Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1791: Captured again, criminal evidence

Since Owen was arrested in Uz Harbor, Zhang Feng did not count on him this time.

"It's okay. We'll flow in in a while. Where do you think the entrance is?" Hell asked.

"It's hard to say, there must be an import and export!" Zhang Feng said.

"Then take a look."

They looked inside from the gap in the air outlet.

At this moment, Owen and several people are still looking inside, not letting go of every position.

"Captain Owen!"

Someone found something at this moment. A gap in the door was found under one of the cars in the garage.

Owen looked over and said in a deep voice, "Move the car away!"

Several people moved the car away together, but the car didn't move at all. This car is not very heavy, and the five big brothers can't move a bit.

"Captain Owen, the wheels are welded to the ground and can't move!" the subordinate said again.

I found this now, and that must be the case. Irving was very excited, and it didn't take much effort.

"Find the agency!" Irving said.

Several people were shining around the car, the rearview mirror, the handlebar door lights, etc.


Suddenly, there was a crisp sound, and the car body moved and moved away automatically, leaving a hole in the ground.

The flashlights of several people shone at the same time, and there was a ladder going down.

"Go down!" Owen said in a deep voice.

Several people became excited, held the guns in their hands tightly, opened the insurance, and were ready to shoot at any time.

But at this moment, the rolling door at the entrance of the garage came down very quickly, and it came down with a bang, sealing up the garage.

"Not good!" Owen became alert.

Then all the lights in the garage turned on, and two doors suddenly appeared on the two walls inside. Many people with guns came out, and all of them surrounded Owen.

Yes, it is surrounded again.

The smell of gunpowder permeated for a while.


It was applause, a person came over, and they let aside, he walked in, Owen looked at this person in surprise, he knew him!

"It's you!" Owen said solemnly, he never thought it would be this person.

That's right, this person is the Rajita who enthusiastically took them to see and eat on the island today, and at this moment Rajita has a fierce look.

This is his true color.

"Captain Owen, you shouldn't have come here. Sleeping in your hotel well, isn't it great to enjoy this vacation time? It just happens that it's uncomfortable to come here and everyone can't sleep! Why bother?"

Laqita said calmly that he didn't expect to catch Owen so easily, but only five people came, and there were more than one hundred of them in the hotel.

It is not easy to control them, and it will affect other tourists, and it will be difficult to end the scene when it is too busy, which will not be good for future business.

The impression of Shuangfeng Island to outsiders is a holiday resort, a fruit kingdom.

If they knew that there were evil forces here, then this umbrella would be useless. Laqita didn't want to see this situation, neither his boss Juan Siwu nor the boss at the top.

"Rachita, what is going down here? Is it evidence of your criminal?" Owen pretended to be calm.

"That's right, there are a lot of flowers planted below, and now it has been fruited, do you want to go and see?" Laqita smiled arrogantly.

"Take me to see, and then you surrender! But be lenient!" Owen said.

"Haha..." Laqita exclaimed. He didn't expect this captain to be so cute: "Okay, I'll take you to have a look, let you see!"

With a wave of Lachita, ten people went up to grab Owen. Owen raised his gun and said angrily: "Who dares to come up?"

They stopped, after all, they haven't reached the point of death and death.

After all, they still have more than a hundred people out there. They are all regular troops, and if they fight, they won't get anything cheap.

"Captain Owen, you should know a little bit. My life is worthless, it's a cheap life, and you are very precious, and your people are very precious. Look at them, I give them a thousand dollars, and they can be with you Desperately, I have hundreds of subordinates like this, you have to think about it!" Laqita said.

The people behind Owen are afraid, who is not afraid of death?

"Captain, or..." The subordinates hesitated to speak, and gave him the responsibility and the black pot.

Owen was also hesitating.

"Captain Owen, how? If you say you want to fight, then I will accompany you!" Laqita looked indifferent.

He had seen that Owen had hesitated and they couldn't stand it anymore.

Owen closed his eyes and threw the gun in his hand to the ground.

A dozen people rushed to grab them and tied them with ropes.

Yes, I'm a prisoner again!

"Don't you want to take me to see it?" Owen asked coldly.

Laqita smiled and said: "No problem, I will take you to see and see..."

Speaking, Rajita stepped down the ladder, and the men behind escorted them down.

After walking through a few heavy iron gates and finally inside, Owen opened his eyes wide and was shocked.

This is a large factory, all planted with beautiful flowers, plants with small fruits, and sinful plants.

"You, you..." Irving was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Lachita sneered: "Captain Owen, don't be nervous. We have five workshops like this, as well as a research and development workshop. We can do all the popular goods directly, how about?"

Owen shivered and was speechless.

"Go, let's go and see!"


After watching for more than half an hour, Owen was numb and he was not angry anymore.

"Captain Owen, do you know how much wealth can be created here? Hehe, you are also a high-level talent, and you will know that I support a thousand people here and more than a thousand families have income. This is an increase in employment opportunities."

Lachita said.

"Then you know how many families will fall into the abyss when you do this? How many people become demons?" Owen said solemnly.

"What does this have to do with me?"

Rajita's words left Owen speechless.

Lachita continued: "Captain Owen, everything here has nothing to do with you, why are you here? You already know the secret here, you can’t go out anymore, or you lie down, no, you won’t lie down. We are out now. You throw hundreds of us into the sea to feed the fish. I can also throw you into the sea to feed the fish. Is this a balance?"

"you dare?"

"Hehe, what can I not dare to be a person like me? Captain Owen, this is all you forced me!" Laqita said.

"If I die, more people will come, or the army!" Irving said.

"Really? The police of the world will take care of this, so come on, will I be afraid of you? Which one of the things you did in the Middle East, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia ended well? Do you still care about us? What do we have here? Is there any oil? No, we don’t have a drop of oil here!"

Rajita almost roared.

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