Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1678: Gossip from big shots

When Zhang Feng said something like this, everyone was confused, what did he say?

The wrong discipline is very good, and there is no noise, but silence, no one moves.

Xing Changyun, who lifted it up, took the microphone and said: "Xiao Zhang's words are my orders, let's carry them out! Adjutant Jin, you go to make arrangements, you can do whatever Xiao Zhang says."

Xing Changyun said to his adjutant.

"Yes, Master!"

Two minutes later, the following moved up and divided into fifteen groups, looking for a venue to play against each other, well, it was a melee.

But as for the melee, Adjutant Jin asked Zhang Feng.

Adjutant Jin’s person is very respectful to Zhang Feng. Can someone who can make Jiang Wenyuan and his teacher respectful? How could he not wink at all.

"Everyone in each group is fighting at the same time. No matter what moves or methods are used, they can knock down their opponents. That is, they are fighting with the enemy. Everyone is their enemy. That's it!"

Zhang Feng's words made Adjutant Jin understand that this is actual combat.

Adjutant Jin conveyed Zhang Feng's order and emphasized several times that the enemy is the enemy, and you are each other's enemies. You must survive.

But in a group of seven or eight hundred people, only one person can stand at the end.

How tragic is this? Without fists and feet, they will have great injuries, and of course there will be no deaths.

If there is death, then Zhang Feng's goal has been achieved.

Only soldiers who have experienced death can grow into real soldiers.

Sacrifice during training? Is that also a martyr? Zhang Feng doesn't care about this.

In fact, Zhang Feng had concerns when he came up with this method, because after all, this is not the Halberd of the God of War training camp.

But Zhang Feng still wants to formulate it. If it is feasible, it will be promoted in the whole army. If not, it will stop here.

Lesson, painful lesson!

"Old Jiang, will something happen like this?" Xing Changyun was very worried.

Jiang Wenyuan didn't expect Zhang Fengming to make this move. He doesn't know what to do now, and can only say: "Lao Xing, I saw blood on the basketball court in my game this morning, and now you also see blood here. Now, it's just the blood of a place. It's too late for you to take it back and drive us away!"

"Old Jiang, am I that kind of person? How do you want me to **** in the future?" Xing Changyun was unhappy when he heard this. Didn't he let him slap himself in the face?

"This posture is deadly!" Jiang Wenyuan said.

"If you die, you die. Our 315 division hasn't had such a tragic scene for many years, and I'm excited to think about it!"

Xing Changyun became excited as he spoke.

Seeing him like this, Jiang Wenyuan thought that if Xing Changyun was in the war years, then he was a lunatic on the battlefield. His 315 division was a steel army, a steel army capable of fighting bad wars. Even now, his 315 division was in The military’s combat effectiveness is also the strongest. Normally, drills are among the best, and there are competitions that can win first prizes.

Xing Changyun has a lot of bad deeds, such as drinking alcohol and so on. He is always in trouble. It can be said that he loves and hates him. There is nothing to do with him, because it is really impossible to do without him.

It's like the independent group without Li Yunlong.

"Lao Xing, I can give you a gossip, you must stand firm!" Jiang Wenyuan whispered.

Xing Changyun said in a deep voice, "Say!"

"You should be the War God's Halberd Training Camp, right?"

"Why don't you know? In the extreme cold of North Siberia, every soldier in every country in the world dreams of going there to train. There was no business in our country before. Although there were dozens of places in the past two years, it was not chaotic How fierce the competition is on our side! If one of my **** can go, then I will have no problem with drinking for three years!"

"I'm not telling you this, I mean they are instructors!"

"Instructor? Haha, that's the most powerful instructor in the world. Do you want to invite one of their instructors to come to us? Old ginger, I think you should go back to wash and sleep, even if we have money, please Us? To them we are baby soldiers!"

"I'm not with you. They only had one instructor more than half a year ago. All the instructors before that became the soldiers of this instructor. Do you know who this instructor is?"

Xing Changyun's heart trembled. The two of them were good friends for many years and knew each other very well. Now that Jiang Wenyuan said this, how could Xing Changyun not understand.

"Is it?" Xing Changyun didn't say it, but it was already very clear.

"Hehe, I don't know who it is. This is what my old chief told me. He stayed with us for a short time, and the recent case in the bureau passed through his hands." Jiang Wenyuan said.

"My boy, no wonder, no wonder, I saw a different shadow on him!" Xing Changyun was shocked.

Jiang Wenyuan smiled and said, "Hehe, I don't know whether these are true or false, so don't take it seriously!"

"Haha, improper, improper, how can this kind of thing be taken seriously!" Xing Changyun laughed.

"Go ahead, thank me!"

"I said old ginger, can you not worry about my wine, can you keep her easy for me?"

For a drunkard, it is really not easy to store good wine without drinking it.

"Then next time..."

"Okay, I'm really scared of you! Isn't it enough for you? Yes, you are going to beat the local tyrant!"

"You are not a local tyrant, you are very poor! Your wine is the most precious!"

"You know you still think about me!"

"Lao Xing, you can be prepared, as soon as your soldier's vitality comes up, but the blood will flow into a river!"

This is necessary. No one knows his soldiers better than him. Jiang Wenyuan is right. When they fight, they are fatal.

He called his logistics officer to explain, and immediately sent to the doctor after the end, so that the battlefield hospital was ready to accept the wounded at any time.

What Xing Changyun didn't know was that if he ordered it down, the nest would be blown up, especially on the hospital side.

And Zhang Feng's side has already started, Xing Changyun's **** odds are indeed very good, less than a few minutes, 15 teams were allocated.

Just waiting for Zhang Feng to give the order, because after more than 20 minutes of contact with the soldiers, they all recognized Zhang Feng, and the temperament that emanated from Zhang Feng's body was not ordinary.

Besides, the teacher is still watching over there, but he can't be ashamed.

More than 10,000 people formed fifteen squares on the broad school field.

"The enemy, all around you are your enemies, and you don’t have any weapons in your hands. If you want or, you must kill your opponents, or you will die. You don’t have a name, and you don’t even have a code name. If you died in battle, it is a corpse and nothing. No one will collect the corpses for you. You will be shared by the wild corpses and wild beasts. No one knows you!"

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