Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1797: Give a chance to die

This person is not on the island. It is not easy to catch him. The key person is Rajita.

Zhang Feng looked at La Qita, who was squatting in the corner, and walked up to take out a cigarette to him and said, "La Qita, come and smoke one! Don't worry."

Laqita raised his eyes to Zhang Feng. He figured it out and understood that the entire operation of Interpol was controlled by this person, and the number one was also listening to him.

"Give you a chance, I can let you go!" Zhang Feng continued.

Laqita took his eyes and put it on his mouth, Zhang Feng took out the lighter and lit him.

After smoking several cigarettes, Rajita said, "Really let me go?"

"Of course, I will let you go, it's up to you whether you can escape!" Zhang Feng said.

These words are equivalent to not saying, but they are very sincere.

Zhang Feng said again: "I can tell you that I didn't go all the way with the Owen gang!"

"I can tell!" Laqita said, "Let me think about it!"

Zhang Feng stood up and said, "Alright, five minutes!"

Like to do business with smart people, just a few words, don't use so much brain, let alone suffer from flesh and blood.

Zhang Feng waited there patiently. After smoking a cigarette, he said: "I can call out!"

"No, you can't make the call, just tell me where he is!" Zhang Feng said.

Rajita said: "In Gaya City, Orchid Club!"

"You can go!" Zhang Feng said, turning around and leaving.

Laqita can't believe it, can we go now?

He stood up and stepped out, but the ten Interpol guarding him did not move or stop him.

Now he can go out bravely.

When he got out of the tourist hall, he ran to the small road, and then to the beach. There was a speedboat there. He got on the speedboat and started the speedboat.

But within two hundred meters, the speedboat lost control and the back of his head was exploded by a bullet.

The speedboat overturned and quickly sank to the bottom of the sea.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Feng said quietly, "It seems that your brain is not bright. You will run away right now. Where can you escape? There is no way!"


After dealing with Rajita, Zhang Feng went to see Owen.

Owen was placed in a room and looked very wilted. Zhang Feng said after entering, "You can shoot me, I can't do it!"

Zhang Feng knows what he means. He is addicted to drugs, and he is very addicted. The amount given to him by Laqita is too large, and his body can hardly stand it.

This is Owen's shame, if he goes back like this, he will be finished, it is better to die.

Now he knew that the battle on Shuangfeng Island was led by the Qilin team. He felt relieved and guilty. He underestimated them before. Without them, let alone whether the mission could be completed, he would not even be able to save his life.

"Captain Owen, only the cowardly people will choose to die, and your shame will be nailed to your tombstone forever. Do you want this?" Zhang Feng said in a deep voice.

Speaking of which, Zhang Feng doesn't hate this person. His mind is too straightforward to be flexible. Such a person is too principled and is not suitable for this kind of work, but is suitable for being an upright official.

So Zhang Feng didn't want to watch him die.

Irving didn't speak any more, swept in the corner, shaking.

Several other people are in another room, their situation is not optimistic, they are already addicted to drugs.

Two hours later, Zhang Feng went to see Owen again. He was hitting something in the room and his head was battered.

"Captain Owen, do you want this?" Zhang Feng held a needle in his hand, which was found from an underground factory, and if there was any, it was used as evidence and then destroyed.

When Owen saw this, he immediately rushed over and snatched it, but when he was about to inject, he looked back at Zhang Feng and the needle fell to the ground. He raised his foot and stepped on it, shouting frantically: "Ah... what……"

He grabbed his head and hit the wall with his head.

"Tie him up!" Zhang Feng said.

The two people standing outside the door should go up and Owen tied up, he was struggling.

"Put him in the freezer and calm down!"

Zhang Feng dropped a word and left.

Now he can command these people, and use actions to control these people subdued.

They are respectful to everyone in the Qilin team, which is the respect that should be shown to the strong.


"how about it?"

Zhang Feng and several people were sitting together eating supper.

"They are still searching below, and most of them have been burned. Some finished products were packed in boxes and were not burned!"

"These are all burned, not one left!" Yan Wang said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Zhang Feng responded.

Chai Chong stood up and said, "I will do it now!"


Interpol members are cleaning the battlefield and arresting the hidden bandits. Let them all come together and wait for interrogation.

Tomorrow, the Malaysian police will be notified to take over. As for where these people are going, the Qilin team will ignore them.

"It seems we still have to go to Gaya City, Juan Siwu is still there!" Zhang Feng said: "He is very arrogant and didn't run away!"

"Then go to Gaya City again!"


Everyone on the island failed to sleep that night, and Zhang Feng couldn’t sleep either.

In the morning, gather all the tourists into the reception hall and tell them what happened last night.

There are more than one hundred tourists, both men and women, and they are very scared. Although they have been told that this is the action of Interpol to wipe out the gangsters on the island, Harkins also showed them their documents, they are still very scared. .

Standing on the high table, Huggins shouted to them: "Don’t be nervous, you won’t be in any danger. We have arrested all the gangsters last night, and now I ask you one thing. There is no signal on the island from yesterday to now. Many people took pictures of yesterday’s scenes with their mobile phones. These videos cannot be streamed outside. Please delete all the videos taken!"

"We will take extraordinary measures, please cooperate! We will check your mobile phones one by one and sign a confidentiality agreement, which is legally efficient!"

"Give you ten minutes to delete the phone and your camera videos. Of course, it's just about the content from last night, you can keep the other content!"

"let's start!"

After Huggins finished speaking, looking at the people below, some of them moved, but some people did not move and stood up and opposed: "You have no right to ask us to delete the video. This is our private thing!"

"is it?"

Huggins had already expected that someone would refuse to do it. He said, "Everyone, please come out with me!"

Everyone came out with him. There were a lot of corpses lying on the spacious grass. There was a lot of blood on the corpses, not covered with white cloth.

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