Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1700: Caught a big fish

This person’s first impression of Zhang Feng is that he is a smart person and should be the leader of the team.

Li Youmin was fifty-five years old. He ran out of his hometown for committing crimes in his early years.

"Tell me, why did you do this? There are many other businesses that are more profitable than this. This is the most wicked thing!" Zhang Feng seems to know the answer.

I don't understand that even if the conscience of these people is eaten, they won't do such things.

"Hehe, if I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell!"

Li Youmin sneered and gave Zhang Feng an annoying answer.

"Don't worry, I will kill you, and then bring your sins to your hometown, shame your people, and be scolded by thousands of people. Before you kill you, I will confess your upper family. Your boss, then I will kill them!"

Zhang Feng told him all his purpose, because he is a smart person, so let's use the method among smart people.

"Haha...I will care about those so-called reputations, in their eyes, I no longer exist!" Li Youmin laughed: "Haha, let me betray my boss? Then you should kill me!"

"Really? Your boss? Well, it should be your benefactor, right?"

This is what Zhang Feng conjectured.

"Yes, when I was desperate, he saved me and gave me everything!"

"Does it include women and children?"

"Yes, even if you kill me, I will make money in my life, and I will live enough!" Li Youmin begged to die.

"Really? Then your wife must be very beautiful, haha!"

"Of course it's beautiful. I have seen beautiful women who gave birth to me! What are you laughing at?"

"Laugh at you stupid!" Zhang Feng said, "I'll make a call!"

Zhang Feng called in front of him.

The call was made to Chen Wanru, and Chen Wanru's intelligence network Zhang Feng felt terrified.

"Find a murderer ten years ago, named Li Youmin in Qingjiang City, and then fled to Malaysia in Southeast Asia!"

This is almost a needle in a haystack.

Chen Wanru said in a deep voice, "Give me fifteen minutes!"

Hang up the phone and just waited, Li Youmin's wounds on his feet and hands were bleeding. If this continues without Zhang Feng's hands, he will lose blood and die.

After waiting fifteen minutes, Chen Wanru sent a message, and Zhang Feng's heart was shocked.

"Haha, your wife is called An Lisna, she looks pretty good, show you a picture!" Zhang Feng pointed the phone screen to him: "This should be your boss, his name is Turavis! "

Li Youmin saw that his boss was hugging his wife, and the boss's hand was on his wife's hips, and his wife's expression was still very enjoyable.

Looking at this picture, Li Youmin's expression was very calm, but his eyes were full of murderous intent, and the murderous intent quickly disappeared.

Zhang Feng smiled when he saw this murderous intent.

"He treats you this way, and is your son yours? Hehe, it's ridiculous, he saved you? Is your benefactor? I think you are being used, you are still stupid, the saddest person But that's it!" Zhang Feng was hitting him.

"So what? It has nothing to do with you!"

His defense began to loosen, and his eyes flowed.

"Two years ago, your father was ill. Someone made a donation to make him alive. He said he knew it must be his son, Li Youmin. As long as he comes back and changes, he will be forgiven. Look, this is Video, a reporter went to see your father at that time!"

Then Zhang Feng watched a video, which lasted less than a minute.

After watching this video, Li Youmin suddenly burst out laughing: "Hahaha..."

After laughing, Zhang Feng handed a cigarette to him, lit it, and then said: "After you die, I will bring your ashes back to your hometown, and say that you are an undercover criminal sacrifice in this criminal group and return home. , And I will kill the man named Tuanves! How?"

At the beginning, I gave him hope, followed by despair, and finally hope.

This is the most capable of destroying human will.

"Okay, I promise you!" Li Youmin said, "Even if you have the information I provided, you will die if you go!"

"You don't have to worry about this. If you are afraid of death, I won't come!"

"Why go and die? Is it worth it?" Li Youmin asked such a question.

It seems to be asking, what is the meaning of being alive, and why?

Zhang Feng said: "This is my mission!"

"Mission, mission, haha..."

When he took the cigarette, Zhang Feng knew it was done.

A big harvest tonight, a big fish caught.


Zhang Feng chose to believe him, because now he has no choice but to find their lair, what about it, it will never be better than Area 52, right?

So Zhang Feng is not afraid.

After getting all the information from Li Youmin, Zhang Feng returned his gun and said: "You commit suicide, or shoot your gun at me, and then I will kill you!"

There is a problem in this sentence, can you live if the gun is aimed at?

Li Youmin didn't believe it, so after Zhang Feng turned around and walked a few steps, he raised his gun at Zhang Feng's back.

Zhang Feng stopped and turned around and looked at him calmly.


Li Youmin still shot.

At such a short distance of only four meters, he still saw Zhang Feng moving fast, and at the same time the gunfire rang, and the bullet rushed out of the barrel and hit the wall.

Li Youmin dropped the gun in his hand, he let it go, and then laughed loudly: "Haha, you are the **** of death, haha..."

Then he said again: "Can you tell me what your name is?"

"Zhang Feng!" Zhang Feng said.

"Very well, Zhang Feng, Zhang Feng, haha..."

His voice stopped because there was a steel nail on the center of his brow.

He hadn't seen Zhang Feng make a move just now, the speed was too fast.

Then he closed his eyes and fell down. Among the few people, he was stunned to death and ended his sinful life, but he also had merit.

Because he provided Zhang Feng with information he knew, including points!

This allowed Zhang Feng to lay out all of his outlets and clear out the domestic group before going to the island in Malaysia.

Zhang Feng called Jiang Ju, and said: "Jian Ju, everything is done. I will send you their trading points in a while. I want to fight against them and never have trouble!"

Jiang Wenyuan was silent for a while, and said excitedly: "Okay, okay..."

"Jing Ju..."

"You said, just say what you need, and then I will be your soldier!"

It can be seen how excited Jiang Wenyuan was, too fast, and the case came too fast, he didn't have time to prepare.

"This Li Youmin, give him a righteous position, I promised him!"

"Well, I will do this myself!"

"Thank you Jiang Ju!"

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