Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1666: Get it!

"Brother Gao, don't be nervous. You don't have to guess who I am. Anyway, they are on the same front. We are comrades and comrades-in-arms, aren't we? Others are not important, are they?"

Finally Feng Gao said: "It's all up to you!"

Zhang Feng smiled and finally got the hang of it.

"Go to rescue those children first, and then take care of Gu Changhang!" Zhang Feng said.

Feng Gao said, "Gu Changhang still has the ones above?"

"This is something Jiang Bureau has to consider!"

Zhang Feng sees Feng Gao's consciousness is still very high, and he can learn it slowly when he goes up.

Presumably he is capable.

People like Feng Gao need some means to force him to go up.

People without ambitions are most suitable for this position.

That's right, Feng Gao is a man with no ambitions. His life is very simple. First of all, he does his own things without forgetting his original intention. He has his wife looking after him at home.

Zhang Feng has known his woman, a good wife and mother, and she can be Feng Gao.


Jiang Bureau Office.

They came directly to Jiang Ju's office. He was very busy at first, but the secretary said it was the co-police from Dongcheng District who came to him.

But in Jiang Wenyuan's eyes, what to buy is to leapfrog and not to leapfrog, as long as you can do things well, and there are two specials this time, the special of the case, and the special of the person who came.

Feng Gao walked in, Zhang Feng followed. Feng Gao held a file in his hand and put it directly on Jiang Wenyuan's desk.

The top of the portfolio is empty, without any words filled in. Feng Gao sorted and printed it out before coming, and all of them were in it.

Jiang Wenyuan glanced at Feng Gao, and Zhang Feng behind him, smiling in his heart, finally here, you have a conscience!

Yes, Jiang Wenyuan was very happy and frowned. He had been waiting for Zhang Feng to take action, but he couldn't count on Zhang Feng. He waited for Zhang Feng at a critical juncture.

"Are you Feng Gao?" Jiang Wenyuan didn't read the document right away.

"Yes, Chief!" Feng Gao stood upright, his heart surging. It was the first time that he had spoken to Jiang Ju at such close range.

"Very well, go over there and sit and wait!"


At this moment, the secretary came in with tea, and Jiang Wenyuan said, "No, Xiao Wei, go ahead, don't bother you in half an hour!"


Xiao Wei was puzzled. He had just graduated, he was very skilled and could handle affairs.

"That, yes, it's you, you go outside and wait, there is nothing for you!" Jiang Wenyuan said to Zhang Feng.


Zhang Feng went out without saying anything.

It seems that Jiang Wenyuan wanted Feng Gao to keep a high profile, and Zhang Feng continued to hide.

Then Jiang Wenyuan looked at the file.

Seeing him getting angry, he slapped the table...


Feng Gao, who had just sat down, was frightened and sat up.

"It's crazy, it's crazy. It's not enough for these people to shoot a hundred times. They are extremely evil; the worms are extremely ugly, extremely ugly..."

Jiang Wenyuan usually has a good temper and is a smiling face to everyone, but this time he is angry.

Explain that the matter is serious.

"Feng Gao, you did a very good job. You made your head work. You were very calm and done well in this moth-like thing! For the assault on the kidnapper's den, you will lead the team. All of us listen to it. Yours! Tell me about your plan!"

Feng Gao was shocked. Before he came, Zhang Feng reminded him and asked him to make this mental preparation. Now it really is.

"In order to prevent the kidnappers from jumping over the wall, I plan to dismantle them from within. Our comrades are ready to make surprise attacks. Before that, the kidnappers should not be alert to avoid being stunned!" Feng Gao said, "This is a very large criminal group. We want to take them away once and for all!"

"Disintegrated from within? You?" Jiang Wenyuan looked at him incredulously.

"Yes, please believe me, but there is a second plan!"

"I know the second plan. If you sacrifice, we will go in again, right?"

Feng Gao nodded.

"I tell you, there is no second plan, you must succeed!" Jiang Wenyuan said solemnly: "You go with your partner."

Feng Gao was shocked again, and Zhang Feng said that he must take Zhang Feng with him if he enters.


"Well, in ten minutes and hours, when you leave, you will be contacted anytime!" Jiang Wenyuan said.


Feng Gao was excited, he was about to charge, and suddenly felt that what Zhang Feng said was right, so obscure, it was better to **** him.

That feels so cool!

After Feng Gao went out, Jiang Wenyuan in the office paced back and forth for more than ten seconds before calling the secretary in.

"Xiao Wei, notify the criminal police, the armed police, and all the personnel of the special police to come back on standby and enter the first level of security!"

Secretary Xiaowei's body was shocked. This is serious. Could it be that there are clues?

"Yes!" Xiao Wei reacted and wanted to go out.

"In addition!" Jiang Wenyuan said again: "In addition, let the captain of the Dongcheng District Police Station and all the comrades above the captain come to the bureau!"

"Yes!" Xiao Wei was puzzled again.

There are borers in Dongcheng District, so let's control them first. There can be no flaws in this case.

After the secretary went out, Jiang Wenyuan was still very excited. He thought of the case a few years ago. This is how his last appointment was promoted to the province. Is it because of this kid, is it true now?

Ha ha! What a lucky general!

Thinking of this, Jiang Wenyuan called his old leader.

"Teacher, the case was still solved by Zhang Feng, our Southwest City is incompetent!"

"Haha, didn't you let him see the light?"

"No, this kid is very good!"

"It's enough to use it once, not more than that. Mr. Gusu is horrible! He will leave after a while. We can't keep him, nor can we tolerate him."

"Teacher, I understand! Teacher, there is another..."

"You don't need to ask me about this matter, just give it to the Commission for Discipline Inspection. You can't let go of a pest!"

"is teacher!"

After hanging up, Jiang Wenyuan became more excited, and he was going to arrange tasks.


After Zhang Feng came out of the inside, they went straight to the destination.

Located in the mountainous area outside the outskirts of Xicheng, there is a large-scale breeding product, which is the place of the breeding company under the Mao Group.

In the eyes of outsiders, it is a very standardized farming product, a model farm, which occupies most of the poultry farming in Southwest City.

They also have feed production companies and sales, which can be said to be integrated production and sales.

A few years ago, they introduced poultry from Malaysia for breeding and achieved great success. They made money, drove production in the surrounding area, and solved many unemployed people.

It is a bright enterprise anyway.

Even Jiang Wenyuan did not expect such a thing to happen.

Zhang Feng didn't care about Mao Xiaorui on Shazi's side anymore, so don't rush him.

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