Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1736: Fierce battle

Zhang Feng is experienced in dealing with these so-called super fighters, that is, failed products, and they can't see much from the outside.

In addition to the strength of these failed products, they are not afraid of pain, but also loyal.

The most important thing is loyalty.

The improvement of their strength can be achieved through training, coupled with the aid of drugs.

Their progress is several times that of ordinary people.

Now Zhang Feng looked at their strength, each of them surpassed the strongest fighters in the God of War training camp.

To deal with them, Zhang Feng would have to go through some setbacks.

"You back, don't come no matter what happens here!" Zhang Feng shouted.

"Boss, your snack!"

Zhang Feng said nothing, behind him was a pickup truck.

This car is not simple. It was modified by Zihua and the others. It was equipped with six-tube Gatling machine guns. The bullets were loaded into one car, estimated to have tens of thousands of rounds.

The guns were obtained through special channels. It is too easy to get any guns in this place, as long as you have money.

At this moment, those failed products are approached by favorable terrain, and Jason on the back balcony is satisfied that his person is so strong. This time, he must be killed. Even if he can't be killed, he will be seriously injured. It brings it back to Area 52.

As for these failed products, it's good to be alive, but even if you can't live, it's worth using them for Tyrone.

"Dr. Loves Frank, you see, this is your masterpiece, super soldier, each of them is an S-class physical talent, and no one can match them in the world today. The most important thing is that they have absolute loyalty. , Absolutely obey orders until death."

Jason showed off his work, feeling good about himself, and Dr. Loves Frank was silent.

He knew that these super fighters were captured by them and turned into this. Jason said before that he would not do it in the future, but they still do it now.

Dr. Loves Frank thought he was naive before, and he still had the idea of ​​believing them.

"However, this Tyrone is the most successful and the most unsuccessful. The success is that he is very strong, he is the most powerful fighter in the world, there is no one; the failure is that he does not listen to my orders or anyone else. Order, keeping him is a curse!"

"Yes, he is very powerful, hehe, but what does their Huaxia people say? Two fists are hard to beat four hands, not to mention I have hundreds of people and advanced equipment. He can't run today."

Dr. Loves Frank still didn’t speak. He was a little confused now. He believed in Zhang Feng’s strength, but Jason had too many people. Even the dozens of super fighters, even the defeated ones, had a very strong combat effectiveness. , Jason was right, two fists are hard to beat four hands, and there are many intelligence combat personnel, they are also first-class fighters.

With just a few hundred people, it is worth a regiment and a half.

Coupled with their advanced weapons and equipment, just the bulletproof equipment worn on the body can not be penetrated by conventional bullets.

There is now a person across from them.

Can he beat it?

If not, will you spend the rest of your life in District 52? To become their puppet?

Do you do things that are against the law of nature for them?

Choose death? What about Hart?


Questions were in Dr. Loves Frank's heart, he was confused.

He can solve those worldwide problems, but he can't solve this.

At this moment, he saw Tyrone ripping off the black cloth behind the car behind him. What was on it, a pipe?

In the next moment he knew what it was. It was a gun, a machine gun, sprayed with fire snakes, and shattered everything where the bullet passed...

This is a farm, the terrain is flat, there are no trenches or concrete walls or stones at all, just some vegetation.

These plants were useless in front of the bullets, falling in pieces.

Da Da... bang bang...

The bullet is like a furious fire dragon, unleashing its anger and destroying everything. Those who are hiding in the grass are interrupted by their waists, and there is no scream. Some people can shoot some bullets indiscriminately with the last breath. .

And the super soldiers rushing in front of them are the worst. They wear a lot of equipment, and those bulletproof equipment are very powerful.

But the gun in Zhang Feng's hand is not a conventional bullet. The bullet is very big, has a long range, and has great lethality. It can penetrate a 20 cm reinforced concrete wall.

And their equipment, no matter how good, could not stop this bullet, they were knocked out one by one.

The bullets poured out at a rate of 4,000 rounds per minute, and Jason, who was on the sun a few hundred meters away, was stunned.

How could this be? How can you do this?

Where did he get such a heavy weapon?

Doesn't he like close combat? What about his stunt, steel nails? What about playing cards? What about darts?

"Back, back..."

Jason yelled loudly, but the voice of the Gatling gun was covered, and only Dr. Loves Frank, who was nearby, heard his voice.

But soon Jason realized that he still had weapons.

He stopped calling the victim, but took it himself.

Soon he came carrying the RPG, it was a stinger.

Aiming at the car where Zhang Feng was located, it was launched, but it was unexpected that the people over there would also fly a missile and intercept him.


It exploded in mid-air.

"Quickly, get it!" Jason shouted to the men behind.

They moved, and went down to bring up their weapons.

But the missiles launched were not intercepted.

It was Li Hongan who came.

"Go back and protect Hart!" Zhang Feng stopped and shouted.

Immediately afterwards, it continued to shoot again, and this Gatling gun is a water-cooled device. As long as there is water, it doesn't matter how long it takes.

Li Hongan has retreated, so let's listen to the boss, he has a solution.

In fact, Zhang Feng didn't always hit him, he just hit him when he saw a target. He was alone now, unable to drive, just like a fixed shooting point.

Where's the sniper?

The sniper’s bullet came long ago, but none of them hit Zhang Feng. There were two thick steel plates in front of the Gatling machine gun, and Zhang Feng was constantly turning, his head pressed very low, the Gatling machine gun It is mounted on a rotating shelf.

But it is also very dangerous, because maybe there is a bullet towards Zhang Feng's head?

Now he can't take care of that much, get rid of these people.

The missile from the other side of the house continued to fly over, and Zhang Feng exploded one with a machine gun.

It exploded just over 20 meters away, showing how powerful Zhang Feng's marksmanship is. It is difficult for this machine gun to be accurate.

Missiles continued to come from behind, but they were all intercepted by Zhang Feng, which made Jason jump into a rage.

Why hasn't his bullet been finished yet? My own people are almost dead, what about those super fighters? Is there still alive?

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