapova knew this routine, but they actually said that her peak was a little black face! ! Although it is a bit dark, it is not so dark, okay?

Sharapova hesitated, Bai Shaojian, thinking it was the hand she wanted, she stepped forward and reached for Sharapova's hand.

Unexpectedly, there was a flower in front of his eyes, a powerful impact came, and his body was kicked, causing him to scream loudly: "Ah..."

Shao Bai knelt down in pain to cover the injured area, and the other two brothers were beaten to the ground. The woman was still stepping on their backs. You must know that Sharapova was wearing high heels.

Coupled with her strength, the three of them were seriously injured in just a few seconds.

There were a lot of people around. They were surprised by Sharapova’s skill. They really didn’t expect to be a female trainer. It’s incredible and so handsome. These three hapless guys are looking for death. Fortunately they didn’t. Come up, otherwise they will be lying on the ground now.

When the fight started, there was already someone calling the police. Before they arrived, someone from Red Star came. It was the lobby manager. He knew Sharapova, as well as Brother Feng and Long Ao.

In other words, these three people are unlucky.

At the moment he called the security guard to throw these three people out, but the three of them also brought bodyguards, especially this young master Bai, who brought four bodyguards.

The bodyguard rushed in and argued with them, and Bai Shao endured the pain and shouted loudly: "Take that woman away, grandma!"

He had no choice but to fight him like that since he was a child, no one has dared to beat him like this. When his brain is excited, people will become impulsive.

When a person is impulsive, he will be desperate.

The four bodyguards went up, and Red Star's security guard also came, but Zhang Feng said, "Just let her come by herself!"

Several security guards are puzzled, this is the girl your brother Feng brought, don't you care? She had practiced, but the bodyguard of Young Bai was not easy to provoke. The Red Star security guard looked at the lobby manager, who waved his hand and the security guards stepped back.

At this moment Sharapova stood up, her anger had not disappeared, they dared to set themselves off, take themselves as something, hum, look for death.

Bai Shao's bodyguard didn't care that Bai Shao was gone, and the four rushed to Sharapova.

The first two quickly entered Sharapova's offensive range. Sharapova solved one with a beautiful sweep of her legs. The other was hit by Sharapova's fist in the chest, and her ribs broke.

The other two were also resolved by Sharapova's long legs, and the battle ended before everyone knew it, less than a minute.

But it would be a big mistake to think that it was over in this way. This is not enough to dispel Sharapova's anger. You must know that when she was angry before, she had to fight a lot of shells to get rid of her breath. Now there are no shells, someone.

So she beat the four bodyguards who were barely able to stand up again. They beat them to the point of bloodshed, unaware of things, and the bones of her body were broken.

The people around were stunned. I didn't expect, I really didn't expect that this superbly beautiful beauty is not simple, it was shocked to drop their jaws.

No one went up to stop Sharapova, nor did the Red Star security guard go up because Brother Feng had just said it.

Red Star's security did not go up, and other people would not go up.

But Sharapova was still beating, and she was about to kill her. At this moment, a beautiful figure appeared.

"Sharapova, I can't kill people here, it's unlucky, drag them outside and fight again!"

It was Chen Wan Tathagata who came. In fact, she didn't want to show up, but if she doesn't show up again, these people will be killed and the club will be affected.

"Ah, sister Wanru is here, hehe!" Sharapova immediately put away her sturdy breath and turned into a cute look.

Chen Wanru smiled and said, "You don't go up to find me when you come. From now on, this will be your home. Come here as you please, you know?"

"Yes, thank you Wanru sister!"

Chen Wanru didn't communicate much with Sharapova, but the two came together because of Zhang Feng's relationship, and their hearts were connected. Anyway, everything was for Zhang Feng, so naturally they would not be so divided.

And Sharapova respects Chen Wan very much, because this woman is very powerful and she is Zhang Feng's senior sister, and Zhang Feng must listen to her.

Sharapova is a smart girl, so she naturally wants to have a good relationship with Chen Wanru, and Sharapova has a straightforward personality and is very popular. She can get along with anyone, of course, except the enemy.

The security guards of Red Star had already thrown the people out, and they would do it without Chen Wanru saying.

"Come on, follow me upstairs and leave them alone!" Chen Wanru said, pulling Sharapova's hand.

Sharapova said: "They said they were going to worship people!"

Chen Wanru's eyes flashed, then disappeared, and said with a smile: "They just go by themselves, I'll show you something, go!"

"Oh, good!" Sharapova turned her head and glanced at Zhang Feng. The latter didn't look over, as if she didn't recognize her.

Everyone was shocked again, she would be so familiar with Chen Wanru, and said that this will be her home in the future. I have never seen Chen Wanru treat someone like this. Is it hard to say that she has a deep background?

Is it a foreigner, the daughter of a certain political figure? It's all very possible.

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