Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1661: Feng Gao

Zhang Feng didn't speak, and ate the chili violently. He ate it all at once, and shouted at the boss: "Boss, another plate of chili!"

The boss took a big bowl and said, "Would you like to see hard goods? Beer?"

"Are there any oysters?" Zhang Feng asked.

"Yes, there are the best and fattest Zhanjiang oysters. Forty-eight dollars a dozen!" the boss said happily.

These two young people are a big list.

"Come four fights!" Zhang Feng said.


After a while the boss brought it.

In fact, a dozen is just twelve oysters, which are very expensive.

For the average person, it is too difficult to eat and enjoy, not even a few hundred dollars.

"Would you like some beer? It's more enjoyable to eat like this?" the boss said.

"No, I have to drive in a while!" Zhang Feng said.

The boss smiled and walked away.

The oysters were plump, Zhang Feng took one bite, and Feng Gao didn't want to eat.

"Brother Gao, eat more so that you have the strength to fight the beasts!"

Feng Gao is eating raw oysters. This is the first time he has eaten this food in the strict sense. It still feels good. Men like it, don't they?

"The director of a township police station under the jurisdiction of Southwest City suppressed such a big case and thought that he could solve the case by himself. If it hadn't been exploded on the Internet, I still don't know. Now the director has been held accountable. The Commission for Discipline Inspection is going down today. !" Feng Gao opened the topic.

There was no one around here, no one heard, the boss was busy over there, the exhaust fan was blowing.

"How many kids?" Zhang Feng asked.

"Six!" Feng Gao said, "Today is the sixth day! I feel like it was done by the same group!"


Zhang Feng threw the oyster shells on the table and made a loud noise. The boss looked over. There was nothing to do and he was busy again.

Feng Gao said: "This case has been cleared, with the highest instructions on it. If it is not handled well, no one will have a hard time!"

"Our little shrimps are not better?"

Zhang Feng's tender appearance is even tenderer than this oyster. Feng Gao said, "Brother, you didn't understand when you first came here. There are so many things in it. You will understand after a long time."

"Brother, just tell me!" Zhang Feng did not let go of this opportunity to talk to him.

"I'll please this meal!" Zhang Feng said: "Boss, two more dozen!"

"Good!" the boss responded readily.

Now Zhang Feng is a big money, there is as much money as he needs, but he will not spend it randomly.

"Okay, let me tell you..."

Feng Gao shared his experience with Zhang Feng, all of which were at the textbook level. Zhang Feng couldn't help but admire Feng Gao.

At first I thought he was very high-minded, but I didn't expect him to see it so thoroughly, but suddenly felt that he was unacceptable. Once someone like him goes up, he can do big things and he is a good official.

Zhang Feng felt that he wanted to help him up, and such people shouldn't be here.

He needs to do bigger things.

"Brother Gao, have you ever thought about becoming a bigger official? For example, captain or deputy office!?" Zhang Feng asked, taking the opportunity.

Feng Gao ate a raw oyster and said, "It's fake to say that I don't want it. Look at fate. There is nothing wrong with me like this. I can help more people if I am on the front line!

"Brother Gao, you never thought that if you have greater power in your hands, you can help more people and do more important things. Before that, you will be doing it alone. Wait until you have power. After that, more people can follow your wishes, right?" Zhang Feng said.

"Haha, you understand it very quickly, yes, that's it, this is a double-edged sword! Use it well, it will hurt yourself if you use it well!" Feng Gao said.

Zhang Feng said: "Brother Gao, I think you should have a higher level of consciousness, for example, after you die, no matter whether there is an abyss or a minefield ahead, I will move forward..."

Zhang Feng quoted a great man and used it appropriately.

"You kid, put on a high hat for me, look at fate, this kind of thing can't be anxious, if it really comes, I still believe in myself, I believe I can not forget my original intention!" Feng Gao smiled.

This was the first time Zhang Feng knew him and saw him smile, even when he was on a video call with his son.

Smiling so violently, it feels like he still has a stinky face and look at it.

When the two finished their food and Zhang Feng was about to check out, Feng Gao said, "AA system!"

"Didn't it mean that I was a guest?" Zhang Feng asked.

Feng Gao said: "This is all your salary for half a month!"

"Don't you want to support your family?" Zhang Feng asked.

"One yard owned by a yard!"

Zhang Feng had no choice but to answer him.

That's right, Zhang Feng's current salary is more than 1,000, and it is still in the probation period.

Plus other bonuses such as full attendance, there are four thousand.

But it is difficult to survive in Southwest City with these four thousand dollars.

It's okay if you're a single dog, if you have a girlfriend or family, it's not enough.

No way, this is the reality, let it go.

After eating and drinking, the two continued to look for people. They hadn't closed their eyes for a day and night, and they had given a death order. The child could not be found, and no one could rest.

Even the chief is waiting in the monitoring room, the commander-in-chief.

Not to mention the people below.

But this is commonplace for Feng Gao. In fact, Zhang Feng was very curious. For example, when Feng Gao was going to stay, he was still so energetic in the middle of the night and didn't need to smoke.

They had nothing to gain this night, almost no purpose to find, no clues, the kidnappers were very clever, able to avoid all the cameras, it seems that they have planned for a long time.

In the morning, Zhang Feng and Feng Gao parted and bought a lot of things for them, as well as the medicine for Cheng Jin.

You can buy it at ordinary pharmacies, and Zhang Feng doesn't need to ask the doctors inside. They are not as good as Zhang Feng.

When they went to the room, they were all still asleep. Mao Xiaorui fell asleep in the cold corner, but Zhang Feng didn't wake up.

Brother Shazi got up and greeted Zhang Feng: "Brother!"

That's right, Zhang Feng is now their eldest brother.

"Eat breakfast!" Zhang Feng said.

Zhang Feng also had a few breakfasts, but there was no Mao Xiaorui. Cheng Jin was already awake, in good condition, without fever, and his physique was better than Zhang Feng expected.

He didn't seem to have much resentment against Zhang Feng for hurting him, and he called out his eldest brother, and Zhang Feng nodded.

Everyone is an adult, and it depends on the situation.

When everyone was eating breakfast, Mao Xiaorui woke up, very sluggish and his eyes flushed.

"Mmm..." Mao Xiaorui called.

His eyes looked at what they were eating, and the water on the table.

He actually wanted to go to the bathroom, but he was thirsty and hungry.

"Do you want to give him some?" Shazi asked.

"No, he can't die!" Zhang Feng said casually.

Brother Shazi finally couldn't help asking Zhang Feng: "Big Brother, what do we want him to do?"

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