Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1676: Shame

Yes, you must teach him well. They looked at each other and knew what the other side was thinking.

So a group of people tightened their encirclement to Zhang Feng, each of them has their own unique skills, and they can now display them.

At this time Zhang Feng needs to take the initiative to attack.

The first to rush up, when he was less than two steps away from Zhang Feng, jumped up and attacked Zhang Feng’s facade. Zhang Feng stepped forward and avoided his feet side by side, then punched him in the stomach. A heavy blow hit him, and the powerful impact knocked him out, and fell to the ground three meters away. It was so painful that he couldn't get up. He lay there and curled his body, then he vomited blood in his mouth, followed by something in his stomach. , Anyway, he vomited all over the place, and finally coma.

"Ah, kid..."

The next person rushed up angrily, but he was very disciplined and powerful, but for Zhang Feng, it was all fancy. Zhang Feng was pulled out of the dead man’s pile. They were all chaotic punches. Killer.

Zhang Feng slapped him in the face easily, with a soft bang, his jaw was dislocated, and two or three teeth were broken.


Accompanied by his screams, his body fell and he was unconscious.

There were six people left. They saw Zhang Feng's powerful combat effectiveness and solved two people in less than a minute. They were panicked but the arrow was already on the string and had to be sent.

Besides, there are still six people, I really don't believe it.

They didn't expect this person to be so capable.

"Go together!"

Shouting loudly, no one paid attention to the two unconscious people on the ground.

Ha ha……

Zhang Feng sneered and turned a few somersaults, swept them underground with a few sweeps, and solved six people in less than a minute.


Zhang Feng broke a sentence, turned around and left, very chic.

Eight people were solved so easily. The key is that these eight people are the top guards of Southwest City. This is hitting Jiang Wenyuan in the face, so vulnerable!

However, Jiang Wenyuan didn’t think it was shameful. Instead, he was angry. These people usually boast about how powerful they are, how powerful they are, and their eyes grow to the top of their heads. It’s a good thing to be taught this way, even to the whole The police in Southwest City are all good.

Now many people in the bureau have come to see you. Surrounded by dozens of people, Jiang Wenyuan said to the secretary nearby: "Send a doctor!"


The secretary went to ask someone to carry the wounded down and took him to the hospital in a police car.

"It's all gone!" Jiang Wenyuan said loudly.

Everyone left reluctantly, really like witnessing who this person is, just a co-op?

Ghosts believe it.

Zhang Feng ignored the dozen or so people standing there, and walked to Jiang Wenyuan and said: "Jiang Ju, I'm going to the army to pick someone!"

"This..." Jiang Wenyuan didn't expect Zhang Summit to make such a request. He looked at a dozen people standing there and said: "Where are they?"

"The sooner the better!" Zhang Feng didn't answer Jiang Wenyuan's words.

It's another face-slapped person, Zhang Feng doesn't like you at all.

Jiang Wenyuan said, "I will communicate with the Armed Forces Department in a while, and I will go to the army with you in the afternoon!"

"Good!" Zhang Feng replied, "Jiang Ju, is there anything else?"

"Well, it's okay, I will let Xiao Wei call you this afternoon!"


Zhang Feng saluted Jiang Ju and turned around, and Feng Gao followed him.

Feng Gao was shocked by Zhang Feng's performance today. He knew that Zhang Feng was very good, but he didn't expect to be so good and killed them in seconds.

Feng Gao didn't say anything, let alone ask Zhang Feng any questions, he still chatted with Zhang Feng some light things as usual. Since he met Zhang Feng, Feng Gao has become less insensitive and talked more!

And Jiang Wenyuan, who was still on the basketball court in the game, walked up to the dozen people and watched them with their proud heads slightly lowered. Jiang Wenyuan didn't want to see them for a moment. He snorted coldly and said, "Huh, we are from Southwest City. I've lost my face to you!"

Turn around and leave.

"Report!" Someone couldn't help it.

Jiang Wenyuan turned around and said, "Say!"

"Who is he!?"

This is a common problem for all of them, very curious, is he a co-policeman? Haha, ghosts believe!

It is a joke to make him an assistant policeman!

"I really want to know?" Jiang Wenyuan asked.

"Yes, Director!"

Jiang Wenyuan walked over again and walked by each of them. He felt that it was necessary to inspire them at this time, which was a good opportunity.

"Today I have given you one of the most difficult opportunities in your life, and you, I really let me down, let down Southwest City, I am usually too used to you, and treat you like a treasure, hehe, I think I am ridiculous!"

These dozen or so people are all keen men. When the chief said so, their faces were so embarrassed and flushed that they wanted to sew them in. It was really shameful.

Jiang Wenyuan continued: "You ask me who he is? Hehe, I don't know, because I am not qualified to know who he is. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

After speaking, I left, and lost a strange question to them. There was too much information in it.

In their hearts, they thought that this person must be a big man just now. During the fight just now, they saw the murderous aura exuding from him. They had never seen this murderous aura before. It was the breath of death.

What kind of person is this kind of murderous?

"Brothers, is it the Sharp Knife Special Forces of the Southwest Military Region?" a man said.

"No, I know that there is no such person in the Sharp Knife Special Forces, and do you feel it? When he shot, I felt death. Every move is so simple and straightforward. Death, brothers, just like this. I feel death!"

"Yes, I'm sure, this person must have a lot of righteous blood on his hands!"

"Now, we are all finished, this person just slapped our Southwestern City police circle into Jiang Ju in the face!"

"Why didn't we think about it. The bureau was so urgent that all the top police officers in the Southwestern City Police Department were called. When I came here, I ran into such a person. Can he be an ordinary person? There is still Jiang Ju , Can he be an ordinary person?"

"But he looks so ordinary, he is not as tall as me!"

A man weighing eight meters and eight said weakly.

"Stupid, what do you say about you? It's precisely this kind of talent who can't be found in the crowd is the most powerful. If he stands there, he can make people think that he is a passerby. He glanced at him, and he could give people a second kill! Such a person is terrifying."

"It is said that he hasn't been here for two months, and he patrols Southwest University every day. Before Gu Changhang was arrested, he was his captain. Gu Changhang must wear small shoes for him because of his urine. Why didn't he kill Gu Changhang? ?"

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