Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1687: Surprised Teacher Yuan

Yuan Yongying really didn't understand, what happened? She knows what her girlfriend is like better than anyone, even better than Xu Qiuping's parents.

She was the first of the school flowers back then. Yuan Yongying could not be ranked. Xu Qiuping was called the iceberg school flowers. No matter who she was, she was a cold face, not to mention a man who did not exist.

Some people even think he is a stone girl.

So many years have never seen her have any intersection with any man, let alone a scandal.

There are many people pursuing her, but it is only a courteous and gentleman's pursuit, and no one dares to use it because she has a mayor dad.

And this year is estimated to rise.

In Southwest City, who dares to have impure motives for his daughter?


So, Xu Qiuping is actually using her meal card to borrow flowers to offer Buddha, this is her own student, and they just met.

It's really weird.

"Why? Not willing? I said Ying, when did you become so picky? Is it so difficult to get a meal card? You are not short of money!" Xu Qiuping said.

By the way, Xu Qiuping also knows that Zhang Feng is not short of money, very much, not to mention women.

"Girl, are you okay?"

Yuan Yongying wondered if her girlfriend was stimulated.

"I'm fine, I've never been so fine, hurry up!"

Xu Qiuping went up to search, found out the meal card and put it in Zhang Feng's hand and said: "School brother, don't hesitate to use whatever you want to eat, your teacher Yuan is not bad!"

"Oh, well, thank you, Teacher Yuan!" Zhang Feng put away the meal card unceremoniously.

Yuan Yongying didn't know what to say, and her words were too poor for her.

"What? Ying, don't you want to?" Xu Qiuping looked very happy.

It seems that Yuan Yongying has never seen her so happy. Is it really because of her student?

What is special about him? I didn't see that there are too many people with backgrounds who are more handsome than him.

"Yes, yes, as long as you are happy!" Yuan Anita said helplessly.

"Hehe!" Xu Qiuping came over and hugged Anita Yuan and kissed her on the face: "Thank you Yingbao, hehe!"

Yuan Yongying was petrified again, and she had never seen her girlfriends so cute and lively.

This scene caused Yuan Yongying to eat too much, thinking of a word, and forgetting meaning.

Now my best friend is all focused on his students.

"Ying, do you still have classes this afternoon?" Xu Qiuping asked.

"There are two sessions!" Yuan Yongying said slowly: "If you want to play, go by yourself."

Xu Qiuping asked Zhang Feng: "Brother, do you have to go to Teacher Yuan's class this afternoon?"

"Go, or you will be deducted!" Zhang Feng said while eating.

Ghost deduction! Xu Qiuping smiled inwardly.

"That's great, Ying, I will go to your class in the afternoon!" Xu Qiuping said.


Yuan Yongying is not calm, what is going on? To listen to your own class? Did you hear me wrong?

She asked Zhang Feng just now before she said she was going, could it be for him?

That's my girlfriend crazy!

"What? No way?"

"Whatever you want!" Yuan Yongying said feebly: "I'm full, I'm leaving now!"

Yuan Yongying stood up and left.

"Ms. Yuan, you..."

It seemed that Yuan Yongying was angry, and after eating a few bites, Zhang Feng asked quickly.

"I'm fine, you continue to eat, remember to go to class in the afternoon!"

"Oh, good!" Zhang Feng responded.

Yuan Yongying walked out with a big question mark. Originally, she wanted to figure out what was going on, but let it go, she would say it when the time came.

After Yuan Yongying left, Xu Qiuping let out a sigh of relief: "Huh..."

I was so nervous just now.

"" Xu Qiuping couldn't say anything.

"Actually I am here..."

Zhang Feng hadn't had the mouse nest case and Xu Qiuping said: "I know, I know, you don't need to tell me, I'm very happy to see you here!"

"You eat, I'll wait for you!" Zhang Feng said.

"Okay!" Xu Qiuping bit her lip, not knowing what to say, and bowed her head to eat.

Zhang Feng is also eating slowly, the scene is a bit awkward, after all, two people can meet each other like this.

It's been two years since they last met, right? It seems that it was still yesterday, and it is vivid in the eyes, anyway for Xu Qiuping.

Zhang Feng was quite indifferent to this.

The two did not speak until they finished their meal.

Come out very tacitly.

"I'm going to the library, how about you? Do you want to be together?"

Zhang Feng finally took the initiative to speak.

This is an invitation. If Xu Qiuping refuses, she will not forgive herself afterwards.

"Okay, I'll go too. It's been a long time since I went there. I have members!" Xu Qiuping smiled.

As long as students who have applied for a card in the library, they will be eligible to enter the library to borrow books throughout their lives. This is one of the characteristics of Southwest University. For this reason, it has won a lot of reputation and has not lost a book for many years.

So the two walked slowly inside the campus, with a 100% return rate.

Some people know Xu Qiuping, because her best friend is here as a teacher, she often comes back, so people can't forget it once seen, and it has already been on the hot search.

So everyone is not concerned about Xu Qiuping, but Zhang Feng.

The same question mark: Who is this person?

Because I have never seen her walk so close to a man, even close to the shoulder.

After they arrived at the library, Xu Qiuping was already overcrowded, but Xu Qiuping disagreed, and squeezed into the library with Zhang Feng.

The rules in the library were pretty good, no one was making noise, but so many people entered at once, making the library managers nervous, and the managers who were still eating were called back.

"Is your popularity so high? I think it is even higher than those female stars!" Zhang Feng said softly.

Xu Qiuping always followed Zhang Feng to pretend to read the book, but the book was actually reading her, so she didn't have the intention to read it.

"I don't know, but when I came back to have dinner with Yingying last month, there was no such thing. It's just that some students would take a look at it more. That's normal!" Xu Qiuping said.

Zhang Feng put the book back on the shelf and said: "Forget it, let's go, this book can't be read!"


No matter where Zhang Feng goes, she has no opinion.

"Didn't I interfere with you?" Xu Qiuping asked quietly.

She believed that Zhang Feng must be performing a task here, otherwise how could he be here!

"No, I just came to the school to experience it. I couldn't stay here for a few days that year!" Zhang Feng said.


Now Xu Qiuping is relieved, and will arrive without affecting him.

After leaving the library, Zhang Feng said, "I am now the co-policeman of the Dongcheng District Police Station in Southwest City! I have been here for almost two months!"


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