Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1775: Four King Kong, video conference

Owen stood on the top of the building and looked at the people below. From here, you could see everyone's movements.

He can tell at a glance which one is a mercenary and which one is an active soldier, because their postures when drinking and smoking are different.

He was worried whether any of these had been bought.

Otherwise, this action is still as passive as last time, every move has been known to others, what else did you fight?

hope so! Owen thought so.


"Haha, they are here again, Juan Siwu, they actually found you, this time they seem to be very good!"

"What a shit, didn't you see that, they went straight to the gate of my clubhouse and said they wanted to arrest me? There was no evidence, and they didn't have a certificate. As a result, they were arrested by the police. After being released, they were caught Beat it up, look, this is the video!"

"This time we will let them come back and forth!"

"However, the people below me said, Juan Siwu, you can't supply the goods? Is it okay, you can't afford such a big business, you can give it to the brothers!"

"It's that Lycra is missing, and I don't know what's going on. The goods will be made up today. You want to come, okay, do you have to ask Mr.

"Haha, we still can't. We all know Mr.'s temper. We chose it by ourselves. We can't blame anyone."

"On Ladi Island, do our people have news to come back?"

"At present, the special operations team is still on the island and has not left. It seems to be waiting for someone!"

"There are more than one hundred of them. I wonder if we are going to wipe them out this time, and see if they dare to come!"

"No, just teach them a lesson. If they annoy them, they will send troops directly to deal with us. This is what the sir meant!"

"That's true, stop here!"

"Don't let them come endlessly?"

"Come on, if they can afford to consume energy, we can afford to consume energy. We will do business as well, depending on who can consume it!"

"Yes, now we are waiting for our insiders to come!"

"How many people have you prepared?"

"I have two hundred people!"

"I have one hundred and seventy people!"

"I have two hundred and fifty people!"

"I only have a hundred people!"

The four people reported their strength. These are their private army, which is very much like a regular army, because they wear the same uniforms, hold the same weapons, and have organizational systems, such as a squad, a battalion, and a platoon. and many more.

"Make your pockets ready and wait for them to get in! It's best to catch a few live ones!"

"That's right, so you can shock them!"

"Then I think we have this video conference, I have to go to dinner with my lover!"

"Okay, it's over!"

"Wait, the boss is calling!"

Juan Siwu took out his cell phone, answered the call, and pressed the speakerphone.

"Hello, sir, I wish you good luck!" Juan Siwu said respectfully.

"You keep a low profile during this time!"

A friendly man's voice came from the phone.

"Yes, sir!"

"Also, this time the Interpol is here, you must not underestimate the enemy. Don't let them break us one by one, but you must not annoy them! Especially the Chinese people."

"Yes, sir!"

After hanging up the phone over there, Juan Siwu said: "Everyone has heard, we still have to be careful this time, otherwise the boss will not let us go!"

"The boss also said, especially the Huaxia people, Karobuki, I think your actions in Huaxia should be temporarily restrained!" Juan Siwu said to a fat man with many pimples on his face. .

Karobuch, the franchise population, such as high-paid foreign workers, who go to Africa or Australia, who have tens of thousands a day.

China is a big market for him. Because of the large number of people, they go to the countryside to recruit and so on. They are not afraid of hard work for money, and they dare to go if they don't understand anything.

There is an in-depth cooperation with Mirahai, and Mirahai is engaged in organs.

More than two months ago, many of their strongholds in Huaxia were beaten down because someone betrayed them, that is, Li Youmin, which caused them heavy losses. A month ago, they went back again. This time they were used by Mirahai. People are confidantes.

"So, Mirahai and I have to pause for a while?" Karobucci asked.

Juan Siwu said: "This is what the boss meant! I think it makes sense."

"Stop? How much did we lose? Our products are not like yours. They are sold all over the world. I think you are the richest among us. Why did your husband call you instead of calling me or Wei Naqi? I just called you!"

Karobuch felt very unbalanced.

Yes, it is very unbalanced. They are all generals under the boss, so why should he be the poorest?

Maybe he forgets that these are his own choices.

"If you think so, I can't help it, otherwise I will leave the business to you!" Juan Siwu said coldly, "What were you doing when I went to pick up the goods in person? On the belly of a woman? When I personally went to compete with other competitors, what were you doing? On the belly of a woman, I think the boss has been very tolerant of you!"

This is revealing the short, and Karobucci is furious: "Juan Siwu, don't let it go, you will be destroyed one day!"

"Yes, none of us can escape. We will be destroyed one day and go to hell, but I am worthy of the boss, he made me what I am today!" Juan Siwu was very calm.

"Well, you guys, is it fun to earn like this? Sir, let us keep a low profile, then a low profile, but just keep a low profile during this period of time, and it will be better to develop vigorously in the future!"

Mihella came over to be the old man, Juan Suu and Karobucci have been at odds, and they couldn't get together.


"Really boring!"

The two didn't let anyone else, and broke up unhappy.

The video conference is over.

In a certain house, Mirahai received a call from the boss, and he respectfully said: "Sir, we just finished the meeting!"

"Juan Suu and Karobuki have no big problems, just let them solve it by themselves!"

"Yes, yes, sir!!" Mihaila suddenly became nervous.

This boss is too powerful and terrifying. Only two minutes before the end of the video conference, he called. In other words, he knew what happened during the conference.

The boss's meaning is obvious, let them be hostile to each other, and the boss maintains a balance on it.

But is that really a balance?

Mihella doubted, and didn't dare to say anything.

The key is that the boss has monitored each of them and he knows every move.

The most terrifying thing is this kind of boss.

Maybe I don't know what day I will die.

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