Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1764: Beautiful female island owner, plans are brewing

But there is only one physical need. When a person has nothing to do, has money and no worries, his needs in this area will be greater. This is the truth of the so-called food and clothing.

But she can find another man, knowing she likes it.

What she has to do here is to pick up the things in the sea and send them to the city under the cover of the fish.

It's that simple!

At the beginning, she didn't know what it was, but later she understood. She didn't care how much disaster these things would bring to the city. She couldn't manage that much.

When she was destitute and betrayed herself before, who would take care of her?

And these can bring her a lot of money and make her more present here. She doesn't have any lofty ideals or the idea of ​​saving the earth. She just wants to make her life better.

Is this wrong?

Even if you don't go fishing, someone will go, why bother!

She can't change much, live the present and cherish the present.

What kind of tomorrow will be like, she can't control so much, she doesn't care, even if tomorrow is dead, it is worth it, because she got all she wanted.

On this island, she is the queen.

A voice came from the earring on the other ear: "I think Boss Mina will like Karl. Only Karl can satisfy her. What do you think?"

"That's not necessarily true. Karl may be a wax-headed silver gun. It doesn't work!"

"Who said that, if you don't believe me, try your chrysanthemum?"

This is so domineering, they are silent.

Mina's face blushed again. She knew who Carl was, the biggest guy. This guy blushed and could not move.

"Boss, boss, the food is ready!"

The staff shouted over there.

Mina hurried over and personally delivered the large plate of grilled lobster to their dining place, and there were a few employees behind with the food.

The place to dine was in the pavilion by the sea, where they had been sitting and waiting.

"Gentlemen, please eat!" Mina smiled and put the plate down.

Li Jian said: "Boss Mina, it's really hard for you. You can't do this kind of rough work. Just let the people below do it."

"Sir, why can't I do it?"

Li Jian came up and stretched out his hand and said, "Miss Mina, please stretch out your hand!"

Mina stretched out generously to hold Li Jian. Li Jian immediately kissed the back of her hand, which made her a little angry. She is not a casual person. When she was about to get angry, Li Jian smiled and said: "This is Western gentlemen’s etiquette to noble ladies, although I am not a gentleman, you are noble ladies!"

Just then Mina stopped being angry, and smiled: "Mr., you haven't told me why I can't do rough work?"

Li Jian hadn't let go of her hand, and said seriously: "If this hand becomes rough due to rough work, it is really sad. Anyway, I don't allow this to happen."

Mina's face was flushed, and she was very embarrassed. When she was personally backed just now, it touched her body like an electric current, spread all over her body, and then gathered under her abdomen. Mina couldn't help but clamp her feet.

What a sensitive woman!

This slight reaction of her was noticed by Li Jian, and she felt happy.

"Ho **** ho..." Mina opened the line with a smile: "Ho **** ho, if I don't do it, what do you eat, I am a hard-working person, I have to do everything myself!"

A pitiful look, won the man infinitely want to protect her, and infinitely conquer her.

Li Jian said to the employees behind: "Do you all understand English?"

They nodded.

Li Jian went on to say: "Listen well, and if you let Mina do rough work, I will throw you into the sea to feed the fish!"

"Yes, sir!" everyone responded.

"Ho **** ho..." Mina smiled happily.

She is very happy, this person is very interesting.

"Miss Mina, can you do me a favor?" Li Jian said.

"Of course, you are my guest!" Mina smiled.

Li Jian pointed to Karl and said, "Mina, look, this is my good friend, big, isn't it? Actually, he just...has never touched a woman. This time, we will help him! "

Speaking of which, Mina's heartbeat speeds up, is it so direct?

Li Jian went on to say: "Go to another place to find a beautiful girl to give him, let him mature, my task is completed, of course, money is not a problem!"

Seeing him say that Mina was disappointed for a while, and my heart suddenly fell.

"Sir, don't worry, this matter is on my body. I don't know what type your friend likes!" Mina said.

Li Jian said, "As long as it's a woman!"

"Uh..." Mina said nothing.

Li Jian said to her: "Mina, please, please!"

Mina nodded.

Then Li Jian went back to eat, because he would be fine if he didn't eat.

These are hungry wolves.

When Li Jian was talking with Mina just now, they ate wildly inside, where they cared what Li Jian said, so Caldera didn't know.

For Mina, this is just a phone call, which she did before.

But she doesn't want to call, she can do it herself, she wants to make the money.

If you have money and can solve her problems, why not do it?

Those so-called shame, so-called moral kidnapping, go to hell.

When she came out of the village, there was no such thing as shame, only one survived!

nighttime then!

Mina thought.

"Hey, go and prepare more food, not enough!" the guest shouted over there.

The employees who were waiting there greeted them, Mina went up with a smile, holding a wine glass and said to them: "Sirs, welcome you, I respect you!"

Saying that, he drank it all.

"Okay, boss Mina, please sit down and let's drink together!"

At the men’s table, women still need to be accompanied.

They drink alcohol, drink happily, and smoke.

Before Zhang Feng arrived at Huangquan Team, the members of Huangquan Team were not allowed to drink or smoke.

But after Zhang Feng came, he began to drink and draw, and at any time, the combat effectiveness of Huangquan team not only did not decrease, but rose straight.

They don’t drink too much and they don’t drink for a long time, and so do smoking.

You don't drink alcohol during exercise, except for Zhang Feng himself.

At this moment, Mina went to Caldera. Mina raised her glass and said to Caldera: "Mr. Carl, I respect you!"

Caldera was a little confused, but still said: "Uh, oh, good!"

"Ho **** ho..." Mina smiled happily.

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