Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1711: Here comes the people from area 52

Soon two police officers arrived, a righteous policeman, armed with guns and batons. Their speed of dispatching the police was very fast. Zhang Feng calculated it, less than five minutes.

They came here to see four people lying on the ground, calling for support, controlling the scene, pulling up the cordon, taking pictures, and also asking for surveillance video from the restaurant.

This series of operations is very decisive and effective. I have to say that they are very efficient.

At this time, the murderer Zhang Feng was playing with the young man's cell phone just now. What was he doing? Of course, it's not playing games or watching any small movies, but uploading the video he just took to the evening.

It appears on the video without any processing.

Of course, the front of Zhang Feng was not seen in this video, because Zhang Feng knew just now that he was the only one shooting, so he didn't let him see his face.

Zhang Feng, the murderer, was under control, and Li Hongan was an accomplice and was also under control. He was very nervous and knew that Fujitaichi had cooperated with the people in District 52.

No, it is not cooperation, but a master-slave relationship. To a large extent, Fujita is obedient to them.

This is a question left over from history.

Zhang Feng did not resist or speak, he was playing with his cell phone, because the person who can be in charge of the police has not yet come. After all, it is a big case.

There were already a lot of people outside watching, and some reporters were all coming.

In less than ten minutes, more than a dozen police officers arrived. Three of them were wearing suits. They should be Jason from District 52.

"Take the corpse away, and these two murderers take it back!" said one of the suits.

They didn't ask anything when they came here, they took the murderer directly, and they didn't ask the witnesses on the spot. This was not in line with the rules, and it was indeed Jason's way of doing things.

The police officer leading the team asked this man in confusion, "Mr. Rogier, just leave it to me to deal with it. I have to torture them in more ways to monitor them. Why haven't they got it?"

"Yes!" A police officer brought the surveillance, it was a memory card.

The man named Roger in a suit took out a certificate to show it in front of the captain, and said: "Captain Vades, I will take over here!"

Captain Vades changed his face, looked at the three of them, looked at the two of Zhang Feng, and then looked at the dead man on the ground and said, "Let's go!"

"Captain Vades, wait!" Roger stopped him: "Please cooperate with us in handling the case with your people!"

"Yes!" Captain Vaders had no choice. The opponent's rank was very high, and he could take his own skin in one sentence.

Rogier said: "Take them two away!"

At this moment, a reporter was already carrying a video recorder to record here, and Rogier said angrily: "Knock out the reporter and unrelated personnel!"

As soon as Captain Vades waved his hand, his team members went to drive the people outside.


Zhang Feng, who had been playing on his mobile phone and not talking, spoke. He raised his mobile phone and said, "Hurry up and see how they handle the case. They will take me away indiscriminately and not let you watch. Now, they plan to use lynching, I am the victim!"

The reporters and melon-eating people outside were not calm. They hurriedly looked at their mobile phones. A video without any mosaic coding and deletion was circulating on the Internet. They immediately fryed the pan and supported the victims Zhang Feng and Li Hongan.

The melon-eaters here are different from the domestic ones. They will always stand on the side of justice, and will not watch indifferently but act to uphold justice. Most of our melon-eaters have nothing to do with it. Lively, of course, there are people who stand up for justice, but that's a minority. Such people are called national treasures, and they are too rare.

"Hey, you let the victims go, you can't take them away, I'm a reporter from San Di'an Newspaper!" A reporter stood up and shouted.

"Yes, let them go, they are victims!"

"Let go of them!" shouted the people eating melons.

More people came outside, and they held up their phones to take this scene.

Luo Jier's face changed drastically, he glanced at Zhang Feng and said, "Check this person!"

In less than two minutes, they found out Zhang Feng’s entry information, named Su Ming, who came here to travel.

Rogier knew that this was just a hidden identity. He stood with Li Hongan, and Li Hongan stood behind him, which meant that Li Hongan was obedient to him. He was the new agent of the Huaxia agent. It was not easy and uneasy. Playing cards.

"Sir, look at this!" One of his men showed him his cell phone.

Roger looked at it, his face was even more ugly, and he looked at Zhang Feng fiercely. This man was too powerful. Those four people were Fujitaichi's elites. They killed them in less than three seconds, with fierce and terrifying methods. Without any hesitation.

"Captain Vades, leave it to you here, do things according to the law!" Rogier left, with three of his men.

The lobby manager Qiu Shanli became nervous. If he left, there would be nothing to mess up, but he couldn't stop him. What else could he do after everyone left?

He hurried back to ask Fujita for instructions.

And Captain Vaders started to handle the case. He also watched the surveillance and watched the videos circulating on the Internet. Just now, Roger said that if you act in accordance with the law, you should follow the rules.

He stood in front of Zhang Feng and said coldly: "Why did you kill them?"

Zhang Feng said in English: "Police officer, have you watched the surveillance? I am a victim and they want to kill me. Can't I fight back and defend myself? Waiting for them to kill me?"

"Then why are they killing you?"

Vaders thought to himself that this person is not easy to deal with, it is no wonder that a person like Roger has appeared.

"Where did I know that when I was eating here, they would come and hit me from behind. If I hadn't dodged, I would be lying on the ground now!" Zhang Feng said.

At this moment, the waitress came with the food and put it in front of Zhang Feng, her hands trembling, very afraid, but she still said softly: "Sir, please take your time!"

"Thank you!" Zhang Feng said politely.

Then Zhang Feng ignored the gazes of Captain Vaders and everyone. After eating, Li Hongan was watching. Now Li Hongan had guessed one thing, that is, Zhang Feng wants to do something high-profile.

This method was too bad, and Jason's people were taken away, and Fujita was slapped heavily, which made the reputation of this shop bad.

But, how did he do tricks in the food just now?

As soon as he lowered his chopsticks, Zhang Feng said angrily: "What is this?"

The waitress lowered her head and glanced, and she collapsed on the ground, still in the soup, what is the flavor-enhancing soup according to their name, there was a fly in it!

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