Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1795: Fight the underground factory and rescue Irving

The kid said, "Maybe he was locked in a darkroom!"

"Darkroom? Where is it?"

"It is for people who are not obedient or have broken the rules, just a few rooms at the end of the north!"

"Knock him out!" Hades said.

Zhang Feng knocked on the back of his head and neck, and the kid fell softly.

They touched north and got there soon.

The place is dark and not clean, and the air is full of rancid smells.

A few people there watched, and Zhang Feng threw a few steel nails to solve them, and there was no sound.

Several iron room doors were locked from the outside, Zhang Feng removed the lock with his hand and opened the door to enter.

There were dim lights inside, and a few people shrank in the corner. Zhang Feng looked up and found that it was Owen's men.

I saw used injection needles on the table and smelly food.

So Zhang Feng understood.

The jackal went to help them up: "Come on, I'll take you out! Where's Captain Owen?"

One of the blurred eyes could vaguely see who the person came, and he started crying: "Huhu, you are here, great!"

"Where is Captain Owen?"

"In the innermost room!" the man said.

When they came to that room, they saw a person curled up in the corner, with an injection needle on the table.

"Captain Owen!" Hades said as he went up.

This person didn't move, as if he didn't hear it.

Hades moved him with his feet, and he finally moved, raising his head to look at people.

"Are you here?" Owen said weakly, shaking all over.

"I will take you away!"

As soon as the king said, he went up to help him up, but he pushed the hand of the king away and said, "I won't go, I won't go, you shoot me."

Hades knew that Owen was addicted to drugs, and he was still sober.

He became what he hated the most and just wanted to die.

Zhang Feng and Jackal went up and pulled him up and walked next to him.

"Come on, I'll be the queen!" Zhang Feng handed Owen to Yan Wang.

Because Zhang Feng has heard a lot of people coming outside.

"Okay!" He didn't hesitate, he helped Owen and walked away, followed by his men, whose symptoms of malaise were a little lighter than Owen.

I think it's already leaked, because there is no need to go down the sewer, but the one with the garage.

Zhang Feng attracted most of the enemies, but in fact there were not many people, more than a dozen people, and there will be many people coming later.

Da da……

The footsteps were getting closer, and Hades had already gone from another direction.

"Here, we are here, go up, kill them!" the people on the side of the corridor shouted, and they headed towards the king of Hades.

Zhang Feng attacked from their side and knocked down three people at once.

Successfully attracted them.


Then they all came to chase Zhang Feng.


They shot, Zhang Feng's vigorous figure dodges the bullet, and at the same time the steel nails flew out of his hand, and the four people in front fell.

But as the gunfire sounded, more people came from behind.

Moreover, the weapons they took were all light and heavy. They shot slightly, and when several people shot together, Zhang Feng couldn't escape, and he retreated.

They chased to the ground.

Zhang Feng saw Laqita in the dark, and a steel bar flew over. He reacted very quickly and hit his shoulder.

He quickly retreated to the back, in a room, and his men helped him see the injury.

"Boss, this is a steel nail!" the man said.

"What? Steel nails? Isn't it a bullet?" Rajita was surprised.

"It was steel nails, used to build houses and nail wood boards. All we sacrificed were killed by steel nails." The subordinate said: "And he released it with bare hands, like his hidden weapon."

"Let all the people come, we must kill them, or we will all die!" Rajita said.

"Yes!" the subordinate said: "Boss, the steel nail in your body cannot be taken out now!"

"I know, you go!"


After his subordinates went out, Rajita called his boss.

"Boss, they did it!" Laqita was nervous, probably because of the injury: "They found the underground factory."

"We must kill them!" Juan Siwu said in a deep voice.

This was what he had expected, but he didn't expect it to be so fast. Now he can only protect himself by killing them all.

"Yes, boss!"

"You are hurt?"

"A little injury!"

"If it doesn't work, you will run away, you come to me!" Juan Siwu said.

"Yes, thank you boss, I will not let them succeed, this is our industry!"



Juan Siwu over there hung up, he had an ominous hunch, this hunch came from Uzi Harbor, Wenatchi was defeated too quickly, it is unclear.

The action of Interpol seems to be more violent than last time.

Their captain, Owen, is no longer good. Who can have such a strong combat power and organizational ability?

Is it the private mercenary? In the battle in Uz Harbor, it was these manpower cables that threw nearly three hundred people from Wenatchee into the sea to feed the fish. The method was not cruel.

Aren't they the people who are in the logistics, taking care of Interpol's food? Even Owen couldn't look down on it, how could it be so powerful.

Now Irving has been rescued by them.

Thinking of these Juan Siwu had a headache. He thought of telling the news to her husband, but it was already midnight, and the husband should already be asleep.

After thinking about it, don't tell, let's fight.

All of these Interpol should be driven away.

"Come on!"

A subordinate came in, and Juan Siwu said: "Let our people support Shuangfeng Island and bring any weapons!"


The subordinates went out, and Juan Siwu still had more than a hundred people who could fight, and sent them all, and it was impossible for Juan Siwu to go to Shuangfeng Island himself, he had to arrange a retreat for himself.

The first is the property collected over the years. In fact, these properties have already been transferred to a safe place, with multiple accounts abroad.

He is waiting for news from Shuangfeng Island. If there is an accident, he will leave immediately and disappear.

Anyway, the money he made is enough to spend in this life.


The husband in Huaxia Shuiquan City, the boss of Tuan Group, did not sleep. His real name was Zhu Shanmao and his external name was Tuan.

In fact, more people call him Mr. Tuan. This is just a good relationship. People who are equal to him can be called or respected people.

He has already received news from Shuangfeng Island and felt the attitude of Interpol. He is also waiting for news. If Shuangfeng Island is finished, he will take measures.

Abandon the car to be handsome.

"Come on!"

A man who was nearly 70 years old came in and said respectfully: "Shan Mao, you haven't slept yet!"

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