Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1799: Battle plan, three way

None of the people below spoke, Owen glanced down, his gaze fell on his deputy Huggins, and said, "Huggins, what do you think?"

Huggins said: "I think Mr. One is more practical!"

Someone took the lead, and one by one raised their hands in support of Hades.

Owen's face was a little bleak. Huggins was the person he trusted the most. He was brought out of the army, and he didn't agree with him anymore.

There is no way, this is reality, and Irving is more acceptable.

So he said: "In this case, we will follow Mr. One's method and let him be the captain!"

The people below did not speak, and Owen continued: "Mr. One, please come up, now you are the captain, I will follow your arrangement!"

Yan Wang stood up and said, "Thank you for your trust. I shouldn't be the captain. Captain Owen will come. In terms of combat, I just need to give advice. The key is that Captain Owen decides!"

"Mr. One, you..." Owen was moved inexplicably.

The captain is still very important to him. It is his political capital, so he is very concerned.

"Captain Owen, I think we should act immediately and send someone to dive into the island!" Hell said.

Owen said, "Okay, just follow Mr. One, Huggins, you arrange this!"

"Yes, Captain!" Huggins took the order.

Owen said to everyone: "Everyone, go and prepare, we will act as soon as our news comes back!"

"Yes!" everyone stood up and responded.

The military literacy of this group is still acceptable.


The cruise ship has arranged for tourists to leave, and no tourists stay here.

The search for the underground factory will continue. Beware of missing any parts. After such a search, a lot of finished products were collected, and they were piled up and destroyed.

Two-fifths of the bottom of the island has been hollowed out. This is a hidden danger. At that time, sea water will seep in and cause collapse.

The aftermath is beyond the control of Interpol, and they have to carry out the next task.

In the afternoon, the Malaysian police arrived late. More than 20 people came, and they were about to take away the living gangsters and the dead. Irving didn't say anything.

They patrolled Shuangfeng Island and left seven or eight guards and went back, saying that they would temporarily close the island.

At midnight, there was news from Hudgens that there was no one on the two islands.

no one! ?

This made Owen couldn't believe it, how could there be no one? Shouldn't they have hundreds of people there?

Yan Wang said: "They ran away!"

It's hard to do it after running.

Owen suddenly had no way to look at Yan Wang and said, "Mr. One, do you have any idea?"

Originally, Owen wanted to rely on the Malaysian police to help a little bit, but he didn't expect them to come and leave immediately. They just said some very official words of thanks, which made people feel sick.

Irving couldn't help it. This operation was almost unilaterally made by them, and Marcia did not ask them to come. What can they say?

"Look, find them out!" Yan Wang said.

Hearing this, Owen didn't know how to pick up the conversation, and no one knew how to find it, but where to find it in the vast ocean? This is their territory, can you find them?

Seeing him not speaking, Yan Wang said, "Captain Owen, what is our purpose here?"

"Eliminate these criminals!" Irving said without thinking, very determined.

Hades said, "What then?"

Owen said: "Then we will go back, each of you back to your own country, you go back to your company, your mission is completed!"

"and then?"

Owen said: "There is no more, if you say yes, then it's a celebration!"

"Celebrate that we have cleaned up these gangsters?" Yan Wang sneered slightly.

"Yes, shouldn't it be celebrated?" Irving looked at him curiously.

He was thinking, why the thinking of this Chinese person is so strange, how can there be so much.

Hades said: "Owen, let me tell you!"

"Please say!"

Yan Wang said: "This Tuan Group is not simple. They have a lot of relationships with those public officials in the surrounding four countries. This time they were wiped out by us. After we left, they made a comeback!"

Owen was silent. He didn't think so far-reaching. He just thought that this mission would be finished, and he was also promoted. The things here have nothing to do with him.

But it still can't be so bureaucratic in front of this Chinese.

"Then what should we do? Get those public officials also? This is too difficult, I don't have this right!" Owen said.

Yan Wang thought for a while and said, "Destroy this Tuan Group, catch this boss, and make it public, so that people all over the world will condemn him, and he will not escape."

"This method is good, but we don't even know where the Tuan Group is. This is a bearer company, or they are not a company at all, but a group or organization!" Owen said.

He nodded and said, "Yes, it is a group, and the Tuan Group is the title given to them by the world! This is an invisible kingdom, Owen, do you understand?"

"I understand, but how can we find him! I mean the boss of this group!"

"You can find him if you find his men. Juan Siwu, one of the Four King Kong, is the person he trusts most. As long as you find him, you will know where the boss is."

"I've heard of this man, and I can hardly find him!" Irving said, shaking his head.

Hades said: "He is in Gaya City!"

"Then let's go find him!" Irving could hardly believe it. The unicorn team knew the whereabouts of Juan Siwu, it was incredible: "Why are you so sure?"

"He is there, so I want to send someone to catch him!" Hem Wang said.

"Okay, just do it!"

Owen is very happy. As long as he can do it, it is a good thing. It is best to catch their boss, so that it is complete.

"Captain Owen, that's it, we will act in three ways!" Yan Wang said.

"Yes, Sanlu, we will eliminate them in one fell swoop!"

Irving got excited. This seemed to be a very easy thing. Irving also knew that it became so easy because of the Kirin team, otherwise he didn't know what to do, or if the Kirin team didn't join, let alone eliminate the gangsters. , It's good to be alive.

Next, the king of Yan arranged for someone. He and Zhang Feng went to Gaya City. The remaining eight members of the Qilin team were divided into two teams and joined the two island combat teams, so as to ensure the smooth operation of the battle.

The intelligence said that there are no people on the two islands, but they always have to go up and see. Maybe they hid them and hid them in the ground.

Zhang Feng and Yan Wang went to Gaya City again. This is the second time they have come. The first time they came to show their weakness, this time they came to death.

The life of Sojuan Siwu!

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