Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1719: Dragon Catch Team

Next is Roger's speech, which is very brief.

"Everyone, my name is Rogier and I have no military rank. You are here to perform a special secret mission. You have no name and no military rank. If you die, your family members will receive the death notice because of a mistake in training. Yes, without the treatment of martyrs, no one will know you, and your corpses will be secretly disposed of! If I die, the same is true, and your captain Byron!"

"And you will be named the Dragon Catch Squad! Perform the catch mission!"

"This is the person who wants to live!"

Rogier took out several photos, which were high-definition photos of Zhang Feng, and gave them to them, and then said: "This man is the enemy of our country. He has caused great losses to us. We must catch him and let him Be punished and compensate us for our losses!"

"Well, you go down and wait for the time to attack, and wait for our intelligence personnel to obtain reliable information!"

After speaking, Rogier nodded to Byron, who shouted: "Stand at attention, turn left, walk in unison..."

Da da……

One hundred and fifty people have gone to rest, and someone will arrange the best place to stay for them.

"Byron, we haven't seen each other for a long time, I invite you to drink!" Rogier laughed.

"No, Roger, you tell me all the information about this man, and his strength!" Byron said impatiently.

Rogier was taken aback and became serious: "Okay, come with me!"


In Rogier’s office, the two talked for more than half an hour, but still failed to finish Zhang Feng’s message. Byron found that the information he had received was very limited. He didn’t even know his family and his preferences. Knowing what he did, there are even many faults.

"Wait, Roger, where did he go half a year ago?" Byron found the suspicious point.

Rogier said: "The news from the middle game, he appeared in the North Pole six months ago, then disappeared, appeared in their Kyoto three months ago, and then went to their southwest city as a co-police for three months. I'm here at last!"

"The North Pole?" Byron was puzzled, what could be there for him to go there? "Did you find out what he was doing there?"

Rogier shook his head: "No."

Byron's face darkened, and his instinct told him that it was not that simple and that this person was not easy to deal with.

The key is that he escaped from Area 52, where thousands of people were stationed and equipped with countless advanced weapons and equipment, and destroyed it. Although he was not alone, many subjects participated in the riots, but he was the main one. .

He is a super soldier, the most powerful soldier in the world, no one!

Just relying on these people to deal with him?

This is only what happened two years ago. What happened to him in those two years? Whether the body will become stronger again is unknown.

For this kind of super fighter, only become stronger, not weaker.

But Byron did not back down. He took on this glorious and obscure task. Rogier was right. If successful, they will stay in history and become heroes and contribute to the prosperity of the country. Outstanding contribution hero.

"Byron, there are still a lot of resources on the middle game. We planned to deal with him after we got him in jail!"

Rogier stated his plan.

"Didn't you want Dr. Loves Frank?" Byron asked.

"Yes, now our mission has changed. We need a doctor, and we need this Tyrone!"

Byron nodded. The mission this time was not so big, but he was here only to help Rogier catch Tyrone. In the case of the Doctor, there was no such order, but there was an order to assist Rogier in completing the task.

How to complete the task?

Just hold these two people!

Someone came in right now and said, "Boss, the equipment is here!"

Rogier smiled and said, "Have you all received it?"

"It's in our warehouse!"

"Okay, Byron, I'll take you to see!"

The so-called equipment is all equipment for individual combat, which is the most advanced in the world. A set of equipment costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, not including transportation equipment. If the strike is completed, transport aircraft and the like are needed. Astronomical.

The equipment of a few containers full of hundreds of millions of dollars, all of which are the most advanced, a dagger can cost thousands of dollars, let alone some sophisticated weapons.

Roger was satisfied and said to Byron, "How?"

"No matter how good the weaponry is, what's the use? Two years ago, the equipment and army in Area 52 were not strong enough?" Byron was sober.

Rogier shook his head and said, "No, Byron, this man is not as strong as he thought, it was his bravado."

"Hope!" Byron turned and left.

Rogier looked helpless, how would he fix it? What else? Go and pull an army out?

Or just expel this ‘Su Ming’ from the country?

This is the most stupid approach. Not only does it have no effect, it may also be used by the other party as a big article.

At yesterday's restaurant, Rogier had already seen the face of this man, as good as his skill.

There is no lower limit!

He can be upright, but things related to Area 52 can't be upright. If he is careless, he will be stopped by the voice of the world.

This is anti-human, because they use living people to experiment, and they still use strong and healthy people to experiment.

So it must be done in secret.


At this time, Tai Long, oh, Zhang Feng is still enjoying in the entertainment city. This technician is already exhausted and sweating profusely. Because it has been more than two hours, he has not called a stop. No, it seems to be Fall asleep!

The body is sore, and the tricks that can make it make have been used many times.

Finally, half an hour later, the technician stopped and yelled softly: "Mister, sir..."

"Well, what's the matter?" Zhang Feng immediately responded.

It surprised the technician.

"Sir, it's been three hours!"

"Oh, it's been that long, haha, what's your name?" Zhang Feng asked.


"Oh, Navera, come and wash me up in half an hour! You go out and rest first!"


As if released again, Navera walked outside and exhaled a long breath, hurried to drink water and sit down to rest.

Zhang Feng, who was lying there, had listened to these two hours of combing, and he had basically thought about it.

The main opponents are the people in the 52nd zone and the middle game. The locals are not to be afraid of, but the captain of Vaders is an important piece of the opponent. He is in the light, and Roger and George Kings are in the dark.

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