Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1659: Mao Shao's situation

Zhang Feng didn't know where his confidence came from, especially now that he is already a prisoner.

"I was able to hit you back then, and now I can hit you too!" Zhang Feng finally got out of the car and walked over to Mao Xiaorui's slap.

"You, you... how dare you hit me? Do you know who my dad is?" Mao Xiaorui said.


Is this tune again? Actually Zhang Feng wanted to laugh, but couldn't laugh, sad man!

"Those three boys who should be beaten are yours? Are you here to avenge them?" Zhang Feng doesn't care what his father's name is, because it's useless.

For these people, Zhang Feng can kill them in minutes.

"So what?" Mao Xiaorui admitted.

This is a trivial matter for Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng doesn't care, he just hit it. Now he wants to make a breakthrough from Mao Xiaorui.

Mao Xiaorui is not a good bird, and he has a lot of resources, so he must have done a lot of bad things over the years.

In fact, Zhang Feng has always had doubts about the rapid rise of the Mao Group, which is very abnormal.

"Let's talk about it, what ugly things have you done all these years?"

Zhang Feng is now a policeman with accountability power.

"Oh, I almost forgot. You are a little policeman now, haha, believe it or not, I took your police uniform off every minute with a call?"

Arrogance, this is arrogance, why do such arrogant people appear? Not because of bugs!

Zhang Feng said: "I believe, I believe, but after that I will kill you, do you believe it?"

Uh... Mao Xiaorui was choked, and I really believe Zhang Feng can do it.

"Dare you, the police will arrest you and put you in jail!" Mao Xiaorui said.

Seeing what he said, Zhang Feng smiled: "Haha, do you need a policeman? I thought you were going to eat black, it's really sad!"

"I'll let you tell it!" Zhang Feng said to the men behind: "Brother Shazi, right? I'll give you a chance to commit crimes and meritorious service, how about?"

Shazi brother's face changed and suddenly realized what identity this person was, which was bad.

"Friends, we have no grievances and no grudges against you, and you may not be able to keep us, just don't live here!" Shazi brother said and left.

Mao Xiaorui was **** and couldn't walk, and there was only one exit in this alley. How fast could he run?

So Zhang Feng held him aside.

"is it?"

Zhang Feng knelt down and picked up the chopsticks discarded on the ground. With a flick of his hand, a person behind Shazi screamed and fell to the ground.

"Ah, my legs!"

Brother Shazi was shocked. He knew Zhang Feng was very powerful, but he didn't expect it to be so cruel that he would lose the ability to move when he shot.

Zhang Feng said, "I still have a chopstick in my hand. I can fold this chopstick into four sections!"

Four paragraphs, solve the four of them?

Brother Shazi believed that Zhang Feng could do it, because his triangular thorn was still in the concrete floor.

"What do you want?" Shazi asked.

Zhang Feng said: "Be my subordinate temporarily and listen to all my orders!"

In fact, Zhang Feng is short of manpower and manpower for dirty work. For example, to solve Mao Xiaorui, he wants to dig out all the dirt on Mao Xiaorui, and Zhang Feng has an intuition that this child disappearance is related to him.

Seeing that the five of them are not too bad, they can be enlightened!

Brother Shazi was thinking about it. Seeing his subordinates endured the severe pain, he could believe that the person opposite was going to arrest them, he would dare to kill them, because if he died, he would die in vain, and let the police close the case quickly.

They are wanted people.

Kacha, Kacha...

Zhang Feng was breaking the dirty chopsticks in his hand. They were not too dirty at all. If this thing gets into their bodies, it is estimated that there will be a virus such as tetanus.

The voice seemed very crisp in this small alley, and Mao Xiaorui who was beside him did not dare to speak out, because Zhang Feng's hand was too powerful, and a chopstick could penetrate that person's thigh so far away.

Has he really been a soldier these years? With such a strong skill, you still serve as a small assistant policeman?

Said he has a background, a small background?

Mao Xiaorui is now skeptical, because the things he has done in the past few years have been major events, and he can't do it without a little brain, so he thinks Zhang Feng is not easy.

I underestimated him.

"What can you give us?" Shazi Ge asked.

He knew that what Zhang Feng could give them was not money.

Zhang Feng said: "You can send the 200,000 yuan back to your family. You can distribute the money freely. If you do things for me, you can get a reduced sentence, but I still don’t know what crimes you committed. , But unless the sin is extremely heinous, as long as you truly regret it, you can be forgiven accordingly!"

"You are a little co-op, can you speak for words?" Shazi brother was puzzled.

"You have no choice!" Zhang Feng said: "I can mark you disabled for life, and then let you spend your sinful life in prison."

These words made people shudder, too cruel.

The five of them glanced at each other, and their men said, "Brother Shazi, we listen to you!"

Everything is determined by him, and I am a fish, what can he do?

"Okay, what do you want?" Shazi asked.

Zhang Feng nodded and said, "Very well, let's talk about your affairs!"

Zhang Feng even made a great contribution when he got here and caught five fugitives.

He lit a cigarette and threw the pack of cigarettes to them.

Brother Shazi glanced at this cigarette, a little surprised, because it was the most common cigarette, and it was a bit inferior, not more than ten yuan a pack.

He also lit the cigarette and gave it to the four men. The injured man was also stiff. He screamed a moment ago. He is now leaning against the wall and smoking a cigarette. He tied his thigh with a belt to prevent blood. Flow out too much.

Brother Sha Zi started to talk about them, but he didn't have any reservations.

It turned out that they were working on the construction site before committing the crime. The boss owed them more than half a year of construction money. If he asked for it, he would block the boss all day, and the boss even let the bodyguards hit them. They were so angry that they went straight to the boss. Home, I lost my hand and killed someone, and I don’t know if they died. Anyway, they were seriously injured and they ran away.

When I arrived in Southwest City, I picked up Li Zhong, and when I had no money, I picked up Li Zhong’s job.

"Okay, I see, I have taken note of your case, don't worry, I will not hand you over now, I will find a place for you to live first, and let's go!" Zhang Feng said and pushed his own Little eDonkey.

This eDonkey was bought by Zhang Feng on the side of the road. It cost thousands of dollars. The boss said that he could run two hundred kilometers. Zhang Feng believed it.

Shazi brother grabbed Mao Xiaorui, and the other two men helped the wounded.

There are advertisements for renting houses on the exit walls of small alleys. Such places are generally safe.

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